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Author Topic: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge  (Read 31247 times)


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #60 on: 13 Jun 2013, 10:10 »

Just wanted to say that reading this thread made me restart a new character using these guidelines.

Its been a blast!  Only way to play this game, IMHO.  Makes the world terrifying, makes every bit of food you find important. 

Voric Fell-Hand, (also known as the Ever Hungry, given his known habit of eating in battle) has been enjoying his adventures through Skyrim.
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #61 on: 24 Jun 2013, 14:14 »

And so begins the story of Urgoth Gro-Hagrosh.

or at least it will when i next get onto skyrim.

Who he is :

The Gro-Hagrosh line of orcs has been both cursed and blessed throughout it's existence, having held within it's number no less than two imperial heroes and ranking members of the Blades. (along with a much larger number of criminals who, by various means, have been caught and either executed or imprisoned)

Over the years since the death of the last dragonblooded emperor, the line retreated to the orc homelands, and there it stayed, living as guards and teachers amongst the Yurts of their kin.
Urgoth was born as third son, his place would not be as a leader of his people, or as a warleader for his tribe, yet the call of his ancestors was still strong, waking one night from a particularly lucid dream, he spoke to his people's wise woman. and set off on the long walk to Skyrim.
Destiny called, and she would not be kept waiting.

Not knowing about the trouble in Skyrim, Urgoth walked across the border, he heard the snap of the bowstring moments before it all went dark, when he awoke, the first thing he saw was a Nord, on a cart.

Destiny appears to have a strange sense of humour.


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #62 on: 26 Jun 2013, 05:24 »

Day 1:

So this is what has become of the Empire. First they betray Talos and the Septim line, The line my family served for so long, Now they betray me. So much for due process.

Still, perhaps destiny needed me here, Greatmother Ugathi's stories about a great dragon in the imperial city may have been true. Regardless, I have seen one now and it speaks!

Orisinium has served the Septim line since the days of Talos himself, this white gold concordiat has broken that pact. They will learn the scale of their mistake in time. Trying to kill me was another mistake, they should have succeeded. Tullius, I will remember that name.

Escaped the destruction of Helgen with a Nord named Raolof, calls himself a 'Stormcloak' whatever that is, something about a rebellion. It is said Talos came from these parts, Perhaps the Empire can be built anew from another great Nord. Such a noble ideal the empire, led by cowards and weaklings.

These stormcloaks are enemies of those who betrayed me, enemies of the Thalmor, who turned on the empire of the Septim line. Might be a good place to begin the restoration of the ideals and strength of the Septim line. Even if not in name.
They will call me a traitor, for fighting for the ideals that made the empire great. So be it.

Reached the village of Riverwood, There are some good people here, too close to Helgen for their own good. They need troops to defend against another dragon attack, if they can. Night-time now, will wait for the blacksmith's to open tomorrow and sell this armour i looted, then I'll head off to the Jarl, I wonder what he will make of this.

Note. Must find a way to replace this imperial armour I'm wearing, might give the stormcloaks the wrong impression of my loyalties.

(days 2-7 coming soon.)
« Last Edit: 03 Jul 2013, 05:59 by Rok-Yuni »


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #63 on: 24 Aug 2013, 19:31 »

Jernal of Aron the redguard. Day 5 (I think)

Its been abowt 5 days since I arive in Skyrim. I fownd this olde book down an ruin called "Dust mans kern kair Cairn" and thought id use it too keep a jernal. Farkas took me down their to find a fragmant of "Wuuthrad" which is a big axe. Lots of them Draggers down there an a funny wall wot gave me a hedake to look at.

Farkas is a were wolf! sum people with sliver swords try to kill us but he got big and harry and kilt them insted. He says all the companyuns were wolfs. if being a were wolf meens yoo can fite like that, I want to be a were wolf as wel.

Before that, I was in Heglen. The Impereal leejun had court some man called "All Frik" who has a stormy cloak. They must have got confoozed and thort that was me becuz they tried to cut off my hed! I tried to say it was a mistake, but they didnt listen. Good thing that dragun came and blue up the town becoz if it hadnt id be shorter now hahaha. Its a pity so many people got kilt but thats life i ges. They sed Skyrim was a tuf land.

They wer right too becuz this mornin sum vampires attack wite run an the pretty blacksmith lady got turn to ash. Her dad was so upset he wouldnt even take that shiny sword she made for the yarl so I ges I get to keep it. Ther was anuver pile of ash to but i dont no hoo that one used to be.

Speeking of swords, that nice gray mane man gave me a sword. its REALLY sharp. I think I could kill a lot of draggers and vampires with this. "Sky forge steel" he call it.

One of the gards sed there was sum vampire hunters in a ford west of a town call Riften. Maybe I shud go along there and use my new sword to slay sum vampires. I think the pretty blaksmith lady would like it if sum one avenj her. It seem rite. She was nice to me an let me use her forge an smelter an evrything. Her husband, Mister War Bear, sed that he is geting the swords an stuf from the kajit caravans now sins he cant work the forge himself. I wood ofer to replace her but I can onlee do the smithing, I cant be his wife, so I didnt ofer in the end.

