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Author Topic: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE  (Read 12606 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #45 on: 24 Jun 2011, 08:26 »

I am about to cancel mine too, for ethical reasons.

Somehow 'ethical reasons' sounded so terribly naive. Would you elaborate so I see your POW?

As for everyone and their mothers un-subbing, with the exception of Vik (j/k:P) I'll miss ya'all  :cry:

Like Wanoah I try not to buy from several companies I dislike very much, if I do not hate them at all.

In any case the ethical reasons here are microtransactions. I have always explained somewhere else that I have a profound disgust for those, starting with PLEX. I was able to close my eyes on that crap, but not its the last straw.

For the rest its a reccuring problem : eve is starting to be like a Job for me and I can't do the slightiest bit of farming anymore, PI included. I do not log in to farm for hours to be able to do 5 minutes of pvp. And I am certainly not going to buy PLEX to compensate (and even if I did not care, I would not have the money for that crap, and I'm not poor for a student).

Add to that what Merdaneth said and my own expectations.

- I have been craving for Incarna for years. I was not very worried even if it took them ages to release it. Good quality product over crappy cheap product. Now I see that we only get the minmatar CQs. What the hell ? Are they going to release a single CQ every six months ? That must be a joke. What are they paid for ?

- They are still not living up to their "excellence" marketing thing. They are doing stuff barely at the level of "average". Mostly unpolished and unfinished. If not full of glitches (I am still experiencing sometimes skin and eyes glitches in recustomization for example). What the hell are they paid for ? How the hell is programmed their thing for them to need so much time to do the smallest change ?

- They are behaving like incompetent people.

- And where are their damn ergonomists ? I can't even find the cancel sub button on their new crappy page. >: (

EDIT : btw yes, it sounds naive because it is. ^^
« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2011, 09:32 by Lyn Farel »


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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #46 on: 24 Jun 2011, 08:46 »

Well Aria, I will say I am shocked.  :eek:  But, if that is what you, and many others must do, then thats what you have to do. Personally, after all the years we have played, I would prefer to go down with the burning ship. Generally, from my experience, when the mmo company starts selling vanity items or any items in general that are ingame, they are either (A.) Financially in trouble and the game is going to die or (B.) They need some mega funding for future projects, which still reflects on A., they need money.

But for all of you that are quitting, to me it doesnt make sense, because for us, the game doesnt revolve around these stupid items, it revolves around the stories we develop in our RP and actions that happen in game. We create our own environment to work in when we play EVE. So who cares if CCP is fucking up, it doesnt affect why we actually play.

There are many facets of this game that I still enjoy, and I plan on enjoying it to the bitter end.


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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #47 on: 24 Jun 2011, 09:27 »

I am about to cancel mine too, for ethical reasons.

Somehow 'ethical reasons' sounded so terribly naive. Would you elaborate so I see your POW?

As for everyone and their mothers un-subbing, with the exception of Vik (j/k:P) I'll miss ya'all  :cry:

Speaking for myself at least the ethical reason comes down to being lied to about their plans with microtransactions. They've spent the last year promising the CSM and the players that they would only do vanity MT in EVE. Now we find out that even after all that they were keeping those options on the table even after promising explicitly to do no such thing. How are we supposed to put our faith in CCP when they are so willing to ignore their own repeated promises?

Posted this in other thread too, but it's good enough to link here as well:
« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2011, 09:40 by Misan »
EVE Blog and Project Status: on hold -- busy being Thukker-esque IRL.
What I'm busy with, if you're curious.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #48 on: 24 Jun 2011, 09:36 »

Exclusivity and development cost

Ok, so the high price is there to make the stuff exclusive — feeding people's vanity, as it were, never mind that the most expensive item is described as “common” (but we'll get to the lore problem of this expansion elsewhere). But that just raises the question: how much time went into this thing that only very few are meant to use?

“But the MT cost pays for the development” you might say, but that is deflated by the volume-vs-price point made earlier: an exclusive, high-price item will not bring in as much cash as a high-volume one. So is this “waste” of development time really worth it, or could these additional designers not be put to better use for something that benefits more players? And that's assuming it is really additional designers brought in to create their own meal ticket — if not, it takes away existing developers that should be working on far more generally applicable content.

This is definitly what I was struggling to explain, and my ethical issues.


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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #49 on: 24 Jun 2011, 10:00 »

I unsubbed. Not due to anger at CCP though. Had a bit of a mental breakdown!

Saxon Hawke

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #50 on: 24 Jun 2011, 10:09 »

If the current rate of unsubscriptions continues, I'll only need to keep playing for a few more weeks and then I WIN EVE!

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #51 on: 24 Jun 2011, 10:31 »

But for all of you that are quitting, to me it doesnt make sense, because for us, the game doesnt revolve around these stupid items, it revolves around the stories we develop in our RP and actions that happen in game.

I would love to agree with you, Invelious, and indeed, that is the way the game should absolutely be.

The thing is, Eve is also a strategy game.

