DUST 514 RP Discussion and Resources > DUST 514 Corporation and Alliance Development

Interest check: unaligned DUST merc corp

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Aria Jenneth:
I'm still interested if we can put some numbers together. The main issue is just getting a large enough RP community going in DUST to form a coherent RP corp. It's SUCH a team game.

You can play it solo, of course, and I often do, but....

Horatius Caul:
I'm still willing to hand over Aggressive Behaviour if someone wants to run it.

What ever happened with this?

Techie Kanenald:
As far as I know, nothing.

I have the acute issue of not being able to actually play DUST due to physical limitations.  As such, I've had little interaction with the DUST community at large.

Always would love to get new RP projects up and running, but I'm not sure how I could on this one.

Aria Jenneth:
Project scrapped for lack of interest, and I've since moved on to a much-different character who isn't likely to be setting up anything "unaligned" any time soon unless it's an effort to get a DUSTer version of The Summit running. (The New Eden Assembly seems like way too much to ask.)


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