I feel like I am forgetin sumthing importent, abot a stone dragun that had a bleek fall or sumthing? Then agen if I forget it then it cant hav been that importent aneeway.

its a long wark to riften so i think ill ride the cart in the morning. Good nite jernal!

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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #64 on: 25 Aug 2013, 07:03 »

Dear jernal.

The nice man on the cart sed that Riften is where the blak brire meed come from. I like that meed, but wen we got to Riften it was dark an the gards wood not let me in so I just went east to were that ford is ment to be.

sum nasty peepl attack me on the rode an I had to fite them. One of them had a book, not like this one, but with words in it that I didnt rite. His book had some lady talkin abowt hittin peeple with a broom and I think sum of wot she said made sens I think a sword is beter for hiting peepl. I also had to fite sum wolfs but just normal wolfs not were wolfs like Farkas. They were on a bridj, an wile I was fitin them I herd a sound under the bridj. I lookt and fownd a Chenopodicaea Sinderionii. Nirnroot! I can use it to make poisons to hurt peepl or make them sleep, or I can mix it with vampire dust for a potion to go invisibul, an I think it help resist magic too.

Ford Dawngard is big. reely big. I feel sory for the vampire that try to atak it. one of those Stendarr vijilants was here sayin that a hall had been burn by vampires. Isran dusnt act very nice but he giv me a crossbow so maybe hes nice underneeth. He sed I shud go to sum place call Dim Holow Cript. he also sed to poke arown the ford an take wat I needed So I did. I found lots of Garlic! maybe Isran likes beef stew. Ill have to make him sum. There was also a naughty book about an Argonian Maid. I also found a war axe with a sun on it that looks like it mite be good for choping vampires an a soot of armor with a big colar to stop vampires from biting yore nek. I found so much stuf I had to put sum of it bak down agen! No carrots tho so I coodnt make that beef stew for Isran.

I found a better quill! It must be magic or something because it writes what I'm thinking, and writes it all fancy like in those books mother used to read me. This is good because I never was very good at writing. I was exploring Fort Dawnguard and I found a cave with bridges and metal things that moved when I shot them or stood on them, and then a big chest with some nice stuff in it, one of which was this quill. I guess Isran's been down here because I found a bedroll with crossbows and ANOTHER naughty book about Argonians, but this time about a man Argonian. Isran is strange.

So, I'm off to Dimhollow Crypt. It's in the mountains north of Whiterun. I went back to Riften but they still wouldn't let me in so I got on the cart back to Whiterun. One of the guards asked if somebody had stolen my sweetroll. I told him no, because I didn't have a sweetroll to steal but if he was offering if I would like to have a new one then yes please. He looked at me funny and walked away. I think he might be a bit strange.

I figured out what that thing I forgot was. I went to sell a staff I found to the Jarl's court wizard and he asked me why I hadn't gone to Bleak Falls Barrow yet. I told him sorry. Maybe I should do that before going to Dimhollow Crypt. I'm sure the pretty blacksmith lady won't mind if I do that first before avenging her. It must be really important if the Jarl wants me to do it after all.

I should get some rest. I need to be strong - I heard Bleak Falls Barrow is full of draggers Draugr. Mother always said you should sleep and eat a big dinner before a battle so you can be strong. I guess going into a tomb full of Draugr counts as a battle, even if I did do it that one time before with Farkas.

Good night, Journal.



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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #65 on: 26 Aug 2013, 17:14 »

Dear Journal,

I heard a voice! Father used to hear voices, and he used to get scary, and if they were like this voice then I guess I know why. I found a big shiny stone while I was getting that dragon stone. When I picked it up, a lady voice spoke to me and told me to take it to Mount Kilkreath. She didn't sound very nice at all, so I tried to put the shiny stone down again but it sticks to my hand when I try. It lets go when I put it in my bag though, but when I dumped my bag on the ground everything fell out except the stone. I don't like being forced to carry stuff by strange lady voices but at least it's not heavy.

I got that dragon stone though, and saw another one of those strange walls with the funny scratches on them. One of the scratches was a word: "Fus". I don't know how I knew it was a word and I've never heard it before, but I almost know what it means. Mother used to talk about having something "on the tip of your tongue" for when you knew what you wanted to say and knew you knew the word but couldn't quite remember it. This is like that, backwards. I know the word, and I know that I know what it means, but I just can't remember. It makes my head hurt.

I should go give the dragon stone to that wizard, Mr. Secret Fire. But before I do that, I think this gold claw... thing belongs to the nice people who own the shop in Riverwood. The inn there is nice, and it's late now. I should sleep and have something to eat.


Well, I got to the inn and the lady who owns it wasn't here so I couldn't get a room. I'm really tired but Mr. Orgnar was nice to me and said I could sleep in a chair by the fire. It wasn't comfortable but I had a little nap. I'm still tired, but I can probably get back to Whiterun now. I sold some of the heavy things I found in the barrow to Mr. Alvor and gave the claw back to the nice people at the traders and they gave me some money for it.

