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Hared Loudier is a former Quafe employee who once claimed an entire stockpile of Quafe beverages vanished through a wormhole before his eyes.

Author Topic: Events at the CTCS, with Blood Raider Asias Urazmie  (Read 1313 times)


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A transcript of some of the events of 03.01.YC115

IC rationales for knowing all this would include:
1. Being an associate of the CTCS.
2. Being an associate of the Blood Raider Covenant.
3. Exploration involving using codebreakers on Blood Raider things would likely find transcripts amongst other miscellaneous files, along with the things people primarily do exploration for.

No spoiler tag, because it is annoying when you (or say, a cat) move the mouse inadvertently and you lose your place from where you were reading.

Asias Urazmie > Good evening, faithful
Valerie Valate > Evening.
 Khazarn Areth > Good evening.
 Asias Urazmie looks around. > Hmm... Not exactly the crowd I was expecting, though I suppose not everyone has arrived yet.
Lorana Zumjmumber enters the chapel dressed in her usual garb and takes a seat, nodding to Valerie and Leto.
 Asias Urazmie > I assume, Sister Valate, that you have the power to kick people from here if they become... rowdy?
Valerie Valate > Yes.
Asias Urazmie > Excellent. Let's see if I can stir up some more witnesses.
Khazarn Areth shifts in his seat before removing his jacket and placing it on the back of the chair
Marius Goudiyah is at the entrance, only reluctantly giving up his machinepistol at the door. Upon entering Marius spies the lovely Asias and makes sure to get a spot that would allow him a good view of the proceedings.
Khazarn Areth notices Marius giving up his weapon and quickly glances at the boarding shotgun strapped to his right thigh, wondering if it was a good idea to keep it on
Asias Urazmie > We can start, perhaps, around 21:20 to 21:30 or so, Sister Valate
 Valerie Valate > Outstanding.
Henry Montclaire attends via proxy. A small drone equipped with audio and video recorders, as well as a comm system hovers towards the entrance.
Vaden Khale appears via holo projector, a smirk on his face.
Valerie Valate adjusts things on the altar.
 Asias Urazmie settles into her place of honor
 Valerie Valate hums
 Leto Abbendis enters the room. "I'm a wee bit late. I hope I haven't missed anything."
 Valerie Valate > Not at all.
 Adreena Madeveda holo flickers on*
 Asias Urazmie > I do believe, Sister Valate, that it is time for the show to begin.
 Valerie Valate > Outstanding.
 Ghost Hunter blinks into existence from a holo emitter, dresseed in his Capsuleer portrait garb.
 Henry Montclaire The drone, having not been stopped, putters up towards the ceiling and floats in a discreet corner, silently.
 Vaden Khale scowls slightly at the projection of Ghost Hunter, but otherwise remains silent.
 Valerie Valate > Alright, then.
 Valerie Valate > Faithful, and Guests, we intend to demonstrate some ceremonies for you today, such that you may appreciate a small portion of Gods Wisdom.
 Valerie Valate > I shall start, at the Beginning. It is Written, that God gave everything its place, and bestowed Purpose to them.
 Valerie Valate > And it is also written, though the heretic false Believers of the Theology Council would deny it, that all the Peoples of the universe have within them, the possibility of becoming one of Gods Chosen.
 Valerie Valate > The question, then, is how does one become a Chosen ?
 Asias Urazmie leans back and rests her chin on her hand with mild interest.
 Valerie Valate > And, the answer, is again Written. That through hardships, a person's soul is free of distractions and is closest to God.
 Valerie Valate waves in the direction of the altar.
 Asias Urazmie raises an eyebrow at the "hardships" line.
 Valerie Valate > This altar, constructed by True Believers, in accordance with Scripture, is the means by which a person may experience Some of Gods Wisdom.
 Khazarn Areth sits forward in his seat a little as to get a clearer view of the alter
 Valerie Valate rings a little bell.
 Ritual Sacrifice is summoned
 Valerie Valate > This associate of mine, will now demonstrate
 Khazarn Areth grins wolfishly, imagining the possible bloodshed
 Ritual Sacrifice nods. "I am honoured"
 Ritual Sacrifice walks to the altar and sits down on it, holding onto the armrests.
 Valerie Valate presses a button, probes extend from the altar, and embed themselves in Rita's skin.
 Adreena Madeveda arches an eyebrow*
 Valerie Valate > The altar is a cunning device, and drains a substantial amount of the participants blood.
 Asias Urazmie casually rests her hands in her lap
 Khazarn Areth 's pupils dilate slightly, his posture unmoving
 Ritual Sacrifice looks calm. "I am ready"
 Valerie Valate takes the button, and offers it to Asias "Would you like to activate the altar?"
 Asias Urazmie > Ah, a gracious gesture
 Asias Urazmie reaches out and lightly depresses the button with the tip of her fingernail
 Valerie Valate smiles.
 Ritual Sacrifice shivers slightly and turns paler.
 Valerie Valate > With the blood drained from the participant, they may be given a Vision.
 Valerie Valate > What, do you See?
 Asias Urazmie lightly murmurs. > "A bloodless vision is not one I'd much tolerate, myself."
 Ritual Sacrifice is very pale now. "I see... the... bleak lands... the false cathedrals of the Theology council in flames..."
 Valerie Valate > Outstanding.
 Asias Urazmie smirks and continues speaking softly to herself. > At least it's a good one, though. A true portent, I suspect.
 Valerie Valate > Through the hardship of the blooding ritual, the participant's soul is free to soar, and insights may be received.
 Valerie Valate presses another button.
 Adreena Madeveda whispers "heh. That's a fancy way to call nausea."
 Vaden Khale observes, frowning, but says nothing.
 Valerie Valate > The altar returns the participants blood, and they can be released.
 Ritual Sacrifice turns pink again, and stands up after the altars devices withdraw.
 Ritual Sacrifice > I've had a few visions about the Bleak Lands, where the False Believers currenty occupy the Cathedrals that the Sani Sabik put up.
 Valerie Valate > Excellent.
 Valerie Valate > So, that is one ritual. Who has questions ?
 Asias Urazmie yawns slightly. > Oh, the blood simply goes back? I see.
 Khazarn Areth > Why not drain the wretch?
 Vaden Khale > Is this some sort of joke?
 Valerie Valate > Hah.
 Ritual Sacrifice > It's so I'm fit to fly.
 Khazarn Areth > A clone?
 Khazarn Areth 's eyes widen
 Khazarn Areth > She must be drained.
 Vaden Khale snorts in derision. "Hardly a sacrifice. Merely a momentary inconvenience."
 Valerie Valate > Pfft.
 Asias Urazmie glances back at Areth. > Easy, brother. We don't drain the faithful dry and I can guarantee there will be a true blooding later.
 Valerie Valate > Super.
 Asias Urazmie > Have you another ritual to display, Sister Valate?
 Vaden Khale laughs. "I should have known this would be a disappointment, with the Covenant involved."
 Valerie Valate > I do.
 Khazarn Areth > Hopefully a worthwhile ritual.
 Asias Urazmie > Well, the crowd seems to be getting restless, at least.
 Asias Urazmie smiles thinly. > So, I suggest you make it a good one.
 Valerie Valate > Mhmm.
 Valerie Valate adjusts the altar again.
 Valerie Valate > This is a thing that my associate has been working on.
 Valerie Valate > A curious thing, really.
 Valerie Valate > Now, Rita, if you'll fetch the participant?
 Ritual Sacrifice walks out of sight
 Khazarn Areth mutters "Prehaps She'll do it properly this time"
 Valerie Valate > My associate, has been experimenting, and has developed this.
 Valerie Valate has finished adjusting the altar, there's now a sharp blade attached to it.
 Ritual Sacrifice reappears, with a naked Gallente woman on a chain.
 Valerie Valate > Super. Set her up, would you?
 Khazarn Areth leans forward expectantly, a malicious look in his eye
 Ritual Sacrifice gestures to the altar
 Vaden Khale stares impassively, waiting to see what happens.
 Ritual Sacrifice > In you go.
 Asias Urazmie watches with passive interest
 Valerie Valate > You may recognise this participant.
 Muck Raker is placed on the altar.
 Marius Goudiyah sits back in her chair and watches with a growing smile.
 Ritual Sacrifice ties the gallente woman to the altar, and adjusts a few things.
 Asias Urazmie > I can't say that I do
 Ghost Hunter stares for a moment, the blinks > A Capsuleer?
 Valerie Valate > A gallente journalist, wanted a story.
 Ritual Sacrifice gives a thumbs up.
 Valerie Valate > Alright.
 Asias Urazmie > Well, I shall certainly have to browse some news archives to see who, exactly, our participant is.
 Valerie Valate > Now, one of the things my corpmate was investigating, was the effectiveness of sacrifices.
 Valerie Valate > So, with the miracle of cloning technology, a sacrificed participant can be questioned.
 Valerie Valate > Hooray.
 Adreena Madeveda frowns, cross her arms*
 Valerie Valate > So, Lord, We offer this woman as a sacrifice to you. May you find her pleasing.
 Asias Urazmie makes a mild line with her mouth.
 Ritual Sacrifice nudges the gallente woman, "say 'I am ready'"
 Muck Raker > I am ready.
 Valerie Valate > Superb. Would you like to press the button again, Asias?
 Asias Urazmie > Well, you've gone through all this trouble.
 Asias Urazmie flaps her finger down on the button
 Valerie Valate smiles
 Muck Raker blinks as the blade attached to the altar slices through her neck, severing her head from her body.
 Asias Urazmie twitches slightly. > Hmm. Crude.
 Khazarn Areth > Delicious.
 Ritual Sacrifice is splattered as she had neglected to move.
 Ritual Sacrifice frowns slightly.
 Vaden Khale flares his nostrils but remains silent.
 Marius Goudiyah snickers as the gallentean is decapitated. "Always thought they were mindless"
 Henry Montclaire A speaker on the drone comes to life. "Wait, was she fitted with one of those Templar implants? How are you going to interview her if she's dead?
 Valerie Valate > Aha! a useful question.
 Valerie Valate > That's the cunning part.
 Khazarn Areth > Collect the blood damn you!
 Henry Montclaire > "Nothing about this barbarism strikes me as particularly cunning . . ."
 Ritual Sacrifice frowns "don't panic, Mr. Areth"
 Khazarn Areth sits back in his chair, frowning over this seemingly wasteful act
 Valerie Valate > As you can see, the participant's head is secured in the altar, and thus, the brain is available for scanning.
 Valerie Valate presses a button to do just that.
 Valerie Valate > Then, we can interview them later, to see how it went. Yay.
 Henry Montclaire > "Assuming your technology actually works."
 Asias Urazmie > I must say, I'm not particularly interested in the thoughts of a person who allowed themselves to be decapitated. It seems needlessly morbid.
 Ritual Sacrifice points to a clever arrangement of channels on the altar, that collects most of the blood. "See, Mr. Areth?"
 Vaden Khale shakes his head. "As much as I hate it, I have to agree with the Blood Raider. There is no sacrifice, only a moment's discomfort. If you wished to provide a true sacrifice you would not clone them."
 Valerie Valate > Oh, well, when my associate has been running her experiments, she's said many participants have had interesting visions.
 Asias Urazmie > Visions, visions.
 Asias Urazmie > If I may have the altar, Sister Valate?
 Khazarn Areth sighs "Sudden death does not show the capture the path fully"
 Valerie Valate > Sure. Just let Rita clear it up first.
 Asias Urazmie > Don't worry about that.
 Ritual Sacrifice was about to move the body
 Asias Urazmie snaps her fingers and slowly rises from her seat of honor
 Asias Urazmie ascends the altar as the doors to the cathedral swing open and two men in robes lead a third man with an arcane device composed of tubes and pumps into the room.
 Asias Urazmie > Brothers and sisters of the Sabik! Too long we have been forced to hide away and muddy our beliefs in an effort to gain acceptance through the cluster.
 Khazarn Areth bows his head in reverence to the men in robes
 Asias Urazmie grabs the headless corpse and wrenches it from the altar onto the ground.
 Asias Urazmie > But no more! I stand here today to tell you that the Blood Raiders will rise again! No longer will we lurk in the darkness, but stand proudly in the light where we belong!
 Ritual Sacrifice waves her hands in the air "hooray!"
 Asias Urazmie gestures to the robed men, who lead the third onto the altar. The man gently sinks to his knees without coercion.
 Asias Urazmie > We are the strong and the mighty. We are the savants who rule over those too cowardly and pathetic to take what is there to be taken!
 Asias Urazmie > Those who would cower and fawn over things such as base morality and sniveling rights are weak and feeble.
 Vaden Khale nods slightly.
 Asias Urazmie > The blasphemous Amarr Empire with their flighty empress will feel our wrath as we burn their cathedrals to the ground and feed their Holders into our blood farms
 Asias Urazmie > The sniveling, cowardly, hateful Khanid Kingdom will wither as we take their sons and daughters and make them pay for the heinous act they inflicted upon our lost Brother Karsoth!
 Marius Goudiyah stiffles a laugh. "A weakling"
 Asias Urazmie > Prepare yourselves, faithful! Prepare to give everything and, in return, be granted so, so much more for your service!
 Asias Urazmie > Tonight, Father Omir sends you a gift.
 Asias Urazmie gestures absently to the man on his knees. > This man is no one special. Oh, I could regale you with tales of his bravery and triumph, tell you of the people he has defeated, the ISK he has made, the deeds he has done!
