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That the Eleutherian Guard, a capsuleer organisation, is a semi-independent paramilitary unit that answers to the Federal Security Council?

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Author Topic: Military branches  (Read 6815 times)


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Re: Military branches
« Reply #15 on: 07 Jul 2011, 17:52 »

I think the ground branch being called "Infantry" would fit in with the naming scheme of "Fleet"...sorta like Starship Troopers there...

Also, nice assembly of ranks, I did the same thing of digging around and trying to extrapolate... (completely ignoring the tags though). A mixture of US/Commonwealth styles (Gallentean influence) and something more original.

Republic Fleet
Rating 3rd Rank
Rating 2nd Rank
Rating 1st Rank
Lead Rating
Petty Officer 3rd Class (petty officer...petite officer...little officer...damned Gallente!)
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Petty Officer 1st Class
Chief Petty Officer

Lieutenant Commander
Captain 2nd Class
Captain 1st Class
High Captain
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Fleet Admiral

Republic Infantry
Private 3rd Rank
Private 2nd Rank
Private 1st Rank
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant Chief

Lieutenant JG
High Commander
Staff Captain
Brigadier General
Lieutenant General
Captain General
« Last Edit: 07 Jul 2011, 18:02 by Seriphyn »

Nmaro Makari

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #16 on: 09 Jul 2011, 11:10 »

I think the ground branch being called "Infantry" would fit in with the naming scheme of "Fleet"...sorta like Starship Troopers there...

Also, nice assembly of ranks, I did the same thing of digging around and trying to extrapolate... (completely ignoring the tags though). A mixture of US/Commonwealth styles (Gallentean influence) and something more original.

Republic Fleet
Rating 3rd Rank
Rating 2nd Rank
Rating 1st Rank
Lead Rating
Petty Officer 3rd Class (petty officer...petite officer...little officer...damned Gallente!)
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Petty Officer 1st Class
Chief Petty Officer

Lieutenant Commander
Captain 2nd Class
Captain 1st Class
High Captain
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Fleet Admiral

Republic Infantry
Private 3rd Rank
Private 2nd Rank
Private 1st Rank
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant Chief

Lieutenant JG
High Commander
Staff Captain
Brigadier General
Lieutenant General
Captain General

Honestly, I think this is just too similar to Earth, particuarly US/British rank structure.

I think the Militia ranks are a more accurate portrayal of ranks in each Empire's military. Think about it, the culture of each race was basically built from scratch with only a handful of old earth influences. I certainly dont think it would be this simmilar. Illustrating this, take a look at the rank structure for Battlestar Galactica

Its related in that the BSG universe is simmilar to EVE in that influence of current Earth Culture is minimal, as illustrated by this rank structure. Commonly, Colonel and Major are associated with the army, but here they are included with ranks like admiral. On top of that, Commander replaces the rank of captain.

Personally, I would say incorporate more French ranks into the Federation ranks, along with US ranks.
The very model of a British Minmatarian

Rao Kappa

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #17 on: 09 Jul 2011, 12:02 »

With my limited knowledge of the PF, and from what I'm reading above, I'd venture to say the Republic might have something akin to this in military structure:

Standing Navy and Army comprised of members from each Tribe. The statement above regarding Minmatar utilizing thieves and criminals to fill their ranks would also lead me to believe that these units could have easily formed Special Warfare units over their historical development. Taking a page out the Earth's past, many unsavory, if somewhat efficient units had dubious origins, and from these origins, specialized units were formed and set apart from the rank and file.

In regards to the individual tribes, no doubt traditional militias exist, but their combat efficiency and operational tempo may be largely dependent on the tribal leadership, and the actual role the militias fill in their respective societies may vary, whether they be truly combat capable, or merely ceremonial in appearance.

The existence of such militias would no doubt require a Unified Command that, while allowing each Tribe to operate autonomously, would no doubt exert command in times of Republic conflict. The Command would most likely be comprised of senior ranking tribal elders that carry either civilian or military titles.

The level of efficiency in the command's doctrine and structure can be debated, and perhaps exists as nothing more than paper knights chasing windmills, but the Amarrian Conflict in the least would have revealed to the Republic the need for a singular force capable of repelling any enemy and protecting the borders.

Which leads to an entirely different discussion on the nature of inter-tribal dynamics and political machinations. I think, however, that one ideal they agreed on, at least in principle, is the need for a combined force to serve the Republic. How efficient this is in practice, is anyone's guess.



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Re: Military branches
« Reply #18 on: 09 Jul 2011, 12:14 »

Honestly, I think this is just too similar to Earth, particuarly US/British rank structure.