I've got quite a lot of money now. I've never had a lot of money before, and I don't really know what to do with it. I already have a really good sword and a really good axe and some really good armour and a really good shield and a crossbow and anyway I still remember that spell Father taught me one time when he wasn't drunk that turns iron into gold or silver, and I know how to turn gold and silver into the kind of pretty things that people buy when they have lots of money, so it's not like I need a lot of money.

Maybe I can buy a house. I've still got that shiny sword the pretty blacksmith lady made for the Jarl before she died. I'll hang it on the wall to remember her by. There's a house for sale in Whiterun, but it's a bit small. I want a big house with a big kitchen with an oven where I can cook pies and pastries and things like Mother taught me and my own forge and maybe I can have a garden and grow things for potions.

Then again I think a big house like that might cost more than I have. And it would be lonely in a big house without anybody around to talk to. Anyway, I'm really tired and the lady who owns the inn still isn't back, so I guess I just need to get moving back to Whiterun and get a room at the Bannered Mare. I'm sure this dragon stone can wait until after I've had some sleep and my dinner.


Dear Journal, today was STRANGE.

I slept a LONG time at the Bannered Mare (I was really tired!) and had two big meals (I was really hungry!) So I went up to the palace to give that stone Mr. Secret Fire sent me for to him, and the lady from the Sleeping Giant Inn (the one in Riverwood) was there! She was wearing a hood but it was her, I could tell. I was going to ask her if she was helping Mr. Secret Fire but before I could the dark elf lady who guards the Jarl came running in and said there was a dragon!

The Jarl told me to help so I did. He's a really smart man because he gave me some boots enchanted to protect against fire - that was really clever and useful for fighting a dragon which breathes fire! No wonder he is a Jarl.

We went down to the watchtower but it was all on fire and lots of people had died. We were still there when the dragon came back! It wasn't the same dragon from Helgen, though. That one was big and spiky and black. This one was smaller, and brown. We managed to kill it and then something very strange happened. It burst into flames! And something shot out of it and into me and now I can remember what that word "fus" means. And if I shout it at something it's like punching them without a fist.

One of the guards said something about that meaning I was "dragon born" but I think he must have been funny in the head after the fight because my parents weren't dragons, not even Father when he was being scary.

The REALLY strange bit though was when I was walking back up to the town and that big mountain east of Whiterun - I think it's called "The Throat of the World"? It shouted. I don't know a lot about mountains, but I know they're not supposed to shout at people.

The Jarl thinks it's important and that I should climb it to go talk to some men with grey beards at the top, but I don't think I want to climb a mountain that shouts. Besides, I still need to do what Isran told me and look at this Dimhollow Crypt place, and I've still got to take this shiny stone back to Mount Kilkreath for that voice.

I'm a busy man! And a busy man needs a place to keep some things so he's not carrying too much all over Skyrim, so I decided to buy that house by the blacksmith. I hung that big sword poor Miss Adrienne made over the door. It's good to be reminded of her every time I leave the house. I wouldn't want to forget how she was nice to me and what those vampires did to her.

There's a room at the back that I don't know what to do with because it's too small for anything useful. Mr. Proventus thinks I should make it an alchemy laboratory, but that's silly when Miss Arcadia lets me use hers. And it's too small to be a bedroom, except for very short people.

I'm sure I'll think of something.

Also, a lady called Lydia says she's my "housecarl" now because I'm a Thane. I don't know what either of those things are, but she says that she's supposed to look after me and my property because the Jarl said so, and I don't want to argue with the Jarl. I guess she's a housecarl because she carls the house? I don't know how you carl something, but the Jarl's a clever man so she must be good at it.

Anyway. It's been a long and strange day so I'm going to bed and then it's off to Dimhollow Crypt in the morning.
« Last Edit: 26 Aug 2013, 17:23 by Stitcher »


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #66 on: 27 Aug 2013, 05:55 »

I find it amazing people still play Skyrim and pitch into the RP challenge - I don't think anyone oversee this anymore and I doubt anyone can 'win' as such.

But it's awesome stuff. More of this plz, and perhaps I'll pitch in when/if I get around to playing more Skyrim myself. I still have a couple DLC's I've not touched.


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #67 on: 27 Aug 2013, 12:15 »

I'll be honest, I'm really just enjoying writing the playthrough in an entertaining way.


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #68 on: 27 Aug 2013, 18:13 »

Dear Journal,

I spent more of my gold and got a horse. Mr. Skulvar said she's called Allie. Well actually he said she was called Queen alfsk... something Nordish that I can't pronounce. I think I'll stick with Allie.

It makes sense to have  a horse. Skyrim is a big place after all, and now that I have a house and all this really good war gear I really don't know what else to do with with all that money. I still have quite a lot left. And if Dimhollow Crypt is anything like these other places I've been, I'll come back up out of it with plenty of stuff to sell.

I hope there are some vampires down there. I want to try my axe against them.


I met a clown. I thought clowns were supposed to be funny, but this one isn't. He's just strange. And his cart was broken.

