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That the Amarrian "godflesh" taboo forbids against cloning? Until YC119, anyway!

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Author Topic: Amarr Arc  (Read 51552 times)

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #135 on: 28 Feb 2013, 17:10 »

Actually, on the other hand, at this point I'd say she has quite a few allies among the various heirs as well: Tash-Murkon benefited greatly from her rule, particularly the closer ties with the Caldari. Khanid knows that a revolt based on Sarum's violating the Sacred Flesh taboo isn't likely to go well for him either. And do you really think she's doesn't still have the House Sarum situation firmly under her thumb?

I'd say her main opponents are Ardishapur and (possibly) Kor-Azor, depending on how this current thing goes. Kador is also leaning away due to past conflicts, but has the potential to swing back under certain conditions.

Everybody else has more to gain if she would disappear.

I really don't think so. The Empire has already had a truly incredible turnover rate among leadership, and often feels to have been the punching bag of the storyline along with the Gallente of recent times. Do we really need -more- of the same? I'll be kind of saddened if CCP decides to basically copy/paste a civil war onto several factions.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Samira Kernher

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #136 on: 28 Feb 2013, 17:36 »

You know things are bad when the Republic are the ones with the most unified leadership.

Publius Valerius

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #137 on: 28 Feb 2013, 19:31 »


There will be blood.
Though the same.  :P


Excellent question, thus might begin some enriching and engrossing/difficult RP hard decisions.

And Aldrith, Tash-Murkon is not high on Khanid's favorite list.
Actually the Tash-Murkon family is one, with he has worked the most inside the Empire (see here, here, here). But I dont think this "friendship" is that big that the kingdom would go to war for the Tash-Murkon Family.

The Empress is not part of the Sarum house anymore, it is part of taking the Throne.

Also the Sarum are among the more conservative houses, so they might actually turn against the Empress.

At the moment I don't see anybody except Khanid standing by her if feces hits the air conditioning unit.

Everybody else has more to gain if she would disappear.

The weird thinh about this, I could imagine that CCP thinks that a Jamyl-Khanid alliance would be possible. As for me, I dont think so, but I also dont start now a boring 30 page essay about it  :lol:. The only way, that could somehow fit is, that in Eterne eyes the kingdom is de jure vassal state of the Empire. So that Jamyl just could bring out a law, with the topic that Kingdom forces have to fight for her etc..... and threaten the King by not doing so, that she will sign degrees which undermine his legitimacy (1) and the survival of the kingdom (2) (like: (1) a law which of sets him off as Family leader and that family members can again bar arms again etc..... (2) that all caldaris have to go/"move out" form the kingdom and that no khanid can talk with a caldari etc.... and that all economic ties have to be broken etc.... ).

As for me, I have a different view on the kingdom as CCP, but is very off topic; which would change alot into this power play.

So after reading the new devblog today about the direction the story is taking I had an "OCRAP" moment while talking things over with Samira.

Since the running theme is going to be dissent, internal conflict and world-changing political shifts... This means the Empire is going to get divided into camps, most probably along Heir family lines.

The way I seeing it going: The Empress with the Sarum, Tash-Murkon and Kahnid on her side, against the dissenting Ardishapur, Kor-Azor and Kador.

Maybe, maybe not? But it does have some extremely heavy implications for the Amarr loyalist bloc. Brace yourselves, winter is coming.

I dont know about: "Empress with the Sarum, Tash-Murkon and Kahnid on her side, against the dissenting Ardishapur, Kor-Azor and Kador."

If Khanid stays in the lore as vassal, which is self-destructive and a window-licker I can see this alliance. Otherwise I cant see how CCP will pull this off. Moreover as Khanid has lay down any claims to the throne. Thats also the reason I dont think he will be a direct power player in any match up. The kingdom could support a Royal-Family..... Yes, but making it to a player/"war faction" inside the Empire has some huge problems (again, I try stop not to make a 60 page essay  :lol:). As I see it, they are more or less all lose. I mean the five heir families. So, that a alliance of "actualities of the situation"/Gegebenheiten/"political reality" is more likely, then a alliance out of common "world outlook"/Weltanschauung/philosophy/ideology. It means in short form: that the tricker would be more important, then the "world look". And this tricker could be many things: Jamyls dead and nobody gives up his claims and the trails going nuts (1); a rebellion against Jamyl (2); a secession after a failed trail (3) etc......

