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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #45 on: 31 Jan 2013, 11:50 »

You do realise that with the new armor ASB's the myrmidon will have a cap independant tank rivalling that of a triaged carrier, right?  :lol:

Don't panic, this will not be the case. The AAR (damnit) will use cap the same as any non ancil armor repper would. It has been through two drafts so far.
In the first draft it would be loaded with cap charges, and while cap charges last it would repair significantly more efficiently than a normal repper. When it ran out of cap charges, it would be about 75% as effective as a normal repper. In all cases it will use ship's local capacitor.
In the most recent draft it will load nanite paste instead of cap boosters. Logic behind this seems to be that ships using an AAR will need local cap injection anyway, and it'd have been silly to make pilots load 800s for their cap injector and 400s or whatever for their MAAR.

Oh, and ofc they made it to where a ship will only be able to fit 1 AAR at a time. Chances are you will see old dual and triple rep fits simply replacing one of the reppers with one of these, and will otherwise function only a little better than they used to.

Empty Ancil Armor Repper = 75% of a T1 Armor Repper, uses normal cap
Loaded Ancil Armor Repper = 225% of a T1 Armor Repper while charges last, uses normal cap

Best way for me to wrap my own mind around this is: You could replace two of the MAR on the present-day standard triple-rep Myrmidon with one of these MAARs and have roughly the same rep power as before, only with significantly better cap stability. Or, assuming the fit works, you could replace one of the MARs with the MAAR and have the cap stability of the old triple rep set-up, but have effectively 4 reps while charges last.
« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2013, 12:01 by Altaen »


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #46 on: 31 Jan 2013, 12:01 »

The AAR (damnit)

I had an identical reaction. Those poor FCs  ;)

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #47 on: 31 Jan 2013, 12:36 »

The AAR (damnit)

I had an identical reaction. Those poor FCs  ;)

Well, I don't write AARs anymore. When we do them, it's done tribunal style on teamspeak. But I know of an alliance that will probably be a little annoyed by this "new" acronym...

Oh, and speculation in my circles about the new hulls has been something like this:
Gnosis = 10yr anniversary gift. Rarity will mean it will not have any impact on the current fleet meta. Alternatively, it could become an LP reward for SOCT LP, or BPCs will drop from a new round of SOCT exploration sites. If we think about Vigilant and Cynabal prices, and then apply a proportional cruiser -> faction cruiser mark-up, you could guess the Gnosis market value to potentially exceed a billion ISK, or on the conservative side to be worth something between that of a pirate cruiser and a pirate BS, so 300mil-1.3bil.
Even if it had the exact same drop rate and/or LP exchange rate as a pirate cruiser, it'd still be about 30mil more expensive mineral-wise, so it would be competing with things like the Sleipnir (260mil) and the Loki (400mil) with at least a 350mil price tag.
I would consider either of the existing alternatives to be more effective at most tasks than the Gnosis, at the only expense of being less versatile.
Does not strike me as a balance killer or even a meta-changer if these price estimations are at all accurate.

My favorite theory on the pirate rookie ships is that CCP will be releasing the option to begin your career in NPC null-sec, but I kinda doubt that.

I think it's more likely that they will add 4 new low-sec epic arcs (or maybe just 1 with 4 branches) and introduce them to new players at the same stage as they are presently introduced to the Sister's arc, and they'd be designed around a similar but somewhat more rookie friendly principle as the existing pirate arcs, meaning that they can be completed in a PVP-ready or at least MWD fit.
Another possibility is that they hope to either introduce something like pirate militias, or PVP-geared live events, or different rookie ships depending on the faction affiliation of the station that issues the ship. This would at least cure the silly little problem that somehow Amarr Navy stations have an unlimited supply of Reapers for me.
« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2013, 12:38 by Altaen »

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #48 on: 31 Jan 2013, 18:12 »

Beginning new players in nullsec as pirates would be too difficult without giving them an exceptional 'protected' area to run through the tutorials. The same is true for lowsec as well.

