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Author Topic: The Good RP Logs Thread!  (Read 130736 times)


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #150 on: 22 May 2018, 15:10 »

Miz does. Not sure about Miz though.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #151 on: 28 May 2018, 16:11 »

[21:54:41] Nauplius > Valerie Valate, when you stand before a Holy and Righteous God at the judgement, how will you defend yourself?
[21:55:51] Valerie Valate > I will say, truthfully, that I am as God made me, with breasts larger than my brain, so while I tried to be taken seriously, it was ultimately not to be.
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #152 on: 17 Jun 2018, 10:48 »

An old exchange between Triss and myself concerning the names of starships and their implications.

[ 2018.05.11 09:40:35 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > I don't even think I've taken the Sefira beyond the docking parameters of its home station. Still cannot fathom why my friend would give one to me.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:40:42 ] Silver Night > I'm rather fond of the battlecruiser size, at least the fast ones. Otherwise, same.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:40:46 ] Tressith Sefira > Um?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:41:18 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Let me guess, skirmish artillery Hurricane-class battlecruisers?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:42:43 ] Silver Night > I preferred the AC version, when it was popular. Not that I've flown much combat any time recently.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:42:56 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > I'm just saying Triss, I don't find myself in her very often, if ever. And when I do, it's not for business.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:43:15 ] Tressith Sefira > You can't name a ship after my surname. You don't even pronounce it correctly!
 [ 2018.05.11 09:43:15 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Old school. Very old school.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:43:32 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Well, technically it is called the HMS Tressith Sefira
 [ 2018.05.11 09:44:42 ] Tressith Sefira > But why.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:44:57 ] Tressith Sefira > WHY. DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT SOUNDS?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:44:59 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > It's a beautiful ship. Worthy of the name.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:45:07 ] Tressith Sefira > READ OVER WHAT YOU JUST SAID.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:45:41 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > What, that's its a beautiful ship?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:46:02 ] Tressith Sefira > "I DON'T FIND MYSELF IN HER VERY OFTEN, IF EVER. AND WHEN I DO, IT'S NOT FOR BUSINESS?"
 [ 2018.05.11 09:46:33 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Well, of course. I'm only ever in the Sefira for pleasure purposes these days. I doubt I'll ever take her out.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:47:25 ] Tressith Sefira > Maybe you're actually as stupid as your moustache looks. Let me fix your fucking pronouns for you.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:47:43 ] Tressith Sefira > "I don't find myself in (TRESSITH SEFIRA) very often, if ever. And when I do, it's not for business."
 [ 2018.05.11 09:50:12 ] Tressith Sefira > You are flying some kind of capital, named after me, crewed by thousands, for the Caldari State in an active warzone.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:50:33 ] Tressith Sefira > What were you thinking?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:50:56 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Now now, there is no need for that. I'm merely saying I only get inside her when it is good for me timewise, and even then it is a bit of a tight fit getting her turned on.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:51:02 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > The CPU is a bit of a finnicky thing.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:51:10 ] Tressith Sefira > ...
 [ 2018.05.11 09:51:12 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > What? I like the name.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:51:16 ] Tressith Sefira > Getting her turned on.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:51:40 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > She wont function otherwise.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:52:03 ] Tressith Sefira > A bit of a tight fit.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:52:31 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > You need a certain skillset, it's very temperamental at times.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:52:55 ] Tressith Sefira > I've got no words to express how disgusted I am with you right now, so "very" will have to suffice.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:52:57 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > But as long as you have it, you can fit everything you need snugly in with room to spare.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:53:26 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > For naming my Wyvern-class after you? I thought it was very fitting.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:54:49 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Thoughtful, even.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:56:09 ] Tressith Sefira > You're flying a Caldari ship for the Caldari State in service of killing Gallente citizens and capturing Gallente member-states while cracking sexual innuendo which makes me feel so filthy I want to take a searing shower... And you thought I would take that as a compliment?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:56:15 ] Tressith Sefira > Who the fuck do you think I am?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:56:30 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > That was sexual innuendo? Hold on...
 [ 2018.05.11 09:56:40 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Huh, guess it could be interpreted that way.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:57:05 ] Tressith Sefira > Don't you play innocent, you nasty little boy. You're not. I know your story and I know how you treat women.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:57:11 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > No no... it's more about the ship's design and history than anything when I chose to name it after you.
 [ 2018.05.11 09:58:08 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Uh huh. By naming a ship after them?
 [ 2018.05.11 09:58:32 ] MantelGlobalIndustries > Or following them when they have been made upset by some third party? Quite nasty, indeed.
 [ 2018.05.11 10:02:15 ] Tressith Sefira > Philosophers like to ponder what makes a man. Is it his actions or his words? Is it what he feels on the inside, even if it never makes it out? What ratio is there on these metrics, that could help us judge the soul supposedly trapped by a mortal shell? Back home, in the old times, we thought that a man was what they allowed to enter them, far more than anything they allowed out. We fancied a man a mere vessel for more grand, more lovely, more terrible things, and we believed him only as culpable for his actions as far as what he did allow inside; not what would eventually leak out.
 [ 2018.05.11 10:02:33 ] Tressith Sefira > We excused crimes of passion on such a basis.
 [ 2018.05.11 10:03:14 ] Tressith Sefira > In this, I am not of home. You, Edward Adams, are empty.
 [ 2018.05.11 10:04:07 ] Tressith Sefira > I hold you accountable for every death you've decided to associate with my name.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #153 on: 08 May 2019, 16:16 »