« Last Edit: 28 Feb 2013, 19:35 by Publius Valerius »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #138 on: 28 Feb 2013, 19:38 »

I think the problems of the Empire a blown out of proportion, here. We have two news articles that hint at possible problems amongst heirs and the Empress and everyone seems to see a bloody revolt coming. <,<

I think here is the wish father to the thought. If I'd wish to see Jamyl Sarum fall or the Empire at large and I look hard enough then I will see the signs of the Empire's imminent doom everywhere. Just as if I look obsessively for 7s, the number starts to be everywhere. I don't think anyone here can see where the Amarr 'plot' is going, save alone being able to see what the Amarr plot really is. Compared to the other three factions, the newsitems for the Amarr are pretty broad and leave plenty of space for interpretation, speculation and imagination.

If one looks at it impassionately there is little reason, yet, to turn into a doomsayer and to oracle that "there will be blood" or "brother will slay brother".

I agree with Esna.
The Empress has the backing of the TC and the Imperial Navy owns a lot to her, the Sarum family (that is more of a pragmatic than a conservative bent) is mot certainly in her pocket (as they certainly would loose a lot if the Empress would be toppled), Tash-Murkon is happy about the deepened relationship with the Caldari and the  reconciliation with Khanid, Khanid doesn't seem to have a problem with Tash-Murkon either, quite the contrary seems true with Catiz having been the one apparently initiating the re-approach and thus successfully, Aritcio has been rewarded with the post of chancellor, so far and seems to be largely a good vassel to the throne, even though he doesn't mind too much about the ideas of some of his vassals as to his responsibilities to hear them. Kador doesn't seem to be in the position to say anything against the Empress and the only one who really has a problem with her is, it appears, largely isolated.

There's a trend to a consolidation of greater Amarria and even what Ardishapur did in the Mandate fits in there, in a way. Just because the process isn't entirely frictionless it doesn't follow that we will soon see something akin' to what the Noldor did to the Teleri when they didn't hand their ships over to the former.


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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #139 on: 28 Feb 2013, 21:10 »

I agree with Nicoletta. I don't see the Amarr storyline going to a civil war. On one hand, because it would be copy/paste. But mostly because of the scope: the first news we had on the Caldari was a protest crushed by Tibus Heth and next news were equally big until today's civilian massacre; meanwhile, the Empire gets news on education and internal power inside Heir families. Not even oposition. Either they want to play it real slow, or this is going elsewhere.

It will have blood, that for sure, but I believe it is more in the line of reform/stagnation, and probably centralized/decentralized government. Not in the civil war line.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #140 on: 28 Feb 2013, 23:44 »

I wouldn't be much of an 'uprising' if it's all tea and crumpets :P

Heads 'gonna roll.


Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #141 on: 01 Mar 2013, 04:58 »

Jamyl and the Empire had enough to endure by what TonyG forced upon them, give them a break, don't project your hate for the writer of TEA on the innocent characters. ;)

Horatius Caul

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #142 on: 01 Mar 2013, 06:53 »

I also don't think there will be a civil war in the Empire.

As true as it is that the emperors sever ties with their houses when they move to join the Emperor Family, that doesn't mean that their home house don't benefit from their rule. House Sarum is on top right now, and they're not going to stand against Jamyl to threaten that. Personally I frowned when House Sarum were providing security for the 514 Summit, but it goes to show that Jamyl definitely has her home house on her side.

Aritcio Kor-Azor has been made Imperial Chancellor. I don't think Jamyl would have made him the third most powerful individual in the Empire if she had suspected him to lead a rebellion. However, it could also have been a way to purchase his loyalty - or a way to keep him too busy to plot against her. As Imperial Chancellor, he not only has to prioritize matters of the Empire over matters of his house, but if he would rebel it's possible that many of his vassals would consider his abandonment of the office to be ruining their own influence in the Empire. The fortune of House Kor-Azor is very much tied to the Throne.

