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Author Topic: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?  (Read 19161 times)


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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #60 on: 10 May 2010, 08:31 »

I'm of the opinion that if someone has a score to settle IC and a grudge against someone, then it's perfectly fine.

I'll never advocate hacking forums or ventrilo, or malicious stuff like shoutcasting people's voice comms or DDOSing the shit out of people's forums or voip.

If someone acts IC, has a score to settle and rips someone off then it's perfectly acceptable in my own opinion. However if someone's just throwing a wobbler because they had a bad day or an argument with their CEO then it's pretty lame.

Pre-meditated in character theft is fine, so long as it has a motive and it's not taken out of character with malicious intent.


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #61 on: 10 May 2010, 11:54 »

I think that's the most respectable opinion yet.

The Cosmopolite

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #62 on: 10 May 2010, 12:22 »

I could go along with it too.

Sadly, I think it's quite rare that it is truly the case that a corp theft is of that genuinely IC character.

Definitely a respectable position though.


Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #63 on: 10 May 2010, 14:19 »

It's not entirely surprising that roleplayers find corporate theft respectable as long as it tells a good story, but certainly adds a sense of ambiguity to the matter. Who decides what act is roleplay and isn't? 

And more importantly, for those of you who do find the act tolerable, provided a thief had (in your eyes) a respectable motivation for performing their dastardly act and share your ideology, would you hire them and trust them?

As a player that roleplays a character, I don't differentiate theft as in-character or out-of-character because it's not my place to insinuate whether they are roleplaying the act or not. However, when they interrupt my gameplay, I respond to it both as a player (annoyance) and a character (hatred).

Hypothetical scenario : A corp thief gains moderate level access in a corporation, including as a moderator of a forum that they use to plan and strategize for wars and ops. A corporation of significant threat declares war on said corporation, and simultaneously the corp thief strikes, stealing valuable strategic assets, providing vital corporate intel to the enemy. They also delete every post on the forums or maybe make private forums visible to the public.

Because the forums are used for in-game purposes, and access was given, is the act of disrupting their forums a valid disruption tactic?



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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #64 on: 10 May 2010, 17:08 »

I'm okay with the intel piece of that. Deleting the posts or making it public to all seems like vandalism to me, and I'm not comfortable with that.

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #65 on: 10 May 2010, 17:16 »

My problem would primarily be that they did it the dumb way, the smart way would be to edit someone's account and give them access to the forums that was a member of the attacking corp (the person would have had to have registered before the war a bit though).

Otherwise, deleting the posts is a bit douchey, making it public not as douchey (easy enough to fix), also would depend on what content was deleted. I wouldn't have an issue so much if the content they deleted was strategic, but if it was like "how to" guides or some shit that were there to help new members or whatnot that would kinda irritate me.

That makes for an interesting (and entertaining) conundrum.

The theft itself I still wouldn't have a problem with - I don't even give two shits about the IC/OOC motivations. If someone steals from me, then it was my own damn fault for trusting them really, since I don't really talk to most players OOG unless I have already known them from another venue, save for maybe 4-5 of you and these forums. If I feel a bit of opportunism and opt to yoink some shit from a corp and high-tail it out, then I will do so.

I could even be motivated in the right circumstances (were I in a large alliance for instance) to make an alt on a different account, infiltrate a corp I am already in, rob that corp's assets with the alt, funnel them into the main, and delete the alt.

Just because I felt like it.

It's a game.

Granted -- I come from a place where even prior to EVE in any of my MMO/Gaming-In-General you didn't hand people sensitive shit. There's no reason for everyone to have access to your top-end T2 BPOs that are now an even greater rarity. There's no reason for everyone to have access to all your T2 and T3 ships/modules.

There's no valid reason that even a moderate number of people get to get their grubby little mitts on anything of value. That's the fault of the leadership if they get all their shit stolen, given the layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of security the game offers.


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #66 on: 11 May 2010, 06:15 »

Now I will ask you to consider, what if the corp theft was done by a corp/alliance that had a ROE with that it won't use spies/corp thieves etc. 



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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #67 on: 11 May 2010, 06:55 »

The whole idea of having ROE is moronic.

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #68 on: 11 May 2010, 07:04 »

Now I will ask you to consider, what if the corp theft was done by a corp/alliance that had a ROE with that it won't use spies/corp thieves etc. 

I think that I agree in part with Cyshade. Though only in part. That part being that I think having RoE for any reason other than to look better than you are (much like a nation IRL) is a bit silly. Holding to it tightly will cause you to lose battles.

The only RoE that I think is of any value is the NBSI/NRDS so long as you are in an area that it is actually enforced. Those are pretty uncommon. (Also, NRDS when you have more money than God, for instance like the Fraction, also makes sense. Because losing a single ship then setting the corp/alliance Red doesn't really cost you a damn thing.)


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #69 on: 11 May 2010, 10:54 »

The whole idea of having ROE is moronic.

Most of the oldest and biggest roleplay corps and alliances in eve will disagree with you but this is a separate argument.

I happen to think a ROE that says you wont use spies and corp thieves says a lot about your corp/alliance and would earn it trust and respect both IC and OOC.

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #70 on: 11 May 2010, 13:31 »

I happen to think a ROE that says you wont use spies and corp thieves says a lot about your corp/alliance and would earn it trust and respect both IC and OOC. does saying that you won't commit to unknown tests on the population of your country, and that anyone who lives within your borders has the benefit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

None of that, however, means you actually do those things.

That's why RoEs are stupid. They're stupid because of the same reason that politician saying "No new taxes!" or "We will cut pork barrel spending!" is stupid.

Sure, it's great and it's respectable, but the fact of the matter is everyone knows that in the proper circumstances you're just going to chuck that aside, and the proper circumstances in a game like EVE could be as simple as "I didn't have any cheese to eat with my wine today. . ."


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #71 on: 11 May 2010, 17:32 »

That's where the respect comes from, sticking to the ROE.

We had a ROE with Electus Matari for our year long war in Vigilia Valeria for example.  Both sides respected each other partly because of it and it eliminated many of things that might cause OOC hostilities or ill feeling.  Most importantly it allowed us to focus on the stuff we found fun, the story based RP and the fighting.

To each his own however.


Silver Night

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #72 on: 11 May 2010, 17:44 »

[admin]Please refrain from calling policies 'stupid' as it isn't constructive. Feel free to describe alternatives that you feel are more effective.[/admin]

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #73 on: 11 May 2010, 18:42 »

That's where the respect comes from, sticking to the ROE

No, the respect comes from not getting caught.

Benjamin Shepherd

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Re: Corp Theft - Acceptable When?
« Reply #74 on: 11 May 2010, 18:51 »

Honestly, the game lets you do these things, and CCP has clearly stated that corporate theft is part of the social engineering game that many "Get rich quickly" players do. There are also the roleplayers who choose to do so in order to satisfy an IC goal or storyline.

Is it wrong? Yes. Is it against the rules? No. Since this is entertainment software that we're all playing, there doesn't need to be an in-game committee that acts as a watchdog for corporate theft. It's up to the CEO to determine if his or her newest employee is trustworthy, acceptable, etc. Anything out of the realm of EVE Online is different, and should be treated as such.

EDIT: Then again, after seeing some of the other posts here, I do think corp theft due to OOC hate is pretty messed up.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2010, 18:53 by Benjamin Shepherd »
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