We wish to inform all of you that we had been considering biomassing this character, in response to the apparently outraged response to him. It seems unfeasable for us to RP him at all, since he was greeted ICly with mockery and disbelief at worst, with the best response seeming to be simple ignoring.
But many of the responses in this thread have uplifted our thoughts on Eve's RP community. We thank you all.
We are firmly (as you might imagine) on the other side of the 'urdoinitrong' people. We understand that our concept is strange at best, but we hope that you will take the time to learn a bit about him, and realize that he isn't poorly thought out, he was not intended to be silly, and he does not in any place contradict prime fiction.
We would also like to remind you all who complain on the basis that one should not RP anything but humans, that one multiple occasions, Speaker For Swarms has confirmed his humanity.