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Hubert Caissor was a Gallentean senator who, along with his entire family and personal wealth, disappeared aboard the starship Peralles while jumping from the Dom-Aphis system to Iderion.

Author Topic: [Mission] The Natural Way  (Read 3826 times)


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[Mission] The Natural Way
« on: 23 May 2011, 21:44 »

A Gallente storyline mission:

There's a fitness initiative going through Federation schools.  I'm sure you've heard about it?  A weird luddite group called The Natural Way wants to get kids to stop relying on modding to stay in shape, and they're tossing cred around like water to do so.  No school would turn down money in exchange for a couple hours' fitness classes a week.  Take these Crates of Exclusive Simo Reshar Fitness Holoreels over to one of their facilities at [station] and we'll see some of that money, too.

There was a time when our children roamed free beneath the sun. They grew strong and healthy under the clear breezes and warm rains. But then technology arose, and with it pollution, sedentary lifestyles, and then the means to compensate for it artificially. But is this truly healthy? Instead of living naturally long lifespans, we turn to medicine and modifications to improve ourselves. Today’s teenager spends their days in front of a holoscreen; many of them don’t even leave the house of their parents to attend school, preferring to interface remotely.

My friends, is this how we want our children to live?” -- Excerpt from The Natural Way’s introductory leaflet

Interesting for several reasons.  One, here's another Gallente activist group/agenda.  Two, people typically use 'mods' to stay in shape?  Hmm..  Your thoughts?

Ammentio Oinkelmar

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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #1 on: 23 May 2011, 22:52 »

And they are willing to pay to teach gym lessons at schools? Hmmm...

Louella Dougans

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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2011, 11:27 »

Cool! so that's where those Simo Reshar fitness holoreels come from.

Although, the item description for them is a bit o.0 in comparison to these stated objectives.

The "mods to stay in shape" thing, i find a bit odd, as it suggests a level of routine modding that i don't recall seeing before, in anything except the infamous "exotic dancers". Federation Navy and so on, didn't strike me as doing that sort of thing, but if it's so routine in civilian circles, then... ???

Also, i am reminded of a youtube video i saw a while back. Not entirely sure how relevent it is, but I found it entertaining to watch.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #3 on: 24 May 2011, 12:19 »

Cool! so that's where those Simo Reshar fitness holoreels come from.

Although, the item description for them is a bit o.0 in comparison to these stated objectives.

The "mods to stay in shape" thing, i find a bit odd, as it suggests a level of routine modding that i don't recall seeing before, in anything except the infamous "exotic dancers". Federation Navy and so on, didn't strike me as doing that sort of thing, but if it's so routine in civilian circles, then... ???

Also, i am reminded of a youtube video i saw a while back. Not entirely sure how relevent it is, but I found it entertaining to watch.

The Burning Life had half a chapter dedicated to the Modding scene in the Federation.

My impression was it's extremely prevalent as an art form, but I did not see it to 'every day civilian life'. The scene in question was a Modding exhibit that had a lot of major artists at there in the profession.
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Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #4 on: 24 May 2011, 12:26 »

I think the 'modding to keep fit' angle may be more along the lines of pharmaceuticals and "simple" gene therapies that make it possible to indulge one's epicurean habits without worrying about precipitous waistline expansion.  Certainly not everyone in the GalFed is an Adonis with a gorgeous, sculpted body, but it may be reasonable to expect that most people with at least a moderate income level can afford the equivalent of modern plastic surgery for the sake of staying in shape.

Gabriel Darkefyre

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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #5 on: 24 May 2011, 13:14 »

"Why slog for hours on the Treadmill to tone up those Thighs, when for just one affordable Monthly Payment, you can take advantage of our revolutionary Nanite Injection System to turn that unsightly Flab, into Precision Sculpted Muscle!"


Figure this kind of Advert would be on the Gallente Networks, like Modern Day adverts for Wierd Gizmos that are supposed to be Fitness Equipment.


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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #6 on: 24 May 2011, 13:30 »

In the Gallente Federation, the Shake Weight doesn't need a subtext.


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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2011, 06:41 »

Hm, luddites in the Gallente Federation huh? And teenagers interfacing remotely with secondary school? Curious...

More stuff to add to the GalFed guide, but this also means there is likely correspondent mission text for the Mannar Textile Institute International item, the Coriault Couture Collective, the Luminaire Skipper, and so on.

Sounds like a "Mission PF Guide" is required!


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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #8 on: 25 May 2011, 07:40 »

Hm, luddites in the Gallente Federation huh? And teenagers interfacing remotely with secondary school? Curious...

*puts her tinfoil hat back on*

Inara Subaka

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Re: [Mission] The Natural Way
« Reply #9 on: 25 May 2011, 15:05 »

I have nothing constructive to add, however...

Also, i am reminded of a youtube video i saw a while back. Not entirely sure how relevent it is, but I found it entertaining to watch.

That video scarred my poor innocent mind, forcing me to relive a portion of the 80s. :bash: