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Author Topic: Biased Backgrounds?  (Read 1006 times)

lallara zhuul

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Biased Backgrounds?
« on: 03 Apr 2011, 06:27 »

The post about certain kinds of roleplay not being interactable with in any meaningful way because of cultural norms got me thinking.

Does the background choices of the different races limit the roleplaying and do they show a bias towards certain type of roleplay?

The Empire

Quote from: Religious Reclaimers
Many Amarrians still dream of the glory days of the Empire, when it seemed that no power in the cluster could defy the will of the Empire. They abhor the conciliatory policies of recent regimes, regarding them as weak and counter to everything the Empire has stood for in its magnificent history.
Quote from: Liberal Holders
Holders, the major landholding class in Amarr society, are generally conservative traditionalists. A few, however, have elected to break ranks with their hidebound and power-hungry peers, instead supporting the modernization of their society's religion and substantial economic reform. Their champion is Catiz Tash-Murkon, the Udorian Royal Heir.
Quote from: Wealthy Commoners
Some commoners manage to break out of Amarrian society's rigid class divisions and carve out an elevated niche for themselves, usually through trade or other mercantile activities. Though they can never attain political office within the empire, they are free to accrue vast amounts of wealth – along with no small measure of power and influence - through interstellar trade.
Quote from: Free Merchants
The Ni-Kunni, originally a slave race within the Amarr Empire, are today almost fully integrated in society as free people. They have used the Amarrian upper classes' inherent dislike of mercantile work to their advantage, and Ni-Kunni merchants now dominate many sectors of the Empire's economy.
Quote from: Border Runners
The Amarr Empire imposes strict trading rules with other races, all but encouraging smuggling operations to flourish. The wily Ni-Kunni are experts when it comes to exploiting black market opportunities, and have spent generations perfecting their smuggling methods.
Quote from: Navy Veterans
A large population of the Ni-Kunni remain impoverished, and many reside in underdeveloped districts. When no economic opportunities are available, one of the few ways for them to escape is to enlist in the Imperial Navy, where they receive the career training and education they need to make a prosperous—if dangerous— life for themselves and their families.
Quote from: Cyberknights
Many of the Khanid want to keep their warriors competitive, but the only way to do so in the modern world is through extensive body enhancements. The advanced knowledge of cyber implants possessed by the Amarrians has proven exceptionally useful in this regard. Some Khanids still aim to excel in physical combat, while the more progressive ones seek to become masters of modern warfare.
Quote from: Unionists
A number of Khanid were unhappy with the break from the Amarr Empire. While they never resorted to armed resistance, they are pleased by the improving relations with the Empire and hope the two nations will unite once more. They are eager to do whatever is necessary to achieve this, including taking on the common enemies of the Empire and the Kingdom.
Quote from: Zealots
The Khanid are not generally known to be as devout as the Amarrians, but those who are tend to be fanatics even by Amarrian standards. Religious Khanids are often inducted into zealous cults, generally based on their interpretation of the Scriptures. The Amarrians regard these religious Khanids with suspicious interest; on the one hand the cultists' extremism alarms them, but on the other their religious fervor often results in deep theosophical insights.
The Federation