I am hopeful they're looking at developing the pirates into full fledged military line ups, and not just 'shiny pimp ships'.
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Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #49 on: 04 Feb 2013, 11:28 »

Minor changes to the AAR:

A lot of questions have been coming in concerning alternate modes for the AAR such as being able to toggle the more powerful rep. That's not something we can do for 1.1 and we'd have to take time to consider it more fully but I won't rule out the idea.

One change we have decided to make is slightly decreasing the Paste consumption of the medium and large AARs. We'll have the mediums eat 4 per cycle and the larges eat 8.

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #50 on: 04 Feb 2013, 19:28 »

Tried them on Sisi, wasn't impressed. Medium AAR costing the same in nanite paste as navy 400s in a XLASB is rather  :psyccp:

[12:40:50] Kasuko Merin > He has this incredible talent for making posts at people that could be <i>literally</i> quoted straight back at him and still apply.


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #51 on: 06 Feb 2013, 10:49 »

Little Things Dev Blog:


Team Super Friends has been working on some Little Things for Retribution 1.1. We decided to focus a bit on making the war experience better since there were a few things we knew we could do better. Now lets get to it!

War Things

Group wars in the war history
The war history  in the info window for corporations and alliances was getting kind of crowded for active corporations/alliances. So we now group the wars by:
  • Active Wars
  • Factional Wars (active)
  • Pending Wars
  • Finished Wars

War cost
Inactive characters don't count in war cost any longer.

Allies join war faster
Currently, allies have to wait 24 hours to join a war.
Ain't nobody got time fo dat!

Let's make it 4.

Naming and shaming
When it comes to dealing with wars, it is impossible to know which character in a corporation took some actions. We've now added notifications that are sent to directors of the corporation/alliance, which tell you who did the following things:
  • Declared war
  • Offered surrender
  • Accepted surrender
  • Made war mutual
  • Retracted a mutual war
  • Offered to ally
  • Accepted ally

Browsing wars
In the all wars list in the corporation window you could only see the 50 most recent wars. That's no fun! So we added paging so you can browse all the wars, 50 at a time.


Forced Peace
To make the surrender option in a war more meaningful, we've now made it so that if one entity surrenders to another, those two have a forced peace period of two weeks.

Other Things

See corporation and alliance logos clearly
When looking at the most wanted alliance and the top bounty hunting alliance in the bounty office we realized there was no other place you could see alliance logo in that size in the client. Since most of them are really cool and a lot of work was put into them, we made it so that when you click the alliance logo in the info window, you'll see a larger version of it (without the WANTED banner for wanted alliances).

We did the same for corporation logos because it makes sense

Current skill points in Medical window
Your current number of skill points wasn't being displayed in the Medical window for some reason. This had been annoying me for some time until I figured.. wait.. why don't I just add it? So that's what we did!


Better descriptions
Tuxford was playing EVE and got lost in some exploration fun and told the team about it. He was so angry he was about to press the big red button, so we decided to do something about it quickly.

Tallest convinced us it would be a great idea to give the exploration probes and launchers better descriptions so you can easily read what they do in very simple terms. No Big Red Button was pressed.

That's all for now, fly as safe as you like and party on!

Punkturis on behalf of Team Super Friends (missing SoniClover in the picture)

I hope you people appreciate just how much formatting I had to do in this post  :eek:

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #52 on: 06 Feb 2013, 10:54 »

Tuxford nooooooooooooo
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #53 on: 07 Feb 2013, 13:15 »

Two major Dev Blogs in one day, what is this:

Good news everyone! We here at Team Pony Express are continuing in our mission to revamp, rework and improve parts of the EVE Online client which haven't been touched in a while or just need some more attention.

As many of you will know, we completely rebuilt the
Corporation Finder with our Winter 2012 expansion EVE Online: Retribution. In addition to those changes we planned on streamlining the recruitment management process for corporations. Although we were unable to release these changes in Retribution, we are delivering them now to you as part of our Retribution 1.1 point  release in February!

