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The command division of the Angel Cartel is called the Dominations.

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Author Topic: Swearing up a Storm  (Read 3856 times)

Kybernetes Moros

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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #15 on: 31 Aug 2012, 04:30 »

I can see the appeal of this -- not creating new and slightly annoying space words that people have to ask about or look up to follow, but creating English equivalents (c.f. "Kador's balls").

The issue I'm encountering in thinking of the RL languages I'm familiar enough with is that anything that would be translated directly, i.e. isn't just shifted to "fuck", "shit", etc., sounds kind of archaic or quaint. Whether that's a good thing depends on the character using it, I suspect.

The majority of stuff I can think of doesn't really translate well, though; might it be possible that a lot of the swearing in EVE would get the same treatment?

-"¡Joder! ¡¿Es menester que siempre digas tantas gilipolleces?!" (Castillian Spanish; roughly "Fuck! Do you have to constantly talk such bullshit?!". South American Spanish does different things with its profanity that are largely lost on me.)

-"Mon câlice de char m'a coûté 700 maudits livres à réparer: tabarnak d'ostie de ciboire de technicien!" (Québécois that mightn't be 100% accurate; they're big on stringing together religious phrases that don't have an excellent translation. Lit. "My chalice of a car cost me 700 dollars to fix; tabarnacle of a host of ciborium of an engineer!"; idiomatically maybe "My bastard car cost me 700 dollars to fix; motherfucking wanker of an engineer!"?)

-"Czyś napierdoł się znowu, jebaku? Do kurwy nędzy! Bez tych pieniądze nie możemy płacić za matki cholerny dar!" (Polish; grammar mightn't be spot on, but the swearing's fine. Lit. "You got drunk again, fucker? Until the whore's poverty! Without that money we can't pay for mother's cholera-ridden gift!"; more idiomatically "You got fucking wankered again? For fuck's sake! Without that money we can't pay for mum's motherfucking present!".)

Point being, I guess, sometimes sticking to the established English ones might be preferable, both in terms of "realism" in translation and for the sake of easy comprehension.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #16 on: 31 Aug 2012, 05:05 »

Yep. Better not to create words. Or do it, but don't be surprised if people start to wonder what the hell it means once you start to use them on RP channels. The only card you have left to play is the usual "it's how we say in our little clan/house/district/whatever", and then people might answer "can you talk in something that my universal translator can actually translate when you are adressing me please ?".

That is almost another subject but I have always tried to tag along with people speaking napanii and amarrian latin in RP channels, but very reluctantly. I don't see why I should consider these languages as the common ones either in the Caldari State or in the Amarr Empire, just because the majority of the factionnal blocs decided it so. Make CCP include it in their PF and I will reconsider it. :reactionnaryhat:

Kador's Balls!  :eek:

Look at that!

I like that, for the average not so clever commoner or the ignorant peasant.

There is also a term used quite broadly especially by minmatar RPers, which is "x-lapdog" where"x" can be any faction. "Ammatar lapdog", "Amarrian lapdog", etc.


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #17 on: 31 Aug 2012, 06:34 »

For Caldari, any combination of 'Ancestors' and/ or 'spirits' or the name of one of the Spirits (such as 'Cold Wind') with the sort of expostulation we use today. Examples:

  • 'Cold fucking wind'
  • 'Spirits fuck your/my/her ancestors'

Since Cia and Cami come from a culture that treats 'Fortune' as a sort of anthropomorphised deity, they tend to use 'Fortune' where I would probably use 'God' or 'jesus' in cursing:

  • 'For Fortune's sake'
  • 'Fortune fuck'

Anyone who has a history or family history that involves spacefaring on conventional ship might have picked up expressions particularly related to space and vaccuum:

  • 'Void take me/him/you'
  • 'Go suck space'
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #18 on: 31 Aug 2012, 09:32 »

Perhaps instead of concerning ourselves with how individual factions insult each other we can focus on how capsuleers insult each other. I can see how people from each faction might integrate some of their curses into capsule culture, but considering the pains that space stations (and rest of society) take to separate capsuleers from the rest of civilization, I could see how unique lingo might flourish.


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #19 on: 31 Aug 2012, 10:48 »

"Frak this"

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #20 on: 31 Aug 2012, 14:08 »

I don't have much to say on the swearing bit.  Truth be told something else here caught my attention and I feel compelled to respond to it even though it is technically off topic.