Strange or not, he was in trouble, but the farmer wouldn't help him. He came around when I told him he was being mean though. And the clown paid me! a bag of four hundred Septims! I think that's an awful lot for talking somebody else into doing all the hard work, but like I said - he's a strange man and anyway Mother always told me it was rude to say "no" to a gift.

I hope he manages to get his mother buried. He most be going to that big graveyard I heard about in Falkreath. It sounds like more than I was able to do for my mother.


There was a big fort across the road full of bandits. They shot at me and hurt Allie! It's a good thing I know that healing spell. You'd think the fort on the main road from Whiterun to Dawnstar, would be full of soldiers, not bandits!

Well, I got rid of them. This "fus" thnn~~~~

Sorry, the book flew away. I need to remember to not say that one aloud when I'm telling the quill what to write. But it came in real handy otherwise that big nord with the orcish greatsword might have really hurt me.

Maybe there was a bounty out on them? I should check with the Jarl of Dawnstar. Dawnstar is closer to Dimhollow Crypt than Whiterun is and I'll probably need to rest after I'm finished there.

It took me a long time to make sure the fort was clear though. Lucky for me, the fort has its own tavern! They killed the owner in his bed sadly, but at least there was a clean bed upstairs I can use, so I stabled Allie by the fort's forge where she should be nice and warm. I made myself some potato soup, and had that with some salted beef, some bread and cheese, and some mead I found in the cellar. It's nice and warm here with the fire burning. I think I'll sleep now...


It must have got really cold last night because lots of snow fell and it took me a few minutes to force the door open, but Allie seems to be just fine. These Skyrim horses must be used to the cold. Those white horses the Alik'r ride around the desert would have froze to death out there, forge or no forge.

I slept longer than I meant to. It really was cozy in that inn. I hope more bandits don't move in. You'd think forts like these would be full of soldiers, with a war on.

It's a new day. I've got a full belly, I slept somewhere warm, I still have plenty of potions and if I'm reading the map right I don't have far to go to Dimhollow Crypt. Today is off to a good start! I just hope there are no more bandits on the road.


No bandits, but this must be the Hall of the Vigilant... or it used to be. It's mostly burned down. I found some dead vigilants and some dead - dead dead, not undead - vampires too. I tried to give the vigilants a proper burial, and threw the vampires on a heap of burning wood. It seemed right.

I'm going to go to Dawnstar first. It's further away than the Crypt, but I'm carrying some heavy stuff after that fort and anyway, I want to see if there's a bounty. Probably not, but maybe I can tell the Jarl that the fort's clear and maybe he can put some soldiers there to guard the road.


That didn't take long. The nice people at the forge took the lot. Everyone in Dawnstar looked very tired - they told me to move on before I started to have bad dreams. I don't know why I would have bad dreams from staying here, but if that's what they're telling me to do, I may as well listen.

It's still morning. I should get to the Crypt by noon. I wonder how long I'll be down there?
« Last Edit: 27 Aug 2013, 18:24 by Stitcher »


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #69 on: 28 Aug 2013, 10:07 »


I didn't think vampires could be nice, but Serana seems nice. Isran would want me to kill her but she said "If you kill me you've killed one vampire, but if people are after me then there's something bigger going on."

She's got an Elder Scroll too. I've never seen one before, but Mother used to read to me about them so I know what they look like. The fact she's got one makes me think maybe she wasn't lying to me to stop me from fighting her.

Besides, Mother always said that I should trust my in two-ish on intuition about whether people are nice, and mine is telling me that Serana is nice. A lot nicer than, say, that Mr. Nazeem back in Whiterun.

I have no idea why anybody would want to lock a nice vampire with an elder scroll away in a box that can only be opened by pressing a button that sticks a metal spike through your hand. That really hurt! My healing spells come in handy yet again.

She said she has trouble with her Father. "Little girl who doesn't get along with her father... read that story a hundred times" she said. I was going to tell her that I understand but Mother always said you should let people talk about themselves and listen to them rather than interrupt them to tell them about you. She said she'd been locked away in there so long she didn't even know that Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire! That's... I don't know how long that is. I'll have to look it up when we get back to Whiterun. I think I have "A brief history of the Empire" on my bookshelf.

Dimhollow Crypt, in short, was interesting. The other vampires weren't half as nice as Serana , but the crossbow Isran gave me really does work well. I'm getting a lot better with it! and this special Dawnguard war axe and shield made short work even of the really strong vampire who was leading them. And then after I found her we had to fight some draugrs and some statues came to life! They were really tough to kill but I guess they would be because they were made of stone. Serana's spells hurt them more than my sword did. I need to remember that.

And there was another one of those walls with the scratches! This one made me think of the word "gaan". Again, I don't know what it means, but at same time I know that I DO know what it means, it's on the tip of my mind.

Also, it turns out that there's a problem with travelling with a vampire. I'm awake in the day and get tired at night. She sleeps in the day because the sun makes her weak. At least it doesn't make her catch fire like I think it does to most vampires.

