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Author Topic: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1  (Read 8465 times)


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Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« on: 19 Jan 2013, 11:48 »

Aside from the new BCs, there are several other things going into this patch as well. So far, this includes the BlOps change (here: ), the 'autopilot in the sky' visual effect (here: and here: ), and of course the new dueling system (here: ).

Currently Sisi is up, with all of these changes and more (as per here: ), so please go out, find them, let us (me) know what you think :P Being unable to play myself means I'm going to use you all as guinea pigs to test features on  :twisted:

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Akrasjel Lanate

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #2 on: 19 Jan 2013, 13:00 »

The Gnosis bonuses o.o Basically no reason to fly anything else if that goes through as-is.

25% bonus to all medium guns, HMs and HAMS, 37.5% increase to scan probe strength. Battlecruiser level ehp and fitting. Well then :l

That thing better be hard as fuck to get hold of.

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #3 on: 19 Jan 2013, 13:33 »

Pirate rookie ships??? So intrigued.

And SoCT too. If I spot a SoE ship I am likely sold.

EDIT: If these pirate ships are for presents at the ten year anniversary, I am not so intrigued.
« Last Edit: 19 Jan 2013, 14:21 by Myyona »
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Ghost Hunter

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jan 2013, 14:39 »

God damnit, they better not go through with re-using an Angel Cartel ship for the Sansha's newbie ship.

They have a perfectly good hull already - _ -
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #5 on: 19 Jan 2013, 16:39 »

God damnit, they better not go through with re-using an Angel Cartel ship for the Sansha's newbie ship.

They have a perfectly good hull already - _ -

That's a brand new model, I think, not a re-used Angel ship. If it's not a brand new model, it's certainly a wholly retextured one.

I stand corrected. It is an old Angel ship, but it's already been retextured in the client with Nation textures - so it fits in.

I would prefer they use the Fury over the Echo though for the Angel ship. the Echo looks kinda derpy.
« Last Edit: 19 Jan 2013, 16:45 by Katrina Oniseki »

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #6 on: 19 Jan 2013, 16:58 »

Some time back, a friend of mine explained to me that the new backgrounds were not simply flat textures presented for each system but in fact had several layers of data associated with them suggesting that individual stars were being identified by the game client and each assigned a separate identifier.

He suggested that he thought this was a leadup to somehow being able to navigate or point out to other players specific stars as specific systems.

Sadly, he no longer seems to play, so I cannot buy the man a drink/ship/bounty for being a prophet.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #7 on: 19 Jan 2013, 17:48 »

God damnit, they better not go through with re-using an Angel Cartel ship for the Sansha's newbie ship.

They have a perfectly good hull already - _ -

That's a brand new model, I think, not a re-used Angel ship. If it's not a brand new model, it's certainly a wholly retextured one.

I stand corrected. It is an old Angel ship, but it's already been retextured in the client with Nation textures - so it fits in.

I would prefer they use the Fury over the Echo though for the Angel ship. the Echo looks kinda derpy.

Ah it's called the Styx, not the Lynx. But yes, it is a retextured Angel ship.

For some odd reason the second Sansha frigate is not being pulled from the database on that website. I don't actually know its name because no database pull I've seen has ever had it. I think it's the Incubus, but that's an inference.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #8 on: 19 Jan 2013, 18:04 »

The Gnosis bonuses o.o Basically no reason to fly anything else if that goes through as-is.

25% bonus to all medium guns, HMs and HAMS, 37.5% increase to scan probe strength. Battlecruiser level ehp and fitting. Well then :l

That thing better be hard as fuck to get hold of.

There was a time when CCP was stupidly naive enough to think that 'the immense costs of making Titans' was going to keep their numbers low. Have a look at null-sec today.

50m3 Drone bandwith, 75m3 bay. so a light and medium team, or any combo that fits.

4000 HP hull, armor and shields, equal resists across the board for hull, armor and shields. Equal bonuses for any weapons and 5 turrets and 5 launchers on a 6/6/6 configuration means you can fit it however the hell you want and still have maximum effect on any setups, 3 rig slots.

Basically, if this thing goes live as-is, there will only be a question of time until the null-powers don't fly anything else below capitals, and then shortly after that, you find them all over the rest of EVE and anyone who DON'T fly them is an idiot waiting to get killed.

