The Caldari have a titan (and maybe several), the Gallente have a titan (or maybe several) if ofc we believe the cinematic of the Kador attack in Solitude, and the Amarr have at least 2 titans and Khanid has one (first PF chronicles). And if we believe videos we even see countless titans at the Jamyl coronation. Even if we do not take videos at their word, they all have titans. They do not need isogen-5 powered terran superweapons of d00m to defend themselves.
I apologise, I was taking the piss. More reasonably, The Amarr seemed to be surprised and off balance, and a smaller fleet doing things that give them strategic surprise and local superiority of numbers in a situation where people refer up the chain of command for instructions instead of reacting quickly can reasonably see a situation like that, where the Elder assault fleets can penetrate quite deeply and achieve their objectives, then pull back. I agree that in a stand up fight, the Amarr
should have been able to hold their own, at least.
To be honest, I thought that was one of the least objectionable parts, once the silly set up had been done. I was more bothered by the super sekret war fleet that nobody knew existed.
Incidentally, the Dragonaurs also annoyed me. As a group of politically disaffected who went off and ran terrorist missions against the Gallente, yeah, sure, I could see them being loyal to Heth. What was less convincing was having them be experts at running corporations, doing accounting, running a professional PR campaign, technical spying, and having legions of volunteers with plastic surgery to look like Gallente so they could impersonate Gallente ground troops.
Maybe. That still sounds a little stretched to me. A central security device ? No redundancy and copies or auxilliary centres ? -_-
Agreed completely. TonyG needed certain conditions to set up the big boss fight at the end, and one of them was CONCORD not interfering. This was the scheme he came up with (instead of The Elders just War-deccing The Amarr, because that would give them 24 hours notice).