[22:01:12] Louella Dougans > I might be able to influence the Empress to take action.
[22:02:58] Louella Dougans > I was at school, and still in contact, with a girl who is the Empress's 8th cousin.
[22:03:20] Aldrith Shutaq > Heh.


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Lost in Translation
« Reply #154 on: 16 May 2019, 08:07 »

Ishta MaletoToday at 2:46 PM
Fuck.. ok, yea.. it's cheery!
By the way, Ma'am, when is the move?

LunarisseToday at 2:47 PM
I need to check to see if Aria has set a date for the Lamp. Hangars will be aprocess

Ishta MaletoToday at 2:47 PM
Hopefully.. maybe I'll be able to get back before then..
Do the move myself

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 2:56 PM
It would be best to do.  I always felt strange having someone else do something on my behalf with my things.  If feels like... a failure of stewardship.  Over my underwear, sure, but still.

Ishta MaletoToday at 3:12 PM
Yea, I can't say.. um
It would be embarrassing..

LunarisseToday at 3:12 PM
cheerily I can add you to the list. need me to pack your cabin Archbishop?

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:15 PM
Well, there's not much there.  But if you'd like to rummage around in my drawers....

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:18 PM
I never thought I'd see an archbishop publicly consenting to let Lunarisse rummage around in his long underwear.

Ishta MaletoToday at 3:20 PM
Why do I get the impression that you... kinda want to clear my room, Ma'am?

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:20 PM
I have more than underwear in my drawers, Che, thank you, but I've nothing in them that I would be embarrassed for the Directrix to see.

LunarisseToday at 3:20 PM
I have no idea Miss Maleto
perhaps a subconscious fear on your end?

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:24 PM
You have underwear inside your long underwear? I guess it makes more sense now. Also...I've never seen an archbishop brag about the contents of his underwear like that.

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:27 PM
Not underwear, drawers, my man.  My God, who do you think I am?
I am a man of class and dignity.

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:38 PM
I'm not all that familiar with the Amarr culture and norms and stuff. I did not mean to imply that you would wear anything other than long underwear. Let me rephrase.
You have long underwear inside your long underwear? Also, I've never seen an archbishop brag about the contents of his long underwear like that.
Is it normal for Amarr to have additional long underwear in their long underwear?

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:40 PM
No, but some of the places I go are very chilly.
I suppose you could say long underwear are often uncommonly full.

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:45 PM
So Amarr use their long underwear to store items like some women store things in their bra?

Ishta MaletoToday at 3:47 PM
Well, you are kinda my boss... one of many, it'd be... awkward

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:47 PM
Well, the items we stow are somewhat limited.  I don't often have a lot of free room down there to work with.

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:50 PM
:laughing: There goes the archbishop, man of class and dignity, bragging again. Ooooh, you people keep surprising me. What a wonderful universe. :smile:

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:51 PM
Bragging?  Why, whatever do you mean, Che?  You were making inquiries about what I had in my underwear, I just didn't feel ashamed to be informative.
I'm a man who strongly believes in deep cultural exchange.