Catiz is progressive and benefits greatly from Jamyl's reign. Jamyl should recognize her as a good ally, and treat her accordingly. This may be the first time the Udorian house is treated fairly, or more than fairly. It's unlikely that the Tash-Murkon would turn against the throne.

House Kador was neutered when Jamyl confiscated their fleet. Even if they rebel they don't have anything to rebel with. The move would have upset Kador and most of the other houses though. If the throne is actually going to enforce Heideran's Decree, it will be very problematic for the holders. Also, I guess it's possible that the confiscated fleet is still loyal to Kador, and if he rebels they would still rebel with him.

Ardishapur... Ardishapur is probably the only one who might be both inclined and willing to depose the Empress. Giving him the Ammatar Mandate doesn't seem to have made him much more loyal, but it's hard to tell. Giving heirs like Yonis and Aritcio senior positions in government means that they have a vested interest in keeping Jamyl alive and on the throne - because the minute succession trials are on the schedule, their odds of continued power (and life) are rather slim.

Returning the Khanid Kingdom to the Empire and giving the King a Privy Council seat was also a great move by Jamyl to strengthen her position. She's telling the other heirs: "If you're not loyal, I have others who are willing to fill your shoes." And Khanid is allowed to maintain his own fleet and army...

You have to keep in mind that the Heirs (as an institution) are used to ruling their domains for centuries before having to take the suicide lottery tickets. The current heirs are exceptionally inexperienced by imperial standards, and as Karsoth demonstrated they are more interested in ruling their own lands than pushing for the throne. The empire is all about stability. Changing rulers and Heirs several times in a decade has probably not happened for thousands of years, so the current heirs are much more inclined to be tolerant of anything that lets them be alive at the moment - not necessarily out of narcissism, but out of concern for the stability of the Empire and their own realms. That's why they tolerated Karsoth. That's why they voted Jamyl to the throne. And that's why they aren't kicking her off it.
« Last Edit: 01 Mar 2013, 09:56 by Horatius Caul »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #143 on: 01 Mar 2013, 10:26 »

I couldn't have said it better, Horatius 'Wordsmith' Caul. :)

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #144 on: 01 Mar 2013, 10:32 »

I'll say again, if the next expansion were a mere Heth Uprising they wouldn't be showing all 4 up there on the deb blog.

It doesn't mean Jamyl will go, but it will mean she is going to be challenged.

"Shit's gonna get real"


Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #145 on: 01 Mar 2013, 11:08 »

People were saying that "there have to be succession trials soon" dor year and we didn't get them until now. I'm really not planning to hold my breath for the 'shit gonna getting real'. Maybe she's just up there because, you know, she'd otherwise have felt left out, no?

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #146 on: 01 Mar 2013, 11:10 »

People were saying that "there have to be succession trials soon" dor year and we didn't get them until now. I'm really not planning to hold my breath for the 'shit gonna getting real'. Maybe she's just up there because, you know, she'd otherwise have felt left out, no?

Have a little faith :P


Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #147 on: 01 Mar 2013, 11:18 »

Have a little faith :P
Why should I limit the amount of faith I put into this? :P

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #148 on: 01 Mar 2013, 11:31 »

I don't think we're going to see a civil war in the Empire.

Even if a large portion of capsuleers, and at least one of the Heirs see Jamyl for what she is - a walking violation of one of the highest and most important taboos in Amarrian society - the vast majority of the public is blinded by faith and loyalty or simply doesn't give a shit. A civil war over it would be hugely unpopular, and heavily stacked in Jamyl's favor.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
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2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Amarr Arc
« Reply #149 on: 01 Mar 2013, 12:29 »

I'll say again, if the next expansion were a mere Heth Uprising they wouldn't be showing all 4 up there on the deb blog.

It doesn't mean Jamyl will go, but it will mean she is going to be challenged.

"Shit's gonna get real"

Actually, according to someone in the dev blog discussion, next expansion won't be called Uprising in any case.

As for shit getting real, it is going to, but there are many ways for it to get real. Doesn't need to be a civil war: can be a challenge between different views, could be a new Tetrimon-like theological arc, or maybe one like the Speaker of Truths in which a Heir is put to trial, or who knows. Could even be something to do with other nations (Minmatarr or Gallente, probably, as their arcs aren't too clear either).
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