Quote from: Activists
Gallente citizens tend to be more politically aware than the citizens of other nations, and many devote their efforts towards one or more of a multitude of causes that suit their ambitions. For such an activist, things might not be perfect, but things will never change for the better unless someone has the courage to fight the good fight.
Quote from: Miners
While every spacefaring nation relies on mining the rich bounty of space for resources, the Gallente esteem their miners as the key providers that supported the rise of their civilization. Mining is a cultural icon for the Federation, which credits the pioneers of this industry as having selflessly braved the remote dangers of space to help pave the way for exploration and growth. Driven by consumerism and ambitious mega-projects, the Gallente Federation continues to generate heavy demand for minerals, and as a matter of national pride loathes dependence on other nations to acquire them.
Quote from: Immigrants
No other nation is as welcoming to immigrants as the Gallente Federation. Between the huge demand for labor, the libertarian culture, and social policies of the government, hard-working immigrants of every race, creed, and color can build a dream life in the Federation, the land of opportunity.
Quote from: Artist ancestry
It is widely believed that the introvert Intakis create the most stunning and thought provoking art around. They've revolutionized many art-forms and created new, such as metapaints and touch sculpture. Intaki artists seem to have a unique ability to create and convey unparalleled beauty that is universal for all human races.
Quote from: Diplomats ancestry
Since their inauguration into the Federation the Intakis have slowly established a reputation as superb diplomats, negotiators and bureaucrats. In the tense and often violent world of EVE these qualities can be of vital importance.
Quote from: Reborn ancestry
Although persons in risky positions (such as space ship captains) use clones, the general Intaki public refrains from using them. Instead they have a unique method for transferring the personality of a dying person into a newborn baby. Steeped in tradition and perfected with technology the Reborn process is the ideal Intaki vision of 'afterlife'.
Quote from: Sang Do Caste
The Sang Do (Ji., "lord") caste is the ruling class in Jin-Mei society. To their credit, they tend to rule with a benevolent and charitable hand, unlike many other societies with a similar caste hierarchy. With inspiring demeanors and insightful natures, they have a distinct talent for winning loyalty from those under their dominion.
Quote from: Saan Go Caste
The Saan Go (Ji., "standing high") are the "upper-middle class" within the social hierarchy of the Jin-Mei. They are most commonly employed as governmental officials and corporate directors. Resilient and amiable, they are generally well-educated and practical thinkers.
Quote from: Jing Ko Caste
The Jing Ko (Ji., "good spirit") is composed of both middle and lower classes in Jin-Mei society. While the majority of this caste toils in obscurity, a select few of exceptional talent manage to rise above the masses. These driven, highly disciplined individuals usually attach themselves to a Saan Go or perhaps even a Sang Do patron, a relationship that can pave the way for their continued advancement.
The State

Quote from: Dissenters
The cold discipline of Caldari society does not appeal to everyone, nor is everyone happy with the stranglehold that corporate rulers have on everyday life. While not outright rebellious, dissenters nonetheless invest considerable time and effort in trying to change the system from within. The State keeps a close eye on these individuals.
Quote from: Mercs
Many Civire have a deep fascination with the brutality of battle. For these brazen individuals, the promise of steady combat is what drives the eager sale of their own services to the highest bidder. Some even hail from families who have followed the mercenary tradition for generations, albeit within the shadows of society.
Quote from: Entrepreneurs
Civire are not usually known for business acumen, but when they choose to engage in business affairs they conduct themselves with the same aggression and confidence as they would on the battlefield. To them, business is a battle of wills, to be pursued with focused vigilance and ruthlessness.
Quote from: Tube child
Acutely aware of the small population of the Caldari State versus the sprawling Gallente Federation a generation ago, the Deteis once utilized artificial procreation to increase their population. While this program is no longer sponsored by the State, the Tube Children of today were raised in inhospitable, government-run orphanages. Many are fiercely independent, strong individuals loyal to the Caldari State.
Quote from: Scientists
The Deteis beautifully combine efficiency with inventiveness, which makes them superb researchers and scientists. Between these talents and their cultural determination, the Caldari State is leading innovator of bleeding-edge technology.
Quote from: Merchandisers
The Deteis love nothing more than having complete control over their enterprises, especially industrial production. They seek personal mastery of every aspect of the process, all the way from the procurement of raw materials to the manufacturing and marketing of the final goods.
Quote from: Inventors
According to Achur beliefs, those who can reach inwards and sense the interconnection between all things are capable of accessing the universal consciousness, returning from it with novel ideas. For the Achur, inventions are almost regarded more for their spiritual implications than scientific significance. Creativity is thus a cherished attribute amongst the Achur, with inventors held in high esteem.'
Quote from: Monks
'Thousands of monasteries are scattered around the Saisio System, operated by dozens of different monastic order. While each order has its own code of conduct dictating behavior and lifestyle, they all adhere to a fundamental belief: only through an understanding of the universe can the soul be perfected.'
Quote from: Stargazers
The spritualism of the Achur is not an organized religion, but the Achura nation nonetheless holds seers and visionaries in high esteem. While the Achur refuse to attribute this vision to supernatural ability, they will acknowledge the Stargazer as possessing a profound awareness and understanding of the living universe'