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:54 PM
I've nothing in them that I would be embarresed for the Directrix to see
I don't have a lot of free room down there to work with

....Implying that you're well endowed down there. Bragging.

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:55 PM
Why, Che, how could you ever think of such a thing?  Honestly, I'm sure if the Directrix wanted to see that, she wouldn't ask about it on the Good Word, of all places.

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 3:56 PM
Gods and spirits, who do you think I am?
A man of class and dignity?

Constantin Baracca [SFRIM]Today at 3:57 PM
Consider my monocle sufficiently popped!

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 4:20 PM
...I'm not sure if that means what I think it means.

Ishta MaletoToday at 4:23 PM
She laughs

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 4:56 PM
...I'm not sure if that laugh confirms my suspicion or not.

Ishta MaletoToday at 5:05 PM
I haven't seen any... urgh, shush.

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 5:12 PM
...Now I'm starting to think it does mean what I think it means.

Ishta MaletoToday at 5:15 PM
Oh my god, no!

[ALXVP] Ché BikoToday at 5:15 PM
I guess the additional long underwear is not just for chilly places.
« Last Edit: 16 May 2019, 09:16 by Ché Biko »


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #155 on: 22 Jul 2019, 16:02 »

Valerie Valate > Well, it's terribly complicated really.
Nauplius > I can understand complicated things, madam.
Valerie Valate > I shall start at the beginning.
Nauplius > /emote listens intently.
Valerie Valate > Billions of years ago, the universe existed as a point, which exploded quantumly. After millions of years, the primordial matter cooled and condensed to form galaxies, stars, planets, the whole lot.
Nauplius > I think that you can fast forward a bit.
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #156 on: 25 Jul 2019, 04:31 »

"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
- Carl Sagan

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #157 on: 13 Oct 2019, 14:35 »

Going to revive this thread with some gold from a simple truth or dare game:

[ 2019.10.13 18:41:17 ] Lasairiona Raske > I dare you, Utari, to dance a waltz with Constantin.
[ 2019.10.13 18:42:06 ] Utari Onzo > "Done!" Utari deftly gets up and straightens his clothes out. With a sense of purpose, he heads on over to Constantin. "Archbishop, may I have the honour?"
[ 2019.10.13 18:42:53 ] Constantin Baracca > /emote chuckles at Maira, then Constantin stands and turns to face Utari.  "I hope you don't mind a strong lead, Utari.  I'm not very good at restraining it."
[ 2019.10.13 18:43:49 ] Utari Onzo > "Please, lead on!" He offers Constantin his arm.
[ 2019.10.13 18:44:08 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote gets up and goes to the piano. "Hold on."
[ 2019.10.13 18:45:22 ] Saronu Yassavi > /emote looks a little surprised > "The Lord Gallus follows better than I'd have expected"
[ 2019.10.13 18:46:10 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote starts to play a waltz (( ))
[ 2019.10.13 18:46:41 ] Constantin Baracca > /emote clears his throat and gives Utari a good "1...2...3...1...." and immedately steps into Utari, leading him into a very practiced waltz.  He seems to be humming a waltz until Lasa beings playing one.  "Oh thank you, my dear."  He then leads Utari through the waltz, thankful of the open space to do so.
[ 2019.10.13 18:47:02 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote smiles, her fingers flying over the keys in expert time.
[ 2019.10.13 18:48:06 ] Utari Onzo > /emote follows along dutifully, for a while, before asserting himself. He uses his Civire frame and particular bulk to pull the lead from Constantine, appearing somewhat akin to a duel as a dance.
[ 2019.10.13 18:48:27 ] Utari Onzo > "My lord Archbishop must be more forceful to tame this partner!"
[ 2019.10.13 18:49:00 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote laughs softly
[ 2019.10.13 18:50:46 ] Constantin Baracca > /emote grins, then uses the additional rotation Utari is generating to kick is leg out and lead Utari into a snap turn.  At 6'-4" tall, resistance might lead Utari to being led more into a judo throw than a dance move.  "Very well."
[ 2019.10.13 18:51:20 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote purposefully extends the last few bars of the waltz, just to enjoy the dueling dancers.
[ 2019.10.13 18:51:49 ] Utari Onzo > /emote follows the turn, letting resistance slip for a moment to prevent falling, before attempting to put Constantin into a spin on the next turn.
[ 2019.10.13 18:52:42 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote steadily reaches the end of the tune.
[ 2019.10.13 18:54:42 ] Constantin Baracca > /emote follows into the spin, but he simply lifts Utari's arms over his head as he completes the turn and leans him over his hip into a spinning dip, turning on one crouched leg with the other stretched behind him to spread out his center of gravity.  "Oh, Utari... as if I haven't danced with Loai."
[ 2019.10.13 18:55:11 ] Lasairiona Raske > /emote laughs and plays out the last few notes. "Bravo!"
[ 2019.10.13 18:55:16 ] Maria Daphiti > /emote sighs.


