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Author Topic: National Anthems  (Read 4237 times)

Nmaro Makari

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National Anthems
« on: 20 Jun 2012, 18:35 »

So, Federation day gone, got me thinking about a few flag-waving stuffs and general national trappings of the Federation and the other empires and heres what I've been thinking, just my opinion, and I'll change as maybe new ideas are suggested or come to me.

The Gallente Federation

So, importantly I think you have to remember what sort of empire your dealing with; Pluralism's badass bastard child. The Fed weaves in many seemingly incompatible cultures, Jin Mei for one, and most likely a hell of a lot of languages but somehow manages to make it all work(ish) So, I thought this would naturally be reflected in their anthem. Something varied that would aim to please all as some sort of unifying symbol.

Best approximate I found so far is this: Essentially, varied, different sounds and tempos, something for everyone. No words though, but along the lines of keeping everyone unified and avoiding a spat, words would be generic or non-existant perhaps?

The Caldari State

In short, this: Obviously this just an approximation, but the tune fits and the lyrics are certainly worth paying attention to.

"Wide spaces for dreams and for living
 Are opened for us by the coming years
 Our loyalty to our Motherland gives us strength.
 Thus it was, thus it is and always will be!"

This one exerpt from the chorus, has it all, loyalty to the motherland, an optimistic line about the land intself, inspiring perhaps a little nostalgia (hint hint; Caldari Prime). Its also worth nothing that while the tune has remained the same, exept for a few years post Soviet Union, the Russian National Anthem has had its words changes a good few times. Not inconcievable that an incoming dictator like Heth would change it for his own needs. However, worth remembering the Caldari society, split quite clearly into corporations. Its not unthinkable to say the Caldari might not even have an anthem, or Heth might introduce/have introduced one.

The Amarr Empire

Something nice and imperial sounding... aha!

Trumpets at the begining are a nice touch. The song itself is old and traditional, and the lyrics very much transferable to the Empress. Also, worth remembering a now redacted verse of the song:

"O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
God save us all!"

Sounds like the Amarr to me. "Smite these heathens would you?"

The Minmatar Republic

Thinking long and hard, I decided the Republic wanted something that reached out to each individual tribe, possibly in different languages or dialects, possibly even weaving together different tunes and exerpts. One of the few anthems to have different languages and songs sewn together is this:

The South African National Anthem is two songs woven together, Nkosi Sikeleli Afrika, used by the anti-aparthied movement and Die Stem van Suid-Afrika, the old Anthem. Currently, the anthem also uses 5 different languages for each verse, Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans and English, in that order. A loose (VERY loose) parallel could also be drawn between Mandela, who spurred the multi-language song as part of his reconciliation policy and Midular who famously reaches out and opts for peace and reconciliation. It could be said that forming the Republic needed a representative anthem to unite the tribes, something that could help put aside past differences and illustrate a common struggle. In that respect, its worth looking at the last verse of the Anthem:

"Sounds the call to come together,
And united we shall stand,
Let us live and strive for freedom
In South Africa our land."

Although, the South African National anthem is possibly just not warlike enough or boiling over with vengeful rage as many Minmatar are.
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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2012, 19:07 »

Since I first heard it, this has always made me thing "Gallente": 

...Not quite an "anthem" in the classical style though.


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2012, 19:08 »

I have to completely disagree with your selection for the Minmatar anthem, because I have heard a far better one:

The national anthem of Zimbabwe while I lived there. The current version is different.


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #3 on: 20 Jun 2012, 20:03 »

Not trying to hijack, but this sounds a good a place to ask as any.

Anyone know the song to the Minmatar Raise the Flag Youtube vids?

(found here: )

I loved the interplay with all the various elements and influences within the song.  Came off as very Minmatar to me.

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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #4 on: 20 Jun 2012, 20:21 »

The one that is in the description?  :bear:

Matariki Rain

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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #5 on: 20 Jun 2012, 20:23 »

Not trying to hijack, but this sounds a good a place to ask as any.

Anyone know the song to the Minmatar Raise the Flag Youtube vids?

(found here: )

I loved the interplay with all the various elements and influences within the song.  Came off as very Minmatar to me.

Me, too. It's listed as 'Audio: "King of Sparta" by Audiomachine Video Sources', and I was just grabbing it for a reply. :)


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #6 on: 20 Jun 2012, 20:37 »

FWIW, I've long though this could serve as an "anthem" of all capsuleers in general:

(Plus, the linked music video has a particularly eclectic mix of actors in addition to the eminently Gallente-looking lead singer Jared Leto.)