Maybe I should just try to stay awake at night and sleep in the day? I mean, if I'm a vampire hunter now then it makes sense to be awake when the vampires are. Lots of people are awake at night and sleep in the day, like city guards and farmers with a sick animal to look after. On the other hand it gets VERY cold at night in Skyrim. A man could freeze to death out here if he's not careful.

I'll take Serana to this old castle out east of Solitude. It's not far from Mount Kilkreath so maybe I can get rid of this "beacon" thing on the way. I slept a lot the last couple of days, I can go overnight tonight. We'll head back down to Whiterun and hire a carriage to take us to Solitude.


That fort I cleared out is full of soldiers now! Stormcloaks. That's got to be better than all those bandits, and they let us stay at the Stumbling Sabrecat. I decided I would sleep after all. Serana copes with the sun just fine when she has her hood up, and I can't see in the dark so I guess that solves that problem.

I'm looking back at some of my earlier entries and... it's hard to believe I'm the same man who wrote these. Did I really think that the Imperials nearly executed me because they had mistaken me for Ulfric Stormcloak, rather than just because one captain was too lazy and callous to do her job properly?

Part of me wants to hate the legion for what nearly happened to me but really, it was just one woman and she probably died at Helgen anyway, so she can explain herself to the Divines. Stendarr grant her mercy, because I wouldn't if I were him. I can't blame Hadvar for following orders - he's a good man and I don't know if I would have got out of there and begun to make my way in Skyrim without his help that day.

Anyway, the point is that I don't know how I could have been so... When they hit me on the head and knocked me out on the road across the border to High Rock, it must have taken a while to wear off or something.

Then again... looking back on my life, I don't remember that I ever did much thinking, or felt like keeping a journal. And where did I learn that a Nirnroot is a Chenopodicaea Sinderionii? Let alone how to spell it without this magic quill?

And I'm learning things so fast now. It's so easy! I had to practice for weeks to get that transmutation spell Father taught me to work, but I learned the Healing Hands spell just by reading the book and got it right first time.

It seems like something very strange is going on.


We're on the cart to Solitude. I checked my copy of "A Brief History of the Empire" when we got back to Whiterun, and the Empire was founded by Tiber Septim - Talos - in the year 896 of the second Era. Tiber Septim declared the dawn of the third era, which lasted four hundred and thirty-three years. We're now in the 201st year of the fourth era. So, Serana was locked away for at least six hundred and thirty-four years! Probably a lot longer, because she's never heard of Tiber Septim.

And I am definitely getting smarter, because two weeks ago I couldn't have counted to twenty even if I'd taken my boots off. What in Julianos' name is happening to me? How does somebody just get smarter?

I don't think Julianos has a temple in Skyrim, but there's the Temple of the Eight Divines in Solitude. Maybe I'll ask the priest when we get there.


The Empire seem to love chopping people's heads off. I hope I never find myself there again. I slept on the cart and in my dreams I could still feel the last man's blood warm and sticky against my neck as I waited for the axe.

I just know I'm going to have the same dream tonight, after seeing that man Roggvir executed.


I did dream, but it wasn't about being executed, praise Stendarr. It was just.... strange. A creeping feeling of being watched, and of eyes and... tentacles? And books, and being inside books, not like a character or a word but...

I don't know. Dreams don't have to make sense.

The priests at the temple couldn't help me with the puzzle of why I seem to be getting smarter. They just told me to accept it as a blessing and use it wisely. That seems like good advice. Besides, maybe it'll keep happening and eventually I'll be smart enough to figure it out by myself.

It's not far to Mount Kilkreath. I'm looking forward to being rid of this beacon.


Meridia. Somehow, I'd have expected the Daedric prince of life to be nicer. But I guess the entire point of Daedra is that they're not nice, even when they're kind of on your side. Sort of.

There was another one of those dragon word walls near her statue. Another word: "Su". still no idea what it means.

Oh well. If I'm to be rid of the Daedra's attention, I'd best do what she says. Hopefully she'll forget about me once we're done here. I have a necromancer to kill.



I never thought I'd ever SEE one of the legendary Daedric artefacts, let alone wield one.

Daedric or not, it seems like a fitting weapon for a vampire hunter.

But what worries me is that I'm pretty sure that Mother never read to me about Daedra. How do I know so much about them?

It's dark now, but we're not far up the coast from that castle Serana pointed out. At least with this sword in my hand I feel a little bit better equipped to go there.


So that was Serana's father. Harkon. Lord of castle Volkihar, and the man behind the attack that killed Adrienne.

He was very grateful to see his daughter returned... though I think that was more because of that Elder Scroll she's carrying than because of love. I think I'll take the random anger of a drunken father who heard voices over Harkon's "fatherly affection" any day. At least my old man knew what he did was wrong, in the end.

He offered me a reward: Vampirism. Sold it well, too - power, the fear of my enemies, never having to be afraid of death ever again. But I've killed enough vampires to know they fear death just like everyone else, and as for the power of it... I don't care for power. I want to live a good life, not a powerful one. I turned him down, and so he banished me. Serana's still in there.

