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That Blood Raider ships have the same design and golden sheen as Amarrian vessels, but are mottled in rust-like vermilion? (The Burning Life p. 80)

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Author Topic: Did everything die or something?  (Read 24491 times)


  • Bitter dried flower
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #135 on: 21 Sep 2011, 17:18 »

If we judged the credibility of IGS posters on a statistical level, 90% of them would be the laughing stock of the intergalactic community, in character. Attempting to navigate such a jungle is, needless to say, more trouble than its worth.

Uh, yes. This is pretty much what I think about (most of) the posters on IGS in character.

You sound like you think that's a problem. Why?
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  • Bitter dried flower
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #136 on: 21 Sep 2011, 17:36 »

The basic formula is, if( better game exists) then (go to said game)

At the moment, there is no better game in existence for larger scale group collaborative play. Simply doesn't exist anywhere.

If a relationship is abusive, then it may be better to get out even if you don't have another relationship to go to.

Eve does not exist in a vacuum. I could spend the time I currently spend playing Eve doing something else. Things like face-to-face roleplaying games, playing more sport, reading more books, spending more attention on my wife.

The question is: Is playing Eve a better use of my time than those other options? And despite Eve being better than any other MMO I've encountered, that isn't an automatic or unqualified "yes".

And Louella is correct about people checking the parachutes and escape hatches. It's only reasonable really. CCP has been demonstrating behaviour I do not feel comfortable having blind trust in.
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  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #137 on: 21 Sep 2011, 18:05 »

If we judged the credibility of IGS posters on a statistical level, 90% of them would be the laughing stock of the intergalactic community, in character. Attempting to navigate such a jungle is, needless to say, more trouble than its worth.

Uh, yes. This is pretty much what I think about (most of) the posters on IGS in character.

You sound like you think that's a problem. Why?

I'm not Soter, but I'll answer for myself.

There is no problem with this. Currently I'm not in a very RP-intense corp, so my power, though co-founder, is limited to more... practical, things. However, if I had a say, then for instance, Vieve, or Nikita, or any other toon that has abandoned faction X and joined with faction Y, and possibly even ditched them again for Z, would be barred from entry. They would in fact be told to go fuck themselves, in no mild manners.

Why? They can't be trusted. So many toons in this game do so many really dumb things, but most of that can be forgiven as simple human nature. People can fuck up, over again, and while one expects them to learn from it most issues are neglectable. Far as I and my toon is concerned, loyalty is not.

This is merely one example of actions that should forever negatively impact a character, but you see them being forgiven again and again. I can't speak for anyone bar myself, but I'd love it if more toons and players started to be treated according to how much they have seriously fucked up. If people were actually told 'no, I don't want to hire you, you ditched me last month, swore to kill all my family and piss on their graves then went to X. Your not getting back in here with us Y folks, we are not stupid.'

On a more generic note, concerning the topic, I'm still around in a way, my mains are in a small corp that I'm trying to help build up. My Amarr toon had a story-line going that seem to have died off pretty hard and this needs to be dealth with, so little action there, and my FW toon don't make much noice. Ergo, I'm alive, but silent mostly. Had I a single toon not indesposed by their own lives (IC, not just my issues OOC) there might be more sightings. Still, as previously stated, EVE might be in a generaly quiet period after CQ etc. but to be fair I do think summer is partially to blame. Only question is how much more lively things will be come winter.

Julianus Soter

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #138 on: 21 Sep 2011, 18:58 »

The basic formula is, if( better game exists) then (go to said game)

At the moment, there is no better game in existence for larger scale group collaborative play. Simply doesn't exist anywhere.

If a relationship is abusive, then it may be better to get out even if you don't have another relationship to go to.

Eve does not exist in a vacuum. I could spend the time I currently spend playing Eve doing something else. Things like face-to-face roleplaying games, playing more sport, reading more books, spending more attention on my wife.

The question is: Is playing Eve a better use of my time than those other options? And despite Eve being better than any other MMO I've encountered, that isn't an automatic or unqualified "yes".

And Louella is correct about people checking the parachutes and escape hatches. It's only reasonable really. CCP has been demonstrating behaviour I do not feel comfortable having blind trust in.

For us, it's a choice of between survival and decline for a gaming community. If we're reading books, we're not on vent, bs'ing, grooving on some pvp adrenaline, having fun playing the same game. It'd create a diaspora that would diminish and destroy bonds of friendship and trust built over the past two years.

