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Maroon is the color of death for the Sani Sabik? (The Burning Life, p. 45)

Author Topic: Public service announcement regarding the OOC channel here.  (Read 4618 times)

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Originally cross-posted in its own thread on Chatsubo at:

However, as the post in Chatsubo was merged into another thread, I have made clear to the administration that this is quite against my wishes and reposted it into its own thread again here:

[mod]some comments removed[/mod]

That's fine. Regardless of what you cut out or move elsewhere, this announcement is made in good faith. Jade is responsible for me making it, and despite the lack of impact anyone had on the decisions in regards to selecting operators, I felt I was provoked into making it.

There have been open questions into a number of things regarding my running of an evidently vital conduit of enormous power for people to sit around in and talk about what their alts get up to. I'm past caring, as it all strikes me as extraordinarily banal. This announcement will not touch on such matters, as they belong in individual conversations.

As there are no new private messages for me on these topics on any given out of character community forum, no in-game mails concerning such matters in my inbox, and no attempts to engage me in any sort of rational discussion on the part of any aggrieved parties save one that bears little mention and wasn't ever a dialogue, I have come to the conclusion that these complaints are largely street theater for an audience that behaves as if it is captive.

That's all well and good.

The following things are going to happen or are already happening in regards to the channel, though:

Anyone with op status who is a member of the administrative body of either of the two forums this announcement will be posted on will be phased out, and no more such individuals will be considered for op status in the channel unless they leave behind administrative duties elsewhere.

Since the OOC channel is such an unbridled font of power and sustenance for the entire community, I suspect this decision will be rather straightforward on the part of those it affects.

This isn't done out of a sense of fairness. I might claim it were done in consideration of the time and energy of the current crew of operators, except that frankly I'm not that nice. It's just done for the sake of working towards more honest acts of soapbox preaching, and to push aggrieved parties to engage with the individual responsible for getting their feathers a-ruffled in seeking to produce a positive solution - or at least a quiet one. Part of this is ensuring that insofar as we have public figures that are prominent by dint of their assumed responsibilities rather than fame, those responsibilities are sufficiently prevented from overlapping to ensure that people can comment upon their execution freely, regardless of what they've taken on themselves. Whoever I hand the wretched channel over to when I finally drink my hemlock may then stand a better chance of not being ignored; whoever befriends that doomed personage will stand a better chance of not being asked to influence an op in a channel that has rather little impact on relations in the community as a whole.

Some personal statements I endorse:

If you ask for equal treatment in terms of getting a link from anything I'm involved with, and I give you and another party both a link and a description indicating my opinion on the website to which I send anyone who happens to click on it, that's a sufficient degree of equity as far as I'm concerned. If people who run the project agree with me or defer to me on the issue, that's a sufficient degree of consensus for me.

A project that involves input from a large group of people is something like the sum of its parts, and not the sum of the intentions or reputations of its administrators. Or even their efforts.

As a parting note, I'm not interested in who does or does not believe in concepts like consensus or community, or in sussing out what someone's intent might be. I don't care who accuses whom of dividing the community; I especially don't care who's been a member or supporter of what for how long and who has a long record of spitting in the faces of whatever communal outreach has gone their way from whatever side. I do care enough to minimize contact with the insufferable for as many as possible, and one potential metric for who might be deserving of such an epithet is whether they've advanced the idea that shit like this is useful and nutritious enough for open community consumption.

If you don't like it, simply use one of the other six out of character channels available to the community in general. Fuck, I'll give you a list if you ask me.

And you can tell your clique anything you like about the matter. I won't mind.


I like the idea of staff in alleged community resources being able to comment on each other's work without fear of interference, and as that has value to me, I'm going to make sure the ops in OOC aren't mods on these forums. That's where I'm drawing the line in the sand today; it may change tomorrow if a better idea occurs.

When someone criticizes your handiwork repeatedly, with suggestions on how it might be improved, try not to take it personally and assume you equate to it. If you DO take it personally, perhaps try to improve the output of your efforts.

And, if everyone tells me you're a troublemaker and every time I've seen you around you've generated trouble, I may ban you from a channel I have op rights in for the sake of less trouble.

Questions may be put to me ingame, until you do something fucking stupid like spamming me or making me feel like you're intentionally taking me out for a ride, whereupon I won't humor you anymore.

Some personal stuff:

-It's hard to steal something that was freely given to you when you asked for it. But contradictions are just that. For reference:

-It's hard to maintain an attitude of bereavement at the purportedly unbalanced running of something you feel is central to your community if:
>you don't contribute there, out of fear or whatever other reason, and
>you're talking about something with little purpose aside from sharing bullshit-talk.

-Some people make arguments in bad faith. They may fail to realize it, but that doesn't really change anything.

Finally, if the gist of the opposing position is that a forum or other venue's shit if I'm allowed on it, I guess that spells trouble for Chatsubo as well as Backstage.

And the Electus Matari forums.

And the Rote Kapelle forums.

And the Star Fraction boards.

And the CAIN boards.

And the ReAW boards.

And the NQM boards.

And the Lai Dai boards.

And the Oberon Incorporated boards.

And the CVA boards.

And the EVE-Fiction boards.

And the EVE-Online boards.

And the O-Syn boards...
« Last Edit: 02 May 2010, 12:48 by Morwen Lagann »


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Srsly though, interesting. Let me know if there's something I can do. May have to decline due to time issues, but let me know.


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Hm, fair and reasonable deal.
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Merdaneth has no idea what this is about  :s

The only message I get from this is that you read and post on a lot (way too much?) of forums.  :)


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[admin]I'm leaving for work in 20 minutes.  When I get home tonight, I'd like for this thread to NOT be full of cross-forum posting war bullshit.[/admin]

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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...with that said, thanks for this Ashar.  Hopefully it will remove at least one means of baseless slander from certain naysayers' arsenals.  Given the level of activity on our forum since it opened April 16th, though, I haven't been so much concerned about what people who haven't been here say about us as what we do.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Louella Dougans

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[mod]unlocked to allow editing if necessary[/mod]

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Poast links when you split threads, plox.


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I've not seen any of the angry Chatsubo naysaying mentioned there in OOC. Perhaps people are perceiving intents behind things that aren't what's intended?

Then again, maybe I'm one of the naysayers. I have to admit, I never found it contributive to my RP or general happiness OOC. And so far I like it here. There's just a fuckload of content that sparks my imagination and the atmosphere is really friendly.


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In my world, a conflict of interest is perceived very badly and generally dealt with immediately for the benefit of everybody involved. Ashar is taking the correct measure for one in his position and, from my point of view, did not really need to explain himself.

Thinking about it, perhaps the feeling of "conflict of interest" is one of the reasons I prefer this forum to Chatsubo. Though, it is certainly the topics and level of discussion here that are catching my interest and are the major reasons why I stick around. :)
« Last Edit: 02 May 2010, 13:44 by Myyona »
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