I hope I've not made a terrible mistake by bringing her here, with that scroll. She seemed genuine, but...

I should get back to Fort Dawnguard. It's clear on the other side of Skyrim though, so I think my first port of call is going to be Solitude again. I'll take a carriage after I've had some sleep and a good meal.


I took a wrong turn coming down out of the mountains and spent the night at the Four Shields Tavern in Dragon Bridge. Nice place. The owner, Faida, does good food, the bed was clean and comfortable, and the view when I stepped out of the inn just morning was... well, that's quite the impressive bridge they've got there. You can certainly tell how the town got its name.

I could head down to Markarth from here, but that's a long road. I'll head back up to Solitude and take the carriage to Riften like I planned, after offloading all the stuff I found in Dimhollow Crypt and that temple.


I'm on the carriage to Riften. it's a long ride, so I've had plenty of time to think. About Serana and whether I can trust her, about the Imperials and the Stormcloaks...

Thinking feels so natural now. Before, thinking was like heaving a heavy barrel up out of the inn's cellar for Mother. I could do it, but it was an effort and left me feeling drained, but she seemed to just haul them up with one hand while serving a customer with the other. Yes, I was small, but that effort of thinking never went away, even when I got bigger and stronger and could haul two barrels up at once.

And I've learned something. I learned that if you just let thoughts bubble around in your head, sometimes they bump into one another and stick together and you can see why they fit. Like, I no longer know that you sharpen a sword by running an oiled stone along the blade, I know why you sharpen a sword by doing that. Mother taught me how to cook and she'd tell me that I had to stir the pot and I never knew why, but Mother said I had to do it, so I did. Now it's so obvious why - to stop the food from burning at the bottom, and to get it heated evenly.

You just have to have the right key, the right little bit to glue one thought to another. And once you've got them, you just need to let them fizz around inside your head until it all comes together and sticks.


Still on the carriage. Just remembered something. Serana didn't know there was an empire in Cyrodiil at all. I thought she meant the Empire as in the legion and Tiber Septim and Titus Mede and all that. But that's not the first human empire to be seated in Cyrodiil.

Surely she can't come from a time older than Saint Alessia? How long ago was that? I need to see if the court wizard at Riften has some history books.


The guards at Riften, who I used to think just weren't letting me in, were actually trying to shake me down for Septims. They shut up and let me in when I called their bluff. I'd complain to their commander, but the two problems with that are that I don't know what they look like because of their helmets, and anyway I would guess that any city where the gate guards can openly shake down a traveler isn't one where the commander takes corruption very seriously anyway.

At least I'm back in the Rift. Nowhere in Skyrim is as warm as Sentinel used to be, but Riften is about as warm as it gets around here, and after all that snow and ice up in The Pale it's nice to be surrounded by trees that have leaves instead of needles, and not to have to worry that just walking around will cost you a few toes.

The Jarl's court wizard is... interesting. And no help at all in giving me a history lesson. Oh well. On to Fort Dawnguard.


Isran chewed me out. He's right, of course - I took a vampire with an elder scroll straight back to her father. There's only one word for that - stupid.

But how can I explain that with every passing day I seem to be getting smarter, without sounding like I'm totally crazy? How can I explain that I only did that because I really was more stupid just three days ago than I am right now?

More to the point, how do I explain that to myself?

Well, Isran still seems to trust me, so he's told me to go find and recruit a couple of his old friends - Gunmar and Sorine Jurard. He told me they should be somewhere near Ivarstead, and in the Reach.

Nice of him to be so precise about it... I'll look for Gunmar first. Ivarstead is closer than Markarth, and maybe somebody there will have heard or seen something about a Nord animal trainer.
« Last Edit: 28 Aug 2013, 16:37 by Stitcher »


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #70 on: 29 Aug 2013, 03:33 »

A bear killed my horse. I was on the road to Ivarstead, dismounted to pick some Canis Root, and then it came rushing out of the trees and broke her neck. Poor Allie.


I took a wrong turn and wound up in Helgen. Bandits had taken the place over... had.

I found some bottles in the old inn. Mead, with juniper berries mixed in. I remember that Stormcloak, I think his name was Ralof, talking about this stuff on the death wagon. I think I'll save these for a special occasion. I only found five. Better make them last.

At least I know where I am now. I just need to head east again, and then north up the flank of the Throat of the World.


2nd of Heartfire, 4e 201.

Gunmar was hunting a large and very mean bear just north of Ivarstead. I helped him take it down, and he agreed to go talk to Isran. That's half of this errand done.

But the thing is, here I am. in Ivarstead. At the foot of the seven thousand steps. With the greybeards at the top, who Jarl Balgruuf thinks summoned me.

I should probably get up there and see what they want, vampires or no vampires.

Vampires, dragons, spiders, draugr, that giant near Whiterun... I'm becoming a genuine monster hunter. Be just my luck if I run into a troll half way up.

It's late evening though, and they've got what looks like a well-stocked inn here. I'll start my ascent at dawn, if the weather's not fixing to kill me.


