Snark for snark is the way it's done. c/d? Just defending the boss. CEO's attack dog and all. Generally though I think the bittervet mindset and identity are poisonous so I'm apt to oppose both and defend those who do the same.
As for subcap pwnage fest and the consequences of caps in lowsec FW, the way you described it makes sense. I'd be onboard for full cyno jamming in the warzone.
Why do you assess DUST to be set for complete failure?
No worries mate
"bomb" is a broad term but a few things stack the deck against the game in a big way
1. PS3 exclusive for consoles cuts out more than 50% of console market, and millions of FPS players.
2. The PS3 multiplayer experience is generally garbage. Inviting friends, forming groups, and all being on the same audio can be tiresome and is often outright broken. Compare the xbox live multiplayer to ps3. For a highly social, complicated, and by necessity hierarchical game with strategy and the need for effective organization, the PS3 is the absolute last console you want to be doing this sort of thing with.
3. Console players (generalization here) are finicky and have comparatively short gaming attention spans to PC players. PC games can last for years and grow in reputation and dedication, but console games ALL have extremely short shelf-life, and shooters shorter than many others. Yes the die-hards stick around, but after a few months the online population of most console games falls off a cliff. This bodes poorly for one that is supposedly highly tied to a concurrent PC game with a more stable player base. Of course if the 'connection' between the two is more cosmetic then it won't be that critical.
But try hopping on most console FPS games a year or so later and seeing how busy they are. There are a few exceptions but this does not have a HALO / Call of Duty budget or following. Mid-tier shooters fall off a population cliff after a few months.
4. 'too complicated' for typical FPS console market. COD / HALO work because you jump on with random team or a few friends, run around, and kill the other people. Even then it's difficult to stand playing with random people. This game has far more planning, building, and complexity. It will be super, super awesome for about 1/5 of the FPS players, the other 100,000 14-year olds screaming 'faggot' into the microphone and trying to teabag your corpse will go elsewhere.