The Republic

Quote from: Traders
Many Sebiestor traders live as nomads and travel the cluster in search of quick profit. They rarely settle down to exploit a prosperous trade route, and instead prefer to keep moving in search of the big payoff—the one that will instantly make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.
Quote from: Rebels
While most Minmatar are content to just build a normal life in the Republic, many cannot forget nor forgive the Amarrians for the countless and ongoing atrocities committed against their brethren. Instead, they have taken up the fight to free every single enslaved Minmatar in New Eden. These revolutionaries will use any means necessary to achieve that goal, no matter what the price.
Quote from: Tinkerers
The Sebiestors are the engineers and inventors of the Minmatar. They are especially adept at adapting existing products into devices of their own unique design. Some Sebiestors seem uncannily attuned to the ways things work, making them extremely competent mechanics.
Quote from: Workers
Many Brutors have a modest background, and are often found performing backbreaking labor in the farms, mines and factories of the Republic — and before that, toiling under the yoke of the Amarr Empire. They still take great pride in their jobs, excelling as craftsmen and builders.
Quote from: Slave Child
Millions of slaves within the Amarr Empire dream of escape, especially for their children. Every year thousands of newborns from enslaved parents are smuggled out of the Empire into the safety of Minmatar space, where they are raised by foster parents.
Quote from: Tribal Traditionalists
Relegated to the most dangerous and inhumane tasks of the era, the Brutors were treated harshly by the Amarr Empire during the occupation. But this only strengthened the bond with their cultural heritage—the only thing the Amarrians could never take away from them.
Quote from: Retailers
Visit a market hub station in Minmatar space and stroll into any of the stores or restaurants lining the vast promenades. Odds are that it is owned and operated by a Vherokior. Determined merchants and peddlers since their caravan days, their business enterprises and expertise have spread steadily throughout the Republic.
Quote from: Mystics
Vherokiors have always seemed strange to the other Minmatar tribes, doubly so when it comes to those with mystical inclinations. Vherokior mystics are both revered and feared by the Minmatar. The ancient Voluval ritual, where the soul and karma of the person is revealed through the unexplained emergence of a body tattoo on the recipient, was created by Vherokior mystics, and its secrets are closely guarded.
Quote from: Drifters
Drawing inspiration from their nomadic ancestry, wanderlust runs strong with many Vherokiors. While many curb their thirst for adventure, there are those who simply cannot settle down in one place for long. Never at rest, they will always be lured by the horizon, as there are places to see and riches to be discovered.

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lallara zhuul

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Re: Biased Backgrounds?
« Reply #1 on: 03 Apr 2011, 06:27 »

Looking at the bloodlines and their backgrounds it seems like they pretty much cover all aspects of the spacefaring part of the culture. Nice ways of starting to build a character and RP on.

Then I realized that I was actually working with a wrong premise.

It is not your background that you have selected.

It is your ancestry.

The choice that you made at chargen is not what you are, you are not a Liberal Holder from the Empire, you are not a Tribal Traditionalist from the Republic, you are not a Monk from the State or an Activist from the Federation.

That is what your parents were, giving you a certain skillset and a set of attributes that reflect the upbringing you gained as a child.

You are a pod pilot, a clone, a capsuleer.

CCP made all characters so that they have nothing connecting them to their previous existence before becoming a capsuleer and gaining their pilots license.

Capsuleers have no access to any assets outside of space, they are all outside the social structures of their empires. A Gallente can't vote, an Amarrian is not part of the feudal structure of the Empire, Caldari can't buy shares from any of the corporations that make up the State and Minmatari can't take part in any of the tribal business.

Then I realized that I was not actually thinking about New Eden anymore, I was thinking about EVE.

The game.

There may be economic stop measures across the cluster to keep clones having access to assets that natural born citizens have, purchasing and owning planetside property for example.
There are economic stop measures in place to keep ISK as just as space faring currency, making it worthless planetside.
There is certainly spritual repercussions for being a clone within the Empire and the Republic, does voluval mark become meaningless on an infomorph?

Anyhoos, I shouldn't do shit like this on an empty stomach.

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Re: Biased Backgrounds?
« Reply #2 on: 03 Apr 2011, 06:35 »

In before "All RPers do not conform to these standards."

All RPers do not conform to these standards.

In after "All RPers do not conform to these standards."

There's hundreds of RP'd examples of capsuleers voting, of capsuleers owning planetside industry, land and ventures, of capsuleers being influential in politics and so on. Hell, there's PF supporting it. There's mechanics supporting it. From what I can tell, the majority of the RPers around will not be supporting a world where they as Matari can't delve deep into the cultural ramifications of the Voluval mark, the tribal society and clan. The majority won't allow the capsuleer thing mean they're experiencing severe spiritual issues as Amarrians or even conform to the 'complete social detachment' thing.

In short, I struggle to see what your point is.


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Re: Biased Backgrounds?
« Reply #3 on: 03 Apr 2011, 07:45 »

The most powerful figure in EVE, the Federation President, is a capsuleer. How do we distinguish between a player-capsuleer, and an empire-capsuleer? Is there any reason we cannot carry ourselves as an empire-capsuleer? The faction navies all have capsuleers in their employ, for example.