Our main goals with these changes were to provide better visibility for the player looking to join a corporation and to improve the tools used by Recruiters and Corp Directors by displaying information more effectively and in greater detail.

Let's go through some of the nitty-gritty details:

CCP Prism X re-worked and revamped the backend and cursed the living daylights out of it while doing so. His new and improved code makes much more sense and helps us developers delivering better features to you.

The flow of an application is mostly unchanged: a character sends in an application, the application gets reviewed and the applicant then is accepted or rejected. The main change is that the player who applied to join now has to confirm that he wishes to join the corporation after their application has been accepted. This change fixes a few loop-holes that were present in the system; now the player has extended control of all their character’s movements to every stage of the process. Some of these loop-holes could cause a character to jump between corporations, or to join a corporation which was not their first choice and could subsequently be stuck in if they were assigned roles.

By asking you to confirm that you will join a corporation which has accepted your application, we put you in the driving-seat in determining where your next destination will be.

Applications now have a single status which is descriptive enough for everyone to understand:
  • Unprocessed - Application has been sent to the corporation for review.
  • Invited to join - Application was accepted by the corporation and an invitation has been extended to the player allowing them to join.
  • Rejected - Application was rejected by the corporation.
  • Accepted – Player has accepted an invitation to join the corporation and has joined it.
  • Withdrawn - Player has withdrawn the application, which can be done at any time.
  • Corporations can use the status to filter and manage applications.

To save you from lengthy loading times we only show applications from the past 3 months, but there is an option available to see older messages upon request.

Welcome Mail

This is a bit you’ll also like a lot. Currently all players receive a standard mail message upon joining a corporation. This can now be edited by the corporation to include any and all information you wish to send to new members.

The Singularity public test server has been updated with these changes and we would love to hear your feedback!

Until next time,

CCP Fear
Team Pony Express

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Ghost Hunter

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #54 on: 07 Feb 2013, 13:41 »

The welcome mail pleases me in so many different ways.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #55 on: 18 Feb 2013, 10:14 »

Patch notes are up, but if you think I'm formatting all of those bullet pointed lists you're going to be sorely disappointed  :lol:


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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #56 on: 18 Feb 2013, 10:36 »

Quote from: Bug Report #151461
Radio Laser Color incorrect 2013.01.11 19:46

Reported by Katrina Oniseki .
This report has been attached to a defect

Tranquility - EVE-EVE-TRANQUILITY - 8.2.467201

Radio laser crystal colors are using the incorrect shade of red. Instead of using the correct shade of red (which can be viewed by watching certain BLood Raider or Sansha NPCs firing), it uses the Infrared crystal color. Screenshot attached.

Screenshot shows four turrets firing, two using Radio, two using Infrared. Colors are indistinguishable.

Reproduction Steps:
Can be reproduced on any ship using any laser weapon fitted with Radio crystals.

Quote from: Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.1

Build 476047 to 485433 addresses Patch Notes for Retribution 1.1
To be deployed on Tuesday, 19th of February 2013.
Graphics General
  • The Infrared laser effect color has been updated to better distinguish between Radio and Infrared effects.

You're welcome.


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #57 on: 18 Feb 2013, 10:36 »

And another Dev blog:

Hi all and happy New Year!

I would like to tell you about a cute little change we will be making in Retribution 1.1.

First off, I know for a fact that all the fleet leaders out there just love to move people around in fleet. I mean, what is there not to love about the 5-layer right click menu they get to use for every single pilot they want to move?

Well, as great as it is now, it appears that not everyone loves those menus, as some of you have been asking us to implement drag and drop to move people around in fleet. When I read the first post suggesting that, I thought to myself, "Yes of course we should do that, it makes perfect sense and would simplify this moving business so much".

So that is the cute little change: after Retribution 1.1 you will be able to drag people in the fleet window, and drop them on the wing or squad you want them in.