3rd of Heartfire, 4e 201.

6am or thereabouts. Clear weather, good food, well rested. Kynareth's Breath, that's a long climb though. My legs are going to feel like they're made of sackcloth by the time I'm at the top.


Maybe the point of the seven thousand steps is to make you meditate on the nature of pain.

Between the burn from the climb and having to fight a bear, three ice wraiths and, yes, a troll to reach High Hrothgar, I think the word that best sums up the whole experience is "pain".

What's left that I haven't killed?

These greybeards had better want something more than to pat me on the back and say nice things. I was expecting High Hrothgar to be more impressive, but after Fort Dawnguard and Castle Volkihar, this place doesn't look like anything special.

Amazing view, though. I can see Whiterun from here. I can see my house.

Time to see what they want.


I'm back in Whiterun. Do I write about what the greybeards wanted, or about the people who attacked me?

I guess the greybeards first. It turns out that I genuinely am dragonborn, like Tiber Septim himself. What that means is that I can learn the words of the dragon tongue just by reading them... and the dragon tongue, being a magical language, carries the essence and meaning of each word within each word. So, the reason I've been getting smarter is that every time I've learned a new word off one of these walls, I've been absorbing knowledge into myself. Apparently if I slay a dragon I absorb its essence and life force and can use that to tap a deeper knowledge of these words, maybe projecting them into a Shout. "Thu'um" they call it.

It still seems incredible, but apparently somebody else believes it too. I decided to climb down the mountain face to Whiterun rather than take the seven thousand steps back down to Ivarstead and then come round the mountain through Helgen. I had a few hairy moments on icy rocks, but I got down safely in the end. Came through the main gates and two dunmer in crude leather robes with dragonbone masks demanded to know if I was dragonborn.

When I truthfully told them "That's what the greybeards call me" they were outraged, declared it a "lie" and a "heresy", called me "deceiver" and attacked. One of the guards took care of the leader - put an arrow in her throat at twenty paces, what a shot! - and I took down her bodyguard.

They were sent by, or on behalf of, somebody called "Miraak". The name echoes strangely to me. Like a feeling of deja vu.

Apparently they were from an island called Solstheim and sailed here on a ship, the Northern Maiden.

I have enough on my plate anyway. Between the dragons and the vampires, I really don't need or want to have to deal with some cult from an island in the Sea of Ghosts. So, I'm just going to ignore them for now. I doubt they'll just forget about me, but really, next to everything else that's going on, they don't seem like a real problem.

I'm going to buy a new horse, take the carriage to Markarth, and from there go find Sorine Jurard.


4th of Heartfire, 4E 201

Who in Mara's name thought stone beds were a good idea? I barely slept. Think I'll rough it in Markarth in future.

Though I guess in a town where the first thing I see as I come through the gates is an attempted murder (glad I was able to stop that), sleeping lightly is no bad thing.

No, Markarth hasn't made a good impression so far. I'll be glad to hit the road. The khajiit traders had set up their tents as we were arriving last night, and they're always a welcome sight so I picked up some enchanted equipment. None of my gear is actually magical yet, and Father always said you should never turn down any edge in a fight. "You're not playing to be fair" he said "You're fighting to be alive."

Strangely wise man, my dad, when he wasn't trying to drown the voices in ale.


Some people just don't know how to solve their own problems. Found the town of Karthwasten. Mine's owned by a Reachman, and the Silver-Blood family had sent some mercenaries in to try and muscle him out. The mine owner asked me for help, offered to pay generously.

Cost of bribing the mercenaries to leave - 236 septims. Ainethach paid me 600 septims in thanks. I don't know that hiring somebody with the common sense to try a simple bribe is worth 440 Septims just by itself, but if that's the kind of business sense he has, that mine's going to belong to the Silver-Bloods soon enough anyway.

Oh well, none of my business. None of the people here knew anything about Sorine Jurard. I guess I should just keep searching. it's a big Reach, but I've got plenty of supplies. I'll find her eventually.


These Skyrim horses are amazing over rough terrain. An Alik'r horse would have broken a leg by now, but Hjalti here can outrun a bear in the Reach, and terrain doesn't get rougher than this. I know from the map that there's a whole swathe of heartland to this place that I haven't found a good way into yet. With any luck, Jurard will be somewhere in there, otherwise I'm going to have to go back to Isran and tell him I couldn't find her.

Considering how vicious the Forsworn are turning out to be, I wouldn't be surprised if she's dead actually. I hope she isn't. If she's even half as skilled as Isran described her then she'll be invaluable, and Isran doesn't strike me as the kind of man who's prone to overstatement. Quite the reverse.

I'm back in Dragon Bridge. It's late afternoon, and I'd rather not use up any of my supplies roughing it out in the Reach when there's an inn to hand. I think I'll take it easy for the rest of the day and resume my search at dawn.