I will not play a strategy game that allows my opponent to buy an advantage. PLEX is a necessary evil; I recognize that much. The worst abuses of PLEX are balanced by the fact that those who need it are frequently either enthused new players bootstrapping themselves into a more involved position (my housemate did that) or are terrible at the game.

CCP, at this point, does not recognize PLEX as an evil, necessary or otherwise. It looks on it, and on AURUM, as a cash cow.

That's acceptable, so long as the items have no in-game effect beyond the cosmetic, but this memo, as of May 2011, expresses an interest in selling ships and ammo via direct payment of $$ for ISK.

And those, my friends, are freaking substantive.

What's more, CCP has firmly declared its intention to make most of its money from DUST on microtransactions for items such as weapons, and to pressure its players into purchasing them through substantial differences in weapon quality. I'd like to think that was a bad dream, but they've hinted at it before-- and DUST is going to be grafted onto Eve at the hip like an artificial Siamese twin.

I have no problem with having some of our battles fought for us by "console people" or "FPS players." I'm a console player myself, and a sometime FPS fan. However, I have a huge goddamn problem with the dice being loaded by who can afford to pay CCP the most.

If this is the way of the future, I want none of it.

And then there's the fact that CCP directly lied to us on this issue. I always kinda thought its credibility problems dating from the T20 incident would at least serve to keep CCP honest. Naive of me, I guess.

If CCP says, now, that they'll keep Eve as free of corruption by substantive MT as they can  make it and find another way to sell DUST (thus, again, shielding Eve from corruption), I will believe them for precisely one reason: if CCP betrays our trust again, the backlash would likely destroy the game, and thus CCP's source of capital for its other projects.

Otherwise ... it's been a lot of fun, folks. Hats off to CCP for creating this game, hats off to the rest of you for populating it.

However, boo hiss to CCP for poisoning the goddamn well.

Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #52 on: 24 Jun 2011, 10:43 »

If the current rate of unsubscriptions continues, I'll only need to keep playing for a few more weeks and then I WIN EVE!

I'd oppose you if I ever undocked.  :o

Ember Vykos

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #53 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:03 »

If the current rate of unsubscriptions continues, I'll only need to keep playing for a few more weeks and then I WIN EVE!

I'd oppose you, but we're kinda on the same side.

I don't understand all the unsubbing taking place. I get the reasons, but I would wait until I had conformation from CCP before I decided to take my wallet elsewhere. I think Invelous probably stated my position about as well as I could. I plan on going down with the ship. Money can already buy you a bit of an edge in PVP in terms of equipment you can field or fully loaded characters you can buy, but one of the things I love about EVE is that it's not just about your equipment or how much SP you have. EVE itself, and especially PVP in EVE, takes player skill. No matter how much money someone puts into the game they can't buy that. I know that eventually they will get better, but it's still enough of an equalizing factor to keep me in the game.

I plan on staying around till either EVE dies or enough of the RP community throws a hissy fit and quits leaving me with no one to RP with.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon

GoGo Yubari

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #54 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:06 »

If the current rate of unsubscriptions continues, I'll only need to keep playing for a few more weeks and then I WIN EVE!

If that just were true then there would be no problem, but in addition to everyone else leaving, you're going to have fork out tons of $$$$$$ to claim you prize.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #55 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:17 »

... I would wait until I had conformation from CCP before I decided to take my wallet elsewhere.

Ah, but unsubscribing and awaiting a response from CCP are not mutually exclusive. Unsubbing just means that our accounts won't automatically renew when time runs out. In the meantime, we can see whether CCP, undoubtedly aware of the volley of non-revenue missiles heading its way, gets enough of a clue for us to collectively abort (most of) the salvo.

I've pushed a button that will deny them revenue next April, a long-range strike indeed. I can change my mind at any time up to that point.

Ember Vykos

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #56 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:39 »

... I would wait until I had conformation from CCP before I decided to take my wallet elsewhere.

Ah, but unsubscribing and awaiting a response from CCP are not mutually exclusive. Unsubbing just means that our accounts won't automatically renew when time runs out. In the meantime, we can see whether CCP, undoubtedly aware of the volley of non-revenue missiles heading its way, gets enough of a clue for us to collectively abort (most of) the salvo.

I've pushed a button that will deny them revenue next April, a long-range strike indeed. I can change my mind at any time up to that point.

Yeah good point. I go month by month, so I forgot that bit about paying way in advance.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon


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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #57 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:43 »

The only change I made this week is to switch my last "RL $" account to PLEX. Fairly simple for me to stay if they say the right things. No additional action required on my part to leave if they don't.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #58 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:45 »

This just in: apparently Helicity Boson has been permabanned due to some comments CCP has (creatively, or so the buzz has it; I haven't seen the actual posts) interpreted as threats.

Word is, others are suffering the same fate.

Making martyrs out of players would seem to be a bad idea for CCP just now.


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Re: Sending a message about Incarna and the future of EVE
« Reply #59 on: 24 Jun 2011, 11:46 »

I have seen the comments. He said that certain specific employees need to "die in a fire", something that CCP did not interpret figuratively.
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