I'd like for CCP to step out of their shell of 'enabling players through skill mechanics' in this area. By that, I mean if we get a 'Yang Jung Data Fragment' in an EVA mission (real hopeful thinking here), it is actually part of a large set of such data fragments, and they require some really low level (heuristic) decryption like a real puzzle.
Basically recover in game lore item, try to obtain copies (or annecdotal accounts) of others and build up a picture of part of their history, as dictated by CCP, over the course of a few months (easily modified by spawn rates for lore items). When the players decode that puzzle, stop spawning that series of items and insert a new puzzle.
I'd be much more excited about discovering lore, than reading it on the fiction portal. Hell, possession of a good number of data fragments would indicate a good investment (paying or scamming) or effort (working exploration COSMOS? some new site that makes farming ludicrously hard?) and may even mean 'Breaking News' that adds to YOUR arc, after all, you found and helped decrypt words from the ancients.
The beauty of this is that the lore itself need not impact the present, beyond the historical importance. After all, finding out the name of the mummified corpse in a Pyramid doesn't send shock waves around the world, BUT it is noteworthy and media enabled civilians pay attention to that kind of thing. Inserting UNIQUE (it must be unique or exceptionally rare imo) back story into exploration content opens up a brave new world for role players, and allows CCP to pace their 'peripherally related' prime fiction based on player interest. Those interested in uncovering ancient lore will look for it, and the sum of their efforts will determine how fast a lore-thread expires as all components are found and decrypted.
More power to us. I know CCP wants to tell it's story and agree that is the way it needs to be, but I want to be at the forefront of uncovering what was, collaborating with people who possess specialist OOG skills and interests to bind our community closer and have REAL scholarly/investigative content that engages me beyond writing up a hand waved paper or activating a code breaker module.