((score so far:

Days passed: 18
Level: 19 x50 = 950
Locations discovered: 48 x10 = 480
Dungeons cleared: 7 x20 = 140
Chests looted: 310 x5 = 1550
Quests completed: 14 x30 = 420
Misc objectives: 21 x10 = 210
Hours slept: no penalty
Food eaten: no penalty
Difficulty: x1

Total: 3,750
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2013, 06:14 by Stitcher »


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #71 on: 29 Aug 2013, 16:27 »

I will try my best to score view points!!



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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #72 on: 30 Aug 2013, 04:40 »

Now I have got a Bosmer female char in lv 10, she is still on live..

To get as many points as she can, she helps people with her speech skills to persuade or bribe other people in a critical conflict. (Secondary skill: Speech)

If necessary, she will also kill people or steal things. (Primary skill: Archey & light armor) But in fact, she is a good natured bosmer (or bosmess? I don't know^^) and has got a "clean" criminality storie (only 1000 septem bounty cause the quest with forsworn in Markarth, but she was innocent..).

Perhaps I (she) will start today some missions with action. I hope she will survive this challenge!!^^


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #73 on: 30 Aug 2013, 07:35 »

I just failed xD...

I am not good with writing stories, so I just give some facts with my experiences:

Character Name: co.0kie
Race: Wood Elf
Sex: Female
Kind of death: Killed by a storm wizard
Best Skills: Archery, Light Armor, Speech
Fractions: Thieves Guild,  Companions

Difficulty LV: Adept
Days Passed:9

LV: 14 (*50= 700)
Location Discovered: 43 (430 P.)
Dungeons Cleared: 0 (0 P.)
Hours Slept: 24 (-225.P)
Chest Looted: 77 (385 P.)
Food Eaten: 122 (no malus)
Quest Completed: 11 (330 P.)
Misc Objectives Completed: 48 (480 P.)

She was soo young...^^

Nearly forgot.. Score: 2100 P.
« Last Edit: 30 Aug 2013, 07:37 by 1nk »


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Re: Skyrim Hardcore RP Challenge
« Reply #74 on: 30 Aug 2013, 19:00 »

5th of Heartfire, 4e 201

Well, in the end Sorine Jurard turned out to be pretty easy to find... if "easy" means having to dodge bears, Forsworn, sabre cats, frostbite spiders, ice wraiths, and a wizard who summoned a flame atronach. Hjalti is worth his weight in Septims!

I can see why Isran wanted me to fetch her. Anybody who can survive out here for Divines-only-know how long without falling foul of something is the kind of person you want on your side, because Stendarr forfend you sould make an enemy of her.

The easiest route back to civilisation from here should be back up the pass to Mount Kilkreath, from there to Solitude and from there I can hire a carriage to Riften. I think I prefer it out east. the tundra of Whiterun, the forests of Falkreath, the rivers and warmth of the Rift are beginning to feel like home. I'm not so fond of Haafingar and the Reach.

Eastmarch, Winterhold and The Pale are too chilly for me, and I've not been to Hjaalmarch yet. I think the tomb the Greybeards want me to retrieve that horn from is in Hjaalmarch. That can wait, though - whatever the Vampires are doing with an Elder Scroll, I'm the stupid fetcher who brought it to their door. I owe it to Skyrim to set that right before I worry about why a handful of flying lizards are setting fire to isolated farms.


7th of Heartfire, 4e 201

Serana's back. I got back to Fort Dawnstar about the same time as Sorine did - they've been busy round here. The fortifications have an extra pallisade gate, they've recruited a couple of people who look like they know how to handle themselves, and Isran has installed portcullises and some kind of sunlight trap in the entrance hall of the keep. Devious!

Serana took a big risk going there. Knowing Isran, probably the only thing that stopped him from employing that huge warhammer of his was that for all his drive and hatred for vampires, he's not stupid. Killing her would have left a lot of questions forever unanswerable.

Still, he's made it perfectly clear that her behaviour is on me. Given how much she's trusting me, I guess it's only fair that we're both burdened with trusting one another... to be honest, it's not much of a burden. Undead blood-thirsting fiend of the night or not, I find I enjoy her company, and like her as a person.

And she did bring the Elder Scroll back. You need a Moth Priest to read them, apparently. I've never heard of Moth Priests before, which is interesting given how much I knew about Meridia without ever having heard of her either. It must not be a subject that the words I'm absorbing can tell me anything about. Anyway, there may be one in Skyrim right now. Looks like we're off for another tour of the province in search of an individual, and this time I lack even a vague idea of which Hold they're in or what they look like.

Maybe the mages at the College of Winterhold will know something. I'm finding more and more fascination in magic recently. Not the obvious stuff like destruction, that's just another weapon, and I'm still yet to master the sword and bow, I don't need to add a third weapon to confuse myself. But the subtler stuff, like Restoration and Alteration takes my fancy. "Don't take any edge in a fight... take EVERY edge." as Father used to say, and he would know:he survived a lifetime's adventuring. Scarred, drunk, hearing voices and never sleeping well, but he survived long enough to retire, which is more than can be said for a lot of adventurers.

Shame he never learned the secret to keeping your sanity. Glad I managed to beat the old bastard on that one.
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