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That docked cruisers are held in place with massive clamps on strategic support sections of the ship, and are disengaged with incendiary explosives? (The Burning Life p. 75)

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Author Topic: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons  (Read 4328 times)

Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #15 on: 23 Mar 2011, 15:49 »

I guess my question is...if the channel is public and they aren't causing mischief, what's the problem?

You're denying yourself a possible convert, especially if they have a good time in your company. When I was a CEO (with an active corporation), most of the people we ultimately hired were regulars in our public corp channel (ic and ooc). I think a blanket "no enemies allowed" clause could potentially alienate more than it protects, especially in a strictly ic channel where the theme is not related to wars or internal politics.

Again, this goes back to the comment I made in Ashar's thread about the abundance of ideologues and zealots in the roleplay community. Out in 0.0 we have pilots who regularly switch sides for a multitude of reasons, and some maintain a cordial/competitive attitude with their peers without the need to block or alienate them. And while I'm sure there are personal issues where personalities can't interact on any level, I think the tendency to ignore/block enemies is just as great in the rp community. The difference being that people that actively roleplay is significantly smaller.


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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #16 on: 23 Mar 2011, 16:13 »

I wonder if it isn't down to different people's perceptions of the situation.

Some people appear to see the cluster as existing in a sort of cold-war situation where people from opposite sides can sit in Rick's bar in Casablanca and make snide comments at each other. "Public" in this case means Rick will let them in, and he'll let in pretty much anyone. German or French, Jewish or Czech.

Some people seem to think it's more like the Battle of Britain, where pilots gather together in "public" bars and encounter only people who are not actively at war with them. Occasionally, Douglas Bader gets shot down and invited to dinner with Adolf Galland, but it's really not a regular occurance, and anyway, that's just until tomorrow when he gets carted off to a POW camp.

I think it's also affected by how pilots see themselves. Even in the hot part of the war, the German ambassador might throw a party expecting that the US ambassador and staff will show up, with lots of careful maneuvering and pumping for information, etc. If you think of your character working at that level, then maintaining contacts with "the enemy" even during wartime seems completely reasonable. If you think of your character as someone in the trenches, then you really aren't (except perhaps on Christmas day when you throw a can of christmas cake across and they throw a couple of bottles of beer and you maybe agree not to shoot at each other long enough to kick a football around).

If you think it's a 1935 cold war, then maybe the American Marines are crashing sushi parlours in Shang hai and having drinking contests with Japanese soldiers and occasional punch ups. If you think it's 1943 near Tarawa, that would be unthinkable.

The point of