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Author Topic: Erotic Roleplay  (Read 29908 times)

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #90 on: 15 Nov 2014, 08:13 »

I've already seen people do shit like that in EVE. I'm sure some people here remember someone (who will remain un-named) posting "logs" into a channel of their RP partner (who will also remain un-named) engaging in ERP with a pet slaver hound. (No confirmation was ever made of whether the logs were real, but I don't think anyone who saw it really cared to think on it enough to find out.)

There is also the whole EULA thing, which, when GMs will happily warn you for dropping an f-bomb or two into a player-owned channel, you can bet your ass they'll do more than that for ERP logs that make their way to them.
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2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #91 on: 15 Nov 2014, 10:29 »

S. Did get that PIE member booted for unconsentual attempts at sexy times. A rare instance of IC and ooc preferences aligning.

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #92 on: 15 Nov 2014, 10:48 »

Exactly, as long as everyone involved is  a consenting adult and no one gets hurt...what does it matter?


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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #93 on: 15 Nov 2014, 16:35 »

Ah, this old hat...

Nowhere else do we flirt (pun intended) on both sides of the Rp dichotomy (IC/OOC) than with ERP.

Of course the usage of ERP is always upto to both parties, the standard rules for RP (it takes two to tango) apply just like everywhere else. Being ERP'd at, is almost always hilariously embarrassing for the person engaging in it and completely pointless everytime.

ERP however (at least to me) is an avenue that helps to develop a fully fleshed out character. Like it's been said here 100 times already ERP is a tool for expressing our characters Sexuality. Barring those who are role playing Asexual's (and even then there's an argument for Sexuality) ERP represents an effective way to fully encapsulate and aspect of our characters that many of us feel makes up (at least some) of the portrait we've created. One should note however ERP is not the Only way to do this. Plenty of people use Npc spouses or Fade-to-black, because of course in many instances and preferences Sexuality and sex itself is just like brushing ones teeth (I. E. There is no deeper meaning, it's just to relieve stress with a mutually willing partner, etc, etc.)

All that being said, there are some things that should be taken seriously in regards to the use of ERP. Like other aspects of role-playing I have always viewed there to be two distinct and unavoidable sides. There is one side. "Role play for the love of the medium" which I consider a healthy love for our hobbie, it's our interest in the first place and "should be" what drives us to seek others to role play and share  a world with.

There is however another other side to role play. One we all fall into one way or another. I call this side "Therapy Role play."  It is for the most part benign and an avenue for us to act out our fantasies, fears, and hash out little issues. However.... What we choose to bring up out of ourselves is a dangerous and risky thing.  Someone who logs in for "therapy role play" instead of for the love of the hobby has slipped into a dangerous realm of applying band-aid fixes for problems that need real attention. It's easy to spot it but hard to deal with.

TLDR: Everything in moderation.
« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2014, 16:39 by Vizage »


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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #94 on: 17 Nov 2014, 15:12 »

ERP with a pet slaver hound.

good heavens, when was this ?
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Liuni Kalthis

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #95 on: 17 Nov 2014, 17:05 »

Of course the first thread and the first topic that isn't stickied is this right after registering. Hi folks, and keep it private and make sure sex isn't the only personality trait a character has; nothing wrong with it.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #96 on: 17 Nov 2014, 17:40 »

ERP is ... complicated. It looks at first glance like something that can be simple, but....

My only such incident in Eve involved a "fade to black," but t'was not always so. Before coming to Eve, I was a regular in a series of semi-interconnected Neverwinter Nights persistent worlds. ERP was semi-routine. At that time, as a young adult and aspiring writer finally given license to explore that side of adulthood, I took part happily. At base, after all, it was just a multi-author approach to writing sex (or sexually-related) scenes, like in a novel. No problem, right?

Ah. Did I mention that our particular circle of characters was the Chaotic Evil faction? Drow, tieflings, and demons, oh my, with everybody playing everything more or less to the hilt. It started at kinky and cheerfully went wandering off into nightmarish. Since everybody was, at least apparently, clear in their understanding of the rules (consent between players), there were few obvious problems-- at first.


* Textual "intercourse" is slow, and eventually gets boring unless there's something there that goes beyond "just another sex scene". The usual solution is to get more ... creative ... but that has its own issues. See below.

Anyway, there are more fun things to do, like Polymorph Any Object-ing a metal-munching rust monster into a chest full of gold coins, casting Undetectable Aura on it to keep the magic hidden, and then offering it as a donation at the temple of the Dwarven god of wealth. The spell lasts just a bit longer than it takes the clergy to stow it safely in the treasury....

Having a game with a high dedicated GM-to-player ratio hath its advantages. I miss that aspect of NwN a lot.

* In-character interaction is not as serious as actual, real-life sex, but it's participatory in a way that merely writing erotica isn't. Neither my soon-to-be wife nor I was entirely comfy with the other's doings in this regard, and this was a major consideration in leaving the habit behind.

* It is wholly possible to get cyber-stalked in character. There are those whose OOC insecurities and fixations take "cybering" from conceptual adult exploration and/or bit of jolly-getting-through-fiction into distinctly unhealthy territory. This happened to me twice.

* "Anything goes" doesn't quite mean what it looks like, even if you think you're willing to take most anything that would realistically happen to your character in X situation and run with it. At the darker end (and remember we're talking about a demon cult), stuff easily happened that I didn't even know there was a word for. (There was, mostly; I just didn't know it at the time.) One guy was a complete hound until a line got crossed I'm not sure he even knew he had. I'll just say that it involved a malicious prank based on mind control and same-sex incest, and leave it at that. He was the only one I ever knew to leave permanently over a single incident.

Overall, I won't quite say that I regret doing ERP, but I'm content to take the lessons (and the knowledge of what kind of limits my imagination does not have) and go my way.

These days I prefer to give my characters some privacy.
« Last Edit: 17 Nov 2014, 18:43 by Aria Jenneth »

Elmund Egivand

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #97 on: 17 Nov 2014, 21:30 »

Honestly, the very notion of ERP makes me cringe. Partly because in Singapore it stands for 'Electronic Road Pricing' (basically an automated toll booth), and partly because the ERP I know of reads like an IKEA manual mixed in with wishy-washy-ness of the highest order.

I keep my characters from getting involved whenever I can.

Especially considering that I know next to nothing about intercourse beyond the textbook to be able to play that without making it read like an IKEA manual.

Also, I'm not playing a spaceship game just to have imaginary sex. I'm here to have imaginary spaceship battles and imaginary last frontier adventures. Also also, my character is practically married (to his spaceships).
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #98 on: 17 Nov 2014, 21:59 »

Especially considering that I know next to nothing about intercourse beyond the textbook to be able to play that without making it read like an IKEA manual.

Describing the rush of emotions, thoughts, sensations, nervousness, excitement, determination, and other reactions to sex turns out to be exceedingly difficult to do in text. Especially in EVE, where you're limited to barely three sentences per post. There's a lot going on during those [average] 30 minutes.

There's a lot of bodily functions going on. Hormones flood your brain, all five senses flare up like a Lite-Brite on steroids. Everything about him/her is hitting you full force, and your heart is pounding. The scent of their body, the way they look, the sounds they're making, the way they are touching you, the taste of the kiss.

The anxiety of what's about to happen, a nervous sense of anticipation, the determination to do everything just right (or just to get off), the knowledge that you're about to get it on like Donkey Kong. Your brain is running a mile a minute, all while you're still trying to get your fucking necktie/brassiere off.

Then comes the bumping and grinding, and a lot of it. Some pretty disgusting sounds happen there, and it's usually not all that pretty to look at down there either. Kinda weird actually. Why did I look at it? Oh god, am I losing wood/wet?! Quick, think about their [sexy stuff]!

Sex in real life is confusing as shit, stressful, chaotic, and not at all scripted or legible in any fashion. It just sort-of happens, and you take a tumble in the sheets for a while only to flop over panting and sweating. Unfortunately, chaotic confusing and stressful RP is not easy to do in EVE unless it's the IGS or Summit, and unless you rock out with your cock out while you trollin' dem scrublodytes in those venues... you probably don't get off on it either.

So most people ERP like an IKEA textbook. They focus on one coherent thoughtline for the roleplay, like... the way the genitals are rubbing, or something. It's simple, and "boring", and not at all like the real thing - because it isn't the real thing.

Sex is not ERP. ERP is not sex.

Don't go into one expecting the other.
« Last Edit: 17 Nov 2014, 22:01 by Katrina Oniseki »


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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #99 on: 18 Nov 2014, 03:11 »

It's like all roleplay, it's as "boring" as your imagination makes it.

Elmund Egivand

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #100 on: 18 Nov 2014, 04:25 »

It's like all roleplay, it's as "boring" as your imagination makes it.

I roleplay pissing you off, and you roleplay pissing me off. Then we undock for real and shoot each other merrily in some place or other, maybe chase each other around or across belts until one of us is relief of our ship. That's not exactly all that boring now, is it?
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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #101 on: 18 Nov 2014, 06:00 »

Did I say it was?

Saede Riordan

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #102 on: 18 Nov 2014, 08:57 »

I've done ERP, and it isn't all bad. It definitely can get very stale very easily though. Maybe its being an adult with unlimited access to porn, but it has just lost a lot of its appeal factor in the last few years. I would say most of the time, I'd just fade to black at this point, unless there was some roleplay related underlying reason to act it out. I assume my character is pretty damn promiscuous, I just don't feel the need to describe it in detail unless the detail is relevant for some other reason.
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Samira Kernher

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #103 on: 18 Nov 2014, 09:18 »


My internal rule is: Always do it the first time with a new partner if the other player is willing. This is an establishing moment for both characters. After that, usually FtB unless the encounter is likely to lead to character development.

Lithium Flower

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Re: Erotic Roleplay
« Reply #104 on: 18 Nov 2014, 09:39 »

For me, anything except godmodding/mind control (and other stuff that implies loss of control) is possible. It includes ERP, and ERP waaaay isn't worst that could happen with a character  :P (or, okay... good for someone hehe....)

So, for example, if someone would want to ERP with me, they could easily do it. However it doesn't guarantee that my character(s) would act in ERP manner, or how you would expect them to act :twisted: In short: try at your own (your character's) risk.

I had several attempts of several different peoples, who tried to ERP with me... ughm... OOC-ly. That I won't accept, even if I was making ERP-ish looking jokes. In fact, on such approach I prefer to ask them to try this in normal RP... after all, could be content.
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