So, as you can see, I have a very tangible interest in ensuring the success of eve online. It is partly why I'm encouraging a more immersive, activist form of RP, as I see it as one of the means of EVE succeeding through any of these difficulties. CCP is indeed making very positive steps in the right direction, however, and i'm generally feeling positive about the direction of the game with these providing a context to future expansions.


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #139 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:12 »

I don't see the future as bleakly as some, but not as positively promising as oyu fo, Soter. Can you elaborate on these views of yours? Did I miss something?


  • Bitter dried flower
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #140 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:24 »

There is no problem with this. Currently I'm not in a very RP-intense corp, so my power, though co-founder, is limited to more... practical, things. However, if I had a say, then for instance, Vieve, or Nikita, or any other toon that has abandoned faction X and joined with faction Y, and possibly even ditched them again for Z, would be barred from entry. They would in fact be told to go fuck themselves, in no mild manners.

Why? They can't be trusted. So many toons in this game do so many really dumb things, but most of that can be forgiven as simple human nature. People can fuck up, over again, and while one expects them to learn from it most issues are neglectable. Far as I and my toon is concerned, loyalty is not.

I don't disagree with any of this.

I'd go further - I've seen corp members try to explain their month long absence by saying "I've been trapped by sleepers who were doing experiments on me, and I'm sort of partly machine now..."; had it been up to me I would have fired them on the spot as no longer trustworthy.

Kyber, as another example, plugged his head into a Sansha network (y'know, those Sansha who were able to mind-control millions of people to meet them at the landing sites of their drop ships) to see what would happen, at which point I strongly suggested firing him for likely being suborned, but I was over-ruled by the CEO. I was not at all surprised when he finally joined them.

Possibly I'm too paranoid. Possibly I'm not paranoid enough...
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  • Bitter dried flower
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #141 on: 21 Sep 2011, 19:31 »

For us, it's a choice of between survival and decline for a gaming community. If we're reading books, we're not on vent, bs'ing, grooving on some pvp adrenaline, having fun playing the same game. It'd create a diaspora that would diminish and destroy bonds of friendship and trust built over the past two years.

That's somewhat true. There is, I believe, no bond of friendship and trust between you and I - we just haven't interacted that much, IC or OOC. I don't think it's one gaming community, I think it's a series of slightly overlapping ones, where some of them don't really have much in common with some of the others.

The people I have met in Eve that I do like and trust I would miss, but I could still imagine a point where paying CCP US$x per month to be fucked around by TonyG was more aggravation than it was worth. Perhaps we'll all charge off and play SWTOR together, and be fucked around by GLucas instead.

Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #142 on: 21 Sep 2011, 20:00 »

The people I have met in Eve that I do like and trust I would miss, but I could still imagine a point where paying CCP US$x per month to be fucked around by TonyG was more aggravation than it was worth.

What's so bad about TonyG? I mean... what do you consider so bad?

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #143 on: 21 Sep 2011, 20:02 »

The people I have met in Eve that I do like and trust I would miss, but I could still imagine a point where paying CCP US$x per month to be fucked around by TonyG was more aggravation than it was worth.

What's so bad about TonyG? I mean... what do you consider so bad?


Katrina Oniseki

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Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #145 on: 21 Sep 2011, 20:39 »

I think TonyG is a good example of why its safe bet to keep your characters as loosely associated with anything PF related as possible. Also, I liked his writing better than Abraxas personally. At least he had a story with a decent climax and action, and somewhat likable characters.


  • Bitter dried flower
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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #146 on: 21 Sep 2011, 21:20 »

What's so bad about TonyG? I mean... what do you consider so bad?

I think Arkady has explained it much better than I could, since he's read more of TonyG's writing.

I think this is public:
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
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Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #147 on: 21 Sep 2011, 22:28 »

To put it shortly and succinctly, it's my opinion that TonyG's writing has repeatedly shown a startling disregard for established PF, a propensity for characters who alternate between flat-as-a-board and completely illogical, and a habit of portraying specific factions as "definite good guys" and "definite bad guys", often provoking the first two situations.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #148 on: 21 Sep 2011, 22:59 »

... startling disregard for established PF...

That must be why TEA confused the crap out of me regarding what I had read of PF already.

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Did everything die or something?
« Reply #149 on: 22 Sep 2011, 07:56 »

There was a rather interesting threadnaught here a few months ago (or maybe more than a few) about TonyG and whether we should hate him or if he was forced to write PF-obliterating shit because he had to explain where the fuck FW came from in the blink of an eye.

But yeah, in general, a lot of people don't care for him or his writing.
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