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Author Topic: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...  (Read 7479 times)

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #60 on: 25 Jun 2011, 21:36 »

I have seen precious little support for CCP in this.

I actually gave CCP a great deal of support when this started - some mild rage at incarna with a dose of "there's room for them to fix this, they say this is actually important to them." And when 'Fearless' came out, I said let's wait and see, they might be playing devil's advocate - which I still think might be the case.

Their handling of the situation since then has changed matters. They had a window where they needed to come out and say "No, really, it's not what it looks like, here's what it is." They sat on their asses. And when they finally did show up, they actually managed to say things that made the shitstorm worse. You'd think a company like CCP would understand shitstorm management, given that they preside over online gamings biggest perpetual clusterfuck, pun not intended.

Throw in an email leak, and yeah... not looking so good.

I probably won't actually leave until MT for non-vanity becomes a reality (or at least a confirmed plan) but I am a hundred different kinds of unhappy with CCP right now.

Fortunately, I don't play this game for CCP (though I do have to pay them), nor do I play it entirely for the spaceships - I'm still playing this game a year later because of the people in it and the relationships I've built with them.

Unfortunately, a lot of those people are more attached to the game and more upset with CCP than I am, and may/will be leaving. Which in turn will impact my desire to keep paying money/time to play this game. Blarhg.

On an semi-related note: This is still EVE. This is still the sandbox. While we're all understandably pissed at CCP for what they've done, is it bad enough yet to stop us from enjoying the game? If we can swallow paying them for the privilege, I'm pretty sure there's still plenty of fun to be had in EVE - it'll just require a realignment of our view of CCP from a slightly retarded but well-meaning bunch to... well... this.

Trying to be optimistic. Can we just have fun?

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #61 on: 25 Jun 2011, 22:27 »

There's still IRC if people want to stay in touch. Just sayin'. vOv
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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #62 on: 25 Jun 2011, 22:35 »

Last I checked a couple of hours ago, the thread was at like 317 pages.


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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #63 on: 26 Jun 2011, 00:40 »

Eve hasn't changed in any appreciable or noteworthy manner with Incarna. The game is still the same game I signed up for years ago, and the only difference now is that a lot of people are ragequitting. All in all, it's improved.

I've voiced my support for Eve and I've even reinstated three of my accounts to be paid for by my VISA instead of with PLEX, in order to directly support CCP with five accounts paid for with real money. Maybe you've seen 'precious little support' for CCP... I'm actually seeing it the other way around. I see precious little action taken against CCP. A massive majority of the subscribers remain. The unsubbers are a tiny little fraction, almost negligible, and like I've said before... I am willing to bet most of them aren't following up on it.

Want to make a difference? Biomass and uninstall the client. Stop logging in.

Until you do that, your subscription going down six months from now means absolutely nothing.

Alain Colcer

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #64 on: 26 Jun 2011, 12:42 »

I'm just sad that CCP zulu got caught into a rage-naught again......first it was the Carrier nerf...which considering things now...would have been quite succesful at keeping caps-online at bay.

But now....he is just getting crucified by decisions of the management and sales department. Must be a tought spot really.


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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #65 on: 26 Jun 2011, 12:50 »

From CCP Zulu: However, just to prove the point of the Fearless newsletter and give you a further understanding of what it is then there are no and never have been plans to sell "gold ammo" for Aurum. In Fearless people are arguing a point, which doesn't even have to be their view, they are debating an issue. This is another example of how information out of context is no information at all.

Needless to say, had they made this statement right at the start, 90% of the furor wouldn't have occurred. On the other hand, I feel a bit vindicated - pending the results of the meeting, of course - because without such furor, I don't think they would have said it. For me, and for many others, even the PLEX system is somewhat...worrisome, and the idea that people could just flat-out buy advantages makes Eve pointless.

In regards to the pricing of items, I think CCP can price them however they want, but twenty dollar shirts is kind of nuts. As for the things they haven't iterated on, well, they have been a bit better about that as of late.

At this point, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm going to re-install the client, for now, but if I do see P2W MT come out, I'll be gone.


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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #66 on: 26 Jun 2011, 12:53 »

Without 90% of the furor, they wouldn't have been under the kind of stress and pressure which resulted in a devblog written while angry. It cuts both ways, Vikarion. The community jumping down their throats and doing nothing but rage, accuse and vilify them... frankly, I'm surprised the first devblog wasn't just a big "Fuck you all. Deal with it.".


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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #67 on: 26 Jun 2011, 12:55 »

Without 90% of the furor, they wouldn't have been under the kind of stress and pressure which resulted in a devblog written while angry. It cuts both ways, Vikarion. The community jumping down their throats and doing nothing but rage, accuse and vilify them... frankly, I'm surprised the first devblog wasn't just a big "Fuck you all. Deal with it.".

The dev-blog didn't cause the outrage. It was the newsletter that caused the outrage. In the newest blog, Zulu can't admit that they got caught with hands in the cookie-jar, but at least he is promising not to steal more cookies. It's not what I'd like, but it's better than nothing.

Jade Constantine

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #68 on: 26 Jun 2011, 13:22 »

Without 90% of the furor, they wouldn't have been under the kind of stress and pressure which resulted in a devblog written while angry. It cuts both ways, Vikarion. The community jumping down their throats and doing nothing but rage, accuse and vilify them... frankly, I'm surprised the first devblog wasn't just a big "Fuck you all. Deal with it.".