I think the Militia ranks are a more accurate portrayal of ranks in each Empire's military. Think about it, the culture of each race was basically built from scratch with only a handful of old earth influences. I certainly dont think it would be this simmilar. Illustrating this, take a look at the rank structure for Battlestar Galactica

Its related in that the BSG universe is simmilar to EVE in that influence of current Earth Culture is minimal, as illustrated by this rank structure. Commonly, Colonel and Major are associated with the army, but here they are included with ranks like admiral. On top of that, Commander replaces the rank of captain.

Personally, I would say incorporate more French ranks into the Federation ranks, along with US ranks.

Only taking it from what is listed in PF. Admiral, captain, lieutenant etc. are all ranks that are used. "Grand Admiral" are the chiefs of the Fed and Amarr Navy, "Fleet Admiral" for Republic and Amarr.

And take in mind that despite being cut-off from Earth, everything in EVE is still comparable to to RL Earth. We have kings, queens, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, senators, parliaments, navies, armies and so on.

Also, being too similar to "US/British" can be argued to be Gallentean influence anyway, who made the Republic's modern state structure (Would the minmatar have a standing military at all without their influence maybe?)

Rao Kappa

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #19 on: 09 Jul 2011, 12:23 »

Would the minmatar have a standing military at all without their influence maybe?

I'm sure they would. Their history would dictate the need for a unified force capable of protecting their borders. Now, the question might be better served as, 'how efficient would the Matari military be without the initial aid of the Gallente?'

Much in the same way US and NATO advisors help 'train up' militaries in today's society, I'm sure the Gallente aid might have pushed the Minmatar from tactical level operations involving tribal militias with no strategic understanding into a unified force capable of conducting modern, large scale warfare.

Nmaro Makari

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #20 on: 09 Jul 2011, 13:02 »

Only taking it from what is listed in PF. Admiral, captain, lieutenant etc. are all ranks that are used. "Grand Admiral" are the chiefs of the Fed and Amarr Navy, "Fleet Admiral" for Republic and Amarr.

And take in mind that despite being cut-off from Earth, everything in EVE is still comparable to to RL Earth. We have kings, queens, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, senators, parliaments, navies, armies and so on.

Also, being too similar to "US/British" can be argued to be Gallentean influence anyway, who made the Republic's modern state structure (Would the minmatar have a standing military at all without their influence maybe?)

Well, maybe it is just a little lost in translation. But what I would say is that everyone is in agreement about what a King is, or a President, as a generic concept. However I would say that with the Military ranks it should be mixed up a bit more, because definitions vary from nation to nation. I just find it too simmilar to be believable.

Out of interest, what PF did you draw these from?
The very model of a British Minmatarian

Arkady Sadik

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #21 on: 10 Jul 2011, 04:18 »

Out of interest, what PF did you draw these from?

I'd be curious as well - half those ranks I have not been able to find at all in PF, and the listing misses out on a number of ranks I did find. The rank listings in my post[1] are either from the official database or have references to the respective newspieces.

At least for the Republic, it is difficult to mix the Fleet and Militia ranks. Thorough PF, Fleet is using navy ranks up to admiral (and variations), while the Militia is using army ranks up to general. Mixing those not only is difficult because of different terms, but also because some ranks have the same name but different levels (e.g. captain). That said, PF uses militia ranks for some Fleet personnel as well, so I guess CCP is as confused.

As for the history, [t]he Republic Fleet was formed from the surviving elements of the rebel fleet after the Minmatar Rebellion. Though it has not the same access to advanced weaponry or hi-tech equipment as the fleets of the other empires, it more than makes up for this with fierce spirit and clever battle tactics. (Republic Fleet corp description) Hence, I would see the structure initially taken from Amarrian example, then later adapted to a mix of Federation example, Thukker example, and pseudo-historic examples, including "let's do this because this is NOT how the Amarr do it". E.g. I would not be surprised if the Republic Fleet is called Fleet instead of Navy because the Amarr call theirs "Navy" :-)
« Last Edit: 10 Jul 2011, 04:21 by Arkady Sadik »

Tizian Enel

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #22 on: 10 Jul 2011, 05:28 »

Regarding Republic rank confusion, perhaps it is evolving over time and there are multiple systems in place. Allow someone to take a rank tattoo and it'd be bit of an offense to start calling him something else, right?

On the other hand, tattoos aren't all that permanent in New Eden, and Minmatar are experts in their removal.

Arkady Sadik

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #23 on: 10 Jul 2011, 10:03 »

My working theory is that CCP doesn't have a real list of ranks for any of the groups and just makes up ranks on the fly for news stories. And we get to try to make some kind of sense out of it so we can talk about ranks without contradicting past and future PF. :o)

Rao Kappa

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Re: Military branches
« Reply #24 on: 10 Jul 2011, 11:31 »

My working theory is that CCP doesn't have a real list of ranks for any of the groups and just makes up ranks on the fly for news stories. And we get to try to make some kind of sense out of it so we can talk about ranks without contradicting past and future PF. :o)

That's probably exactly how it works.
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