It's worth noting that this change will only simplify the process, but the rules for the organization of fleets are still the same. To refresh your memory, here are the rules:

  • there can be at most 10 pilots in a squad, including the Squad Commander
  • there can be at most 5 squads in a wing
  • there can be at most 5 wings
  • a fleet can only have 1 Fleet Commander
  • each wing and squad can have only 1 commander
  • the commander positions do not have to be filled
  • Wing Commanders can move pilots around in their own wing, including making people Squad Commanders
  • Fleet Commanders and Fleet Bosses can move anyone around in the fleet, including making people Squad and Wing Commanders
  • Fleet Bosses can make a pilot a Fleet Commander
  • when free move is on, anyone can move themselves in any squad, but cannot appoint themself as Wing or Fleet Commander (unless the rules listed above allow them that)
So how does this drag/drop business work? It's very simple:
  • when you (as a commander or Fleet Boss) try to move people around, the "cell" you drag them over is highlighted white if you can drop the pilot there, otherwise it's highlighted red (meaning you are not allowed to move them, the position is filled or the squad is full)
  • if you drop a member on a Fleet/Wing/Squad Commander "cell" and there is not member in that position, the dropped member will be moved to that position
  • if you drop a member on a Fleet/Wing Commander "cell" and there is member in that position, nothing happens ("cell" would have red highlight)
  • if you drop a member on a Squad Commander "cell" and there is a member in that position, the dropped member is added to that squad if there is room in it
  • if you drop a member on a squad member, the dropped member is added to that squad the other member is in
*cell = an entry in the hierarchy view of the fleet.

Move not allowed

Move allowed

And where do you find those people to drag?

The most obvious place would of course be in the fleet window itself, but you can also drag people from the watch list, channel member list, contacts list, fleet composition window, and pretty much anywhere you have a character listed.

One of my favorites about this feature is that you can drag and drop a character link from chat, which can be pretty handy when you ask people to "x up".

Up to this point I have been talking about moving pilots who are already in the fleet, and that is what I originally set out to do.

When I was testing my work, and I was dragging people from all over the place to move them in the fleet, I felt it would be a bit strange to leave out those poor souls that were not lucky enough to be in the fleet already. If I'm organizing my fleet and I want my dear friend skills as a Wing Commander, who cares if he's already in the fleet or not? I'll just drag him over there and if he's already in the fleet he's moved, but otherwise invited to the fleet as a Wing Commander and will fill that position if he accepts the invitation.

Additionally, if you just want to invite someone to be in your fleet as a general member, and don't really care in which squad they land, you can drag them onto the "My Fleet" tab and they'll be invited to your fleet.

I think it would be super cool if it was possible to mass-move members, for example to select and drag all the logistic pilots in the fleet composition window and drop them in a squad, but that improvement will have to wait for now.

I hope you like this feature and that it will make your lifes easier when you are organizing your groups to go kill others (or hug, or whatever it is you like to do in your fleet ops).

In addition to these awesome enhancements, we have done a few other Little Things recently:

  • When you drag a fitting to the Quickbar tab in the market, the ship itself is now included in the folder that is created in the Quickbar and contains all the fitted items
  • Logs in the Notifications and Log window are not cleared anymore on session change, so you can try to figure out what the hell happened when you got podded without having to find the log file for the fight
  • The module tooltips were added to the fitting window (and actually A LOT of new tooltips were added, but that was continuation of a work done in the fall). This will for example allow you to easily see how damaged your weapons and crystals are while docked
  • The windows to edit corporation and alliance details are no longer modal, which means you can add links (such as Kill Reports, websites, corporation recruitment ads) to their descriptions.

With lots of love and all that stuff,
-CCP karkur

♥ CCP Karkur blogs, they're so easy to replicate :)

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #58 on: 18 Feb 2013, 10:41 »

Funny; I actually tried drag-dropping people around in fleet yesterday evening, because it'd been a while since I last fiddled with it much, and it's such a natural evolution I was expecting them to have it working by now. Was a little disappointed that they hadn't gotten around to it yet.

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #59 on: 18 Feb 2013, 11:34 »

[bug reports]

You're welcome.

The Tranquility constellation typo fix was mine. :3
Lagging Behind

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1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
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