I often see people bemoaning the use of player made languages and sometimes bemoaning is a very polite understatement.  By far the most common reasoning for people to dislike a player language is along the lines of "I don't want to need a dictionary to roleplay with you" or other similar statements.  That is all well and good in the end I suppose, but here is what sort of bothers me about that logic.  Why is it any different from someone using any other language around you that you don't know?  Why is a "made up language" different from someone speaking Spanish (substitute any real world language you aren't fluent with) around you?  In the real world is it some horrible thing to confess you don't know what the heck someone just said?



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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #21 on: 31 Aug 2012, 14:31 »

I think the Caldari and Amarr conlangs are neat. It's cool that someone spent the time and energy to make them and that others have run with them.

Yep. Better not to create words. Or do it, but don't be surprised if people start to wonder what the hell it means once you start to use them on RP channels. The only card you have left to play is the usual "it's how we say in our little clan/house/district/whatever", and then people might answer "can you talk in something that my universal translator can actually translate when you are adressing me please ?".

If you’re calling someone dicksnot, you’re probably going to call them dicksnot in whatever language you feel like using. Who cares if they’d rather you swear at them in a standard tongue?
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2012, 14:41 by Makkal »
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Mitara Newelle

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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #22 on: 31 Aug 2012, 14:34 »

My ears!!!

Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #23 on: 31 Aug 2012, 14:53 »

I think I need an adult

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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #24 on: 31 Aug 2012, 15:27 »

I'm gonna go with "anything" for the Fed.

I'm going to start using 'Seriphyn' as a dirty sex word.

"Yeah that girl was NASTY, bro. she wanted me to give her a 'Dirty Seriphyn' last night. I don't even know what that is, but I walked out and took my pizza too."


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #25 on: 31 Aug 2012, 15:28 »

\o/ Posting in (yet another) 'urdoinitrong'-thread. \o/

No it's not. I think you may not quite understand what that means around here, because this is not a "your RP is bad and you should feel bad" thread. This is a "hmm, maybe we can find interesting ways to add onto our RP" thread, and if (like Graan and you and me) we think "well I'm not sure that's for me", then we don't have to come into it and cause problems, either.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #26 on: 31 Aug 2012, 18:09 »

I don't have much to say on the swearing bit.  Truth be told something else here caught my attention and I feel compelled to respond to it even though it is technically off topic.

I often see people bemoaning the use of player made languages and sometimes bemoaning is a very polite understatement.  By far the most common reasoning for people to dislike a player language is along the lines of "I don't want to need a dictionary to roleplay with you" or other similar statements.  That is all well and good in the end I suppose, but here is what sort of bothers me about that logic.  Why is it any different from someone using any other language around you that you don't know?  Why is a "made up language" different from someone speaking Spanish (substitute any real world language you aren't fluent with) around you?  In the real world is it some horrible thing to confess you don't know what the heck someone just said?

Clarification :

- Using a made up language of one's own is perfectly fine. The universal translator can not (can it ?) know every minor and local language and it is perfectly fine.

- Using a made up language that is supposed to be THE official language of any faction (im looking at you napanii) is annoying. And using made up words being part of such languages that universal translators are universally known, is even more annoying especially when you don't know OOCly the meaning.

The main issue are mostly about universal translators, that we do not have RL.


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #27 on: 05 Sep 2012, 04:24 »

God becomes Spirits.

Pator becomes an exclamation.

Called that sucka an Ammatar. Suckas hate being called Ammatar.

Else, wing what sounds good.

And of course you can always run with untranslatable garbage when your character is just genuinely that damn mad.

Super simple stuff.

Kaldor Mintat

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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #28 on: 05 Sep 2012, 04:36 »

Perhaps instead of concerning ourselves with how individual factions insult each other we can focus on how capsuleers insult each other.

"You carebear!"....


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Re: Swearing up a Storm
« Reply #29 on: 05 Sep 2012, 07:29 »

"Your mother's so fat she needs a cyno to get out the door."

"If podders look like their ships, I'm betting you fly a proteus."

"You're so stupid, I wouldn't be surprised to hear you ask for advice on how to fit a freighter."
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.
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