DUST 514 RP Discussion and Resources > DUST 514 Corporation and Alliance Development

Interest check: unaligned DUST merc corp

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Techie Kanenald:
My only problem with DUST so far is that my hands are not set up to play it.  It's why I'm waiting for PvE to come out, hopefully the AI will allow me to stay put and shoot, like they show in the trailers.

Also folks would have to understand I'd probably be running two things, as I have a Techno-Paladin really wanting to get out. (Amarr, True Faith, not really fun to be around...as far as I can tell)

And who's to say the soft and waify voice doesn't hold the biggest gun?  I love breaking stereotypes like that!

Horatius Caul:
May not be exactly what you're looking for, but I do have Aggressive Behaviour [BHAVE] set up as a sister-corp to Kitzless, but no real players or leadership for it. I'd be happy to put it in the hands of some driven roleplayers if people are interested.

Kitzless is absolutely unaligned. Association with the Society is of course a given, but we're not technically loyal to them. We're also collaborative with SYNE (Project GARDEN is not dead, but dreaming!) but not explicitly hostile to the Nation either. Alignments are fluid things in the search for enlightenment, and BHAVE could definitely be given free reign to strike its own bargains and contracts.


Got a Dustbunny with quite a few SP here. I play alone mostly, which sucks tbh. It would be nice to have people to team up with especially during an event like Cald prime. So I'm down to join someones corp, not so sure about running one though.

I'm hopefully getting my hands on a ps3 in the next week or so. I will be terrible at Dust, but I'm certainly willing to have a go :)

I finally created a DUST character last night.  Created it, poked at menu screens, despaired at figuring things out -- in short, it was very like my first day in EVE.   :)


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