 Asias Urazmie > But look at him? He is before you, weak and powerless, because he follows not the path of blood. He is nothing. He is but food for our greatness!
 Vaden Khale smiles lightly.
 Asias Urazmie reaches out and presses a switch on the machinery attached to the man. He lets out a mild, almost inaudible grunt as the tubes begin to fill with blood. The blood carries to a large container at the rear of the machine.
 Asias Urazmie > This is all these lessers have to offer us. Their blood, so we may drink and take what meager strength they have and add it to our own!
 Asias Urazmie reaches into a niche in the container and withdraws a small vial, filled with blood. The man shudders and goes limp as the blood flowing through the tubes becomes thin and marked with air bubbles.
 Asias Urazmie > Come and drink, faithful! Drink to the dawn of the new era of the Blood Raiders and the Sani Sabik faith! Our time will come forth and will be glorious!
 Ritual Sacrifice > hooray!
 Asias Urazmie downs the vial of blood and throws it to the ground. The tubes fail to bring forth any more blood from the man. The two robed priests cut him loose from the device and he collapses onto the ground, lifeless.
 Khazarn Areth looks to Asias expectantly, hoping for a vial of blood
 Asias Urazmie grins a red-toothed smile and gestures to the robed men, who begin to wheel the contraption out.
 Asias Urazmie > Any who wish to partake of this blood may do so freely, should you be strong enough to take a vial.
 Vaden Khale sighs, regretting that he is only there via holo projector.
 Khazarn Areth stands and walks forward, his right hand extended ready to accept a vial of blood
 Asias Urazmie > For myself, I grow tired of simply standing around this night. There is greatness on the horizon, so much that my heart can barely take it.
 Asias Urazmie looks down from the altar at Khazarn. > Do not beg for it, brother. Take it. Seize it as you would seize greatness itself.
 Khazarn Areth takes a vial of blood and grins up at Asias before drinking the contents in one hungry gulp
 Asias Urazmie > Now, all those who are faithful, prepare for our coming dawn. Be ready to answer our call. Because we will call. And those who fail to answer will not be spared.
 Asias Urazmie walks briskly down from the altar and out the door of the cathedral.
 Vaden Khale chuckles lightly before disconnecting from the holo projector
 Valerie Valate > Well. Yay.
 Lorana Zumjmumber stretches out, and walks over to Valerie, carefully stepping around the corpses. "I look forward to great things."
 Valerie Valate > thank you.
 Khazarn Areth chucks the empty vial over his shoulder before collecting his jacket and briskly walking from the chapel.
 Valerie Valate > What an exciting evening.
 Lorana Zumjmumber > Mmm, mind if I take the Gallente with me?
 Valerie Valate frowns at the glass shards.
 Henry Montclaire The drone silently leaves the building.
 Valerie Valate > oh, sure, if you like.
 Ghost Hunter > She is of the more physical persuasion, it seems. < He looks down at some wasted blood that landed at the base of his hologram > A riveting demonstration.
 Lorana Zumjmumber > Thank you. I shall make good use of it.
 Valerie Valate > excellent
 Ghost Hunter > Will a ... recording, be made available on the GalNet?
 Adreena Madeveda shakes her head, her holo flickers off*
 Ritual Sacrifice has brought a trolley and puts the gallente woman's body onto it, sitting the head on top. "Here you go, Lorana"
 Valerie Valate > A recording, hmm, yes, I could do that.
 Ghost Hunter nods as he surveys the room > Your sect proposes questions and theology I find to be of my interest ... A good showing of both sides to the Sani Sabik, I think.
 Lorana Zumjmumber > "thank you"
 Lorana Zumjmumber sets off to find some servants to haul out the corpse.
 Ghost Hunter > But, perhaps, as an outsider to your culture, there are intracies I miss as easily as you miss my own. My regards for your ritual successes. < He bows slightly before blinking out of existence. >
 Ritual Sacrifice waves
« Last Edit: 03 Jan 2013, 18:34 by Synthia »
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Re: Events at the CTCS, with Blood Raider Asias Urazmie
« Reply #1 on: 04 Jan 2013, 04:43 »

Ha, this is good. :D
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Aldrith Shutaq

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Re: Events at the CTCS, with Blood Raider Asias Urazmie
« Reply #2 on: 04 Jan 2013, 14:31 »

Actors in physical RP channels! Maybe I can get drunk with some Amarrians after all. :3