My opinion is a lot more charitable. I think that CCP were simply taken hugely by surprise by the strength of feeling and honest passion against MT's in eve online and Zulu's first (terrible) devblog was delivered in that style from stunned outrage that people were calling for one of his comrades to be fired on the strength of this passion. While I feel much of this passion is understandable and indeed appropriate in the circumstances I do understand why the first impulse when one's friends are being fired at is not to ask why things got so bad but simply to fire back. This is clearly what happened.

Terrible communication, mixed messages, understandable fears and genuine concern about the direction the game is taking - these things combined to the crisis we have today. I feel CCP have now taken a vital first step to resolving this issue with the 2nd Zulu devblog and thats good. But I'm not prepared to hear unwarrented criticism of the players who have helped bring this matter to central focus by their passion and idealism in protest.

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #69 on: 26 Jun 2011, 13:22 »

Without 90% of the furor, they wouldn't have been under the kind of stress and pressure which resulted in a devblog written while angry. It cuts both ways, Vikarion. The community jumping down their throats and doing nothing but rage, accuse and vilify them... frankly, I'm surprised the first devblog wasn't just a big "Fuck you all. Deal with it.".

Because they're in business to make a profit, not to do whatever feels cathartic.


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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #70 on: 26 Jun 2011, 21:14 »

the idea that people could just flat-out buy advantages makes Eve pointless.

I really fail to see why people rail on CCP for PLEX'es. I think they are brilliant.

Honestly if people are, for whatever reason, willing to pay for some progress in EVE they will pay RL money for ISK. RMT is a fact of life in ALL MMO's of any note. CCP is jsut smart enough to offer the players willing to cash out RL cash for ISK a legitimate alternative that jsut so happen to make them more money in two ways; the palyers pay them directly, and they have to ban less accounts for RMT crap.

EVE being as it is, there are and forever will be people willing to 'cheat' the system to get ahead - using bots ot endlessly rat, do missions, mine, buing ISK for RL money, legit or no... plenty of options. Cash out for a high-end toon the others made...

Even if the ISK that sellers want to sell have been gained the 'old fasioned way' they have used bots or sweat-shop slaves to get it done. I'd rather pay CCP to spawn me two GTC's worth of isk once I sell them (gaining ISK from a - hopefully - legit player) than some RMT fucker who wants my RL money for gains he has basically cheated his way to. I walk off with lots of ISK that some player gained playing the game and they get more game-time to keep having fun with.

And now CCP are, more-or-less (I'd preffer more, but it's an okay start) stated that aurum will not get you anything but pointless vanity items with no stats and no useful purpose.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #71 on: 27 Jun 2011, 11:11 »

Oh yes, insanely brilliant, so brilliant that most people only start to realize that they are a way to pay for advantages ingame if you are rich RL, no matter if you help at the same time a poor guy that can't afford a subscription.

At least RMT and macrobots or whatevers are illegal. And even with PLEX, they are still here.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #72 on: 27 Jun 2011, 13:56 »

Oh yes, insanely brilliant, so brilliant that most people only start to realize that they are a way to pay for advantages ingame if you are rich RL, no matter if you help at the same time a poor guy that can't afford a subscription.

I look on PLEX as in-game money paid for an out-of-game favor. Yes, the out-of-game favor involves paying out-of-game money, but it results in the movement of resources in-game, not their creation.

For the record, I still don't like it much (particularly given the growing number of people I know who seem to play exclusively for the purpose of gaining PLEX so they can keep playing), but it's still a different creature from out-of-game money paid to have in-game resources magically appear.

Said "magical appearance" is de minimus as far as screwing with the game goes so long as it's just vanity items. Get outside of that, and you've got non-player-created-assets magically "poofing" into existence without any in-game action whatever.

Dat's not so good.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #73 on: 27 Jun 2011, 14:55 »

Oh yes, their new microtransactions are a lot more daring. The difference lies on the creation of resources indeed.


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Re: Forty six pages and counting after CCP responds ...
« Reply #74 on: 27 Jun 2011, 15:42 »

My opinion is a lot more charitable. I think that CCP were simply taken hugely by surprise by the strength of feeling and honest passion against MT's in eve online and Zulu's first (terrible) devblog was delivered in that style from stunned outrage that people were calling for one of his comrades to be fired on the strength of this passion. While I feel much of this passion is understandable and indeed appropriate in the circumstances I do understand why the first impulse when one's friends are being fired at is not to ask why things got so bad but simply to fire back. This is clearly what happened.

Terrible communication, mixed messages, understandable fears and genuine concern about the direction the game is taking - these things combined to the crisis we have today. I feel CCP have now taken a vital first step to resolving this issue with the 2nd Zulu devblog and thats good. But I'm not prepared to hear unwarrented criticism of the players who have helped bring this matter to central focus by their passion and idealism in protest.

I can agree with this.

I intend to wait and see what happens at this CSM meeting.

If there is a positive result, well, I've forgiven CCP before, this would be minor in comparison.

If instead, gamebreaking changes are on the way, I'll be trying to gain some kind of footing in another sandbox, if any truly exist.

In the meantime, I'll be working on getting the AE Project underway. This will be an important weekend, but I'll be patient for the result.

I hope others will be of a like mindset.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!
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