[spoiler]Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
Father has spoken

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell
Heaven and hell

Into your eyes
Hopeless and taken
We stole our new lives
Through blood and name

In defense of our dreams
In defense of our dreams

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell
Heaven and hell

The age of man is over
A darkness comes at dawn
These lessons that we've learned here
Have only just begun

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell

We are the kings
We are the queens
We are the kings
We are the queens[/spoiler]

Matariki Rain

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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #7 on: 20 Jun 2012, 20:49 »

Nmaro, I've thought about the multilingual South African anthem in a Matari context as well. I turned away from it, because in the end that and the final verse were about all it had going for it, and my sense was that, over a century ago when the Republic was formed and accepted by CONCORD, the tribes weren't recovered from the Long Captivity, the strongest motive force was unity as Matari, and the language in the anthem was one of the early proud unveilings of Modern Standard Matari as a shared and slightly synthetic Minmatar language. (And that brings us back to my least-favorite retcon, okay, so this is just my preferred take on things.)

So here's my candidate, alongside the aforementioned soundtrack from Fear the Tribes "King of Sparta" and some of the feel of EVE's own "Seven Clans":


Be inspired-inspired-inspired
Be inspired-inspired-inspired
In union . .
Be inspired-inspired-inspired

Be inspired-inspired-inspired
Be inspired-inspired-inspired
In union . .
. . we have strength.

The pride of the people
is almost gone
People will not
in this world

We must maintain
and union
to achieve our goals.

Freedom, justice,

Be inspired-inspired-inspired

(chant of pride)
On peoples' lips
is the bravery (of our warriors).
Exciting the passions
of our people.
The power, the fear, the awe!
Ohhh, yeahhh!

Be inspired-inspired-inspired . . .
« Last Edit: 21 Jun 2012, 03:45 by Matariki Rain »


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jun 2012, 20:54 »

I think there's an in-joke in those lyrics. The kings and queens are giant liabilities in a chess game.

Victoria Stecker

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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #9 on: 20 Jun 2012, 21:05 »

This came to mind thinking about the Minmatar, it doesn't really fit (since it's talking about france) but minus that line...

.. and maybe I just have a massive hard on for Les Miserables lately. It is kidna sorta amazing, I highly recommend it to anyone who has a heart and the opportunity to see it professionally.


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #10 on: 20 Jun 2012, 21:39 »

The one that is in the description?  :bear:

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #11 on: 21 Jun 2012, 03:21 »

The Caldari doesn't quite strike me as having the pomp of the Soviet anthem, regardless of lyrics. Personally, I've been listening to old Scandinavian, Japanese and Finnish marches for the "Caldari feel". From the military march side I'm somewhat partial to "Memories of the North" ("Muistoja Pohjolasta") being suitable to Caldari/Gallente war memorial song, though the melody is perhaps not fully fitting. If wanting some more pomp, we might end to Marsch aus Petersburg or the March of the Finnish cavalry (the lyrics of the later are also somewhat fitting, "In the snows of the North is our home").

However, if we talk about lyrics fitting the Caldari history better than the county anthem of Kainuu, Nälkämaan laulu (translating literally "Song of the Land of Hunger", also known as the "March of the Wilds of Kainuu"), with also somewhat suitable lyrics (perhaps replacing farming with industry):
[spoiler]A quick translation:
Hear the whisper of our woods,
the splash of our wild lakes!
Our reputation repeat those,
roaring rapids and miserable mires!
Ours are free these hills!
Our song sounding in the bays!
To us brought the spring its sprites,
to us sings the thrush and the grouse!

Our path may be difficult - so let it be!
The nature is mingy - so we compete!
In the corners of our dark homeland
let our steads hide on their sites!
Fires of persecution quiet now!
Pillager, robbers begone!
We need no swords, just vigour
for the spirit, kin and land.

Arise, new faith for this land,
drive away superstition and backwardness!
Farmer, remember where is your fortune,
the sovereign wealth of your barn!
The people of Kainuu, cast your die!
Where is your bearing, your honourable work?
We have to recreate this land,
let the weaklings run overseas!

For some reason, Finnish choirs don't always perform the last stanza to Finnish-Americans.

Also, the word "heimo" ("tribe", or in national romantic context as here, "kin") has a specific meaning in Finnish, encompassing one of the "historic" Finnish peoples from the "local county residents" level in its most narrow meaning (e.g. "Karjalan heimo" = "Carelians") to "all Fenno-Ugric nations" in its widest. ("heimokansat" = "kindred nations".) Its use is quite rare in the mainstream, as it is connected to the period of Finnish nationalism.[/spoiler]

On the other hand the Soviet anthem might well fit the Amarr with its slow, powerful melody. One possibility would be to dig into the Orthodox music, for example the Imperial Russian anthem God save the Czar.
« Last Edit: 21 Jun 2012, 03:39 by Mithfindel »


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #12 on: 21 Jun 2012, 06:08 »

As an aside, how did all national anthems in the world end up being played with a Western classical orchestra anyway?

Techie Kanenald

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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #13 on: 21 Jun 2012, 06:26 »

Interestingly enough, g/f might be interested in studying the music of EVE....given that, for all I know she may -write- Anthems for all you.

:P  I'll pass this thread along.


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Re: National Anthems
« Reply #14 on: 21 Jun 2012, 06:37 »

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