On another note, I tend to consider any background related to PF famous names (houses, or individuals) the same way a GM would consider it as "buying an advantage" for a character sheet. I usually expect the people using it to compensate for it and be subtle and clever about it.
tl;dr : as long as it's reasonably used with subtletly... I can accept almost everything.
Any advantage that was gained from that name, was thrown away in the same breath by declaring for the Guristas. Sin's mail in response was literally: "I'll be watching your progress with a curious eye." Which is how it should be. No free passes for Seraphia based on her name. For her, the last name of Tovil-Toba and five kredits will get her a cup of coffee at StarISKies.
The 'point' of RPing, for many people including me, is collaborative world-building, which requires a certain amount of awareness of the places where what you are building crosses over into other people's imaginative space.
Crossing into that space generally works much better if done with sensitivity and tact.
There's really not a way to communicate with the community as a whole. Backstage does not represent all RPers, just a not insignificant number of them.
What's the difference between someone that happens to have a famous last name and someone that says, "I served in the CalNav for 27 years and now that I'm in the capsule, I'm going to torch this place?" The latter, I think, has a lot more implications.
You know why this happened? Because I'm sicker than a dog and could not think up a good last name. I remembered my 5 greats uncle was Someone Important (vice president of the Confederacy. Although, if we'd won, he'd be Someone More Important, heh) and thought, huh, that could be cool.
I'm a Marine Corps fangirl. Hell, I'm such a crazy fan that I
joined them. (Which, I am sure you all will admit is some hard corps fandom, seeing how the country was at war when I enlisted.) I once had the opportunity to meet General Vandegrift's--you know the former Commandant that
saved the Marine Corps--granddaughter. It took me all of two seconds to realize that there was nothing important about her, she was 17 and about as far from a Marine as one can get. I was all polite, and moved on.
I saw the name as a flaw. She has a huge complex about her, having grown up being told about how great the family was and never being able to live up to the standard. She's left the State not so much for any of the reasons listed on the thread--propaganda being propaganda--but to be somewhere that her name doesn't mean anything. She was a huge screw up at SWA; her callsign "Chaos" comes from her disregard for orders. She would just do what she wanted. She also graduated near the bottom of her class.