[ 2019.10.13 18:58:30 ] Catherine Gillot > /emote fiddles for a moment > Is there something you would like to do to your girlfriend that you haven't done? Marrying not included?
[ 2019.10.13 18:59:28 ] Mizhir > /emote smiles warmly. "Start a family with her"


[ 2019.10.13 19:10:00 ] Maria Daphiti > "Umm..." she frowns as she almost says "Dare".  Then finishes. "Truth it is."
[ 2019.10.13 19:10:39 ] Mizhir > What is the last sin you committed?
[ 2019.10.13 19:11:18 ] Maria Daphiti > /emote looks like a furrier in the headlights of a incoming large ground-truck.
[ 2019.10.13 19:11:31 ] Maria Daphiti > "Can I change to Dare?"
[ 2019.10.13 19:11:42 ] Mizhir > /emote nods


[19:39:03] Maria Daphiti > "We all know y' love and adore Cathie.. but is there an Amarr loyalist capsuleer you'd crush on?"
[19:39:35] Mizhir > /emote eyes her suspiciously. "Are you sure you want the answer for that?"
[19:40:04] Maria Daphiti > /emote cocks her head like a robin studying the grass. "Hmm."
[19:40:29] Mizhir > /emote grins "You asked and now you will get it: Your mum"
[19:40:34] Maria Daphiti > "OMG!"
[19:40:53] Mizhir > Don't say I didn't warn you


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #158 on: 04 Oct 2020, 04:30 »

Valerie Valate > Graelyn, are you still here ?
Valerie Valate > I have an orthodox Amarr religious question you might be able to answer.
Graelyn > Very well.
Valerie Valate > Alright.
 Graelyn > /emote puts on his cleric face
Valerie Valate > So, I have a friend, who asked an orthodox Amarr man to marry her, and he said he was "seriously considering it". But that was 8 months ago. How long should she wait for an answer before becoming impatient ?
Graelyn > Hmm....
Graelyn > I've often advised that 2 years is a good, proper amount of time for a courtship. However, once the question is asked, 3 months is too long without some sort of clarification.
Valerie Valate > I See.
Graelyn > That said, if the families to be joined hold title, or extensive assets, one can allow for more care.
Sinikka Hakatain > ...eight months?
Graelyn > But outside of such circumstances, yes, I would say 'have a seat or exit the lavatory.'
Evi Polevhia > That's not...not...quite...nevermind.
Valerie Valate > Are you surprised at something, Sinikka ?
Sinikka Hakatain > Honey, if somebody was courting me then up and vanished on me for eight months, I'd consider that a breakup.
Sinikka Hakatain > wouldn't take me eight months, neither
Valerie Valate > Well, in the Amarr cultures, it's considered unseemly to rush.
Sinikka Hakatain > You and I have wildly different definitions of the word "rush."
Raxi Elamp > > did he actually disappear or just not answer the question
Stitcher > I mean, there's people in my life who have other stuff going on sometimes and maybe I don't see them for a while. but eight months?
Stitcher > I'm with Sin, that's kinda ridiculous
Raxi Elamp > > i dont think ive ever even been with someone for eight months straight
Sinikka Hakatain > /emote sighs
Valerie Valate > Well, they've been flirting with each other for 8 years or so.
Evi Polevhia > Oh, so just met.
Sinikka Hakatain > a whirlwind romance, really
Stitcher > Scandalous. Why, it's practically an elopement!
 Valerie Valate > So, four more months, then consider it a write-off.
Evi Polevhia > Well you did say they were Amarrian
Stitcher > I think that would be a reasonable conclusion after a whole year
Evi Polevhia > So we could've written it off sooner...
Nauplius > At least they aren't fornicating.
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