*THIS* is the I-Win button that has not existed until now. *THIS* is the kind of idea that will, without a doubt, kill EVE.


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #9 on: 19 Jan 2013, 19:00 »

It will only be I win if you can't fit something else to get the same cheaper.  I'm bad a theory crafting, but can you have any race ship equal this in one area?  Yes, it will be a great prober, but aside from that, will it be able to out stabber a stabber, or out thorax a thorax? 

Even if they nerf the hell out of it, I'm still getting one when ever I can.  Envied the NPC since the first time I say him flying one. 


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #10 on: 19 Jan 2013, 19:28 »

It will only be I win if you can't fit something else to get the same cheaper.  I'm bad a theory crafting, but can you have any race ship equal this in one area?  Yes, it will be a great prober, but aside from that, will it be able to out stabber a stabber, or out thorax a thorax? 

Even if they nerf the hell out of it, I'm still getting one when ever I can.  Envied the NPC since the first time I say him flying one.

It will be able to do anything any other single BC can do, only it does not have to plug any resist holes, making tanking so much simpler, it can be fit to counter any enemy and what's worse; you can't fit any other BC in the field to perfectly counter or equal any other BC out there.

Imagine a Drake gang, that runs into something they can't handle. They would be able to, if for example they were a Harbinger gang. Just that, instead of docking the Drakes to go get the Harbingers you only need to use your nearest Orca or capital ship's ship maintenance bay to transform the 'Drake' into a 'Harbinger'. The tactical flexibility of this ship is absurd.

Saede Riordan

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #11 on: 19 Jan 2013, 19:31 »

My new goal in life is to roll around in a Gnosis like a baws
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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #12 on: 19 Jan 2013, 20:18 »

I'm not really here, but the possible implications of there being pirate faction rookie ships have me intrigued. Spinning some up wildly:

-- Finally the ability for those aligned with pirate factions to declare that and have it recognised, along with appropriate noob ships, services, agent contacts and legal hassles?

-- Pirate faction war maybe on the horizon?

-- CONCORD somehow recognising the pirate factions? (Although I find it hard to come up with a lore explanation for this.)

-- Or just one-offs with better stats than normal rookie ships, which we can select once as an anniversary present?

Kaldor Mintat

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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #13 on: 20 Jan 2013, 00:34 »

The Gnosis bonuses o.o Basically no reason to fly anything else if that goes through as-is.

25% bonus to all medium guns, HMs and HAMS, 37.5% increase to scan probe strength. Battlecruiser level ehp and fitting. Well then :l

That thing better be hard as fuck to get hold of.

There was a time when CCP was stupidly naive enough to think that 'the immense costs of making Titans' was going to keep their numbers low. Have a look at null-sec today.

50m3 Drone bandwith, 75m3 bay. so a light and medium team, or any combo that fits.

4000 HP hull, armor and shields, equal resists across the board for hull, armor and shields. Equal bonuses for any weapons and 5 turrets and 5 launchers on a 6/6/6 configuration means you can fit it however the hell you want and still have maximum effect on any setups, 3 rig slots.

Basically, if this thing goes live as-is, there will only be a question of time until the null-powers don't fly anything else below capitals, and then shortly after that, you find them all over the rest of EVE and anyone who DON'T fly them is an idiot waiting to get killed.

*THIS* is the I-Win button that has not existed until now. *THIS* is the kind of idea that will, without a doubt, kill EVE.

Most speculation around so far seems to think this will be the 10th year celebration gift, in which case it will be limited (for a 350k units or so term of limited). Would of course not hinder some from buying and stocking a few dozen.


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Re: Feb 12th: Retribution 1.1
« Reply #14 on: 20 Jan 2013, 07:51 »

Most speculation around so far seems to think this will be the 10th year celebration gift, in which case it will be limited (for a 350k units or so term of limited). Would of course not hinder some from buying and stocking a few dozen.

If this is the case (I sure hope so) it won't be that big a problem. The huge issue I see with this ship all spin around the idea that you can gather an effectively infinite number of these ether by building them, getting them from events or agent rewards or some other means. If everyone gets one each and that's it, no more of them forever, then it will only be a passing, and temporary issue.

Still don't alter the fact that the tactical flexibility of these things are insane. Crap will be blown up with these and whine and tears will be had, in droves.

But it won't be a game-breaking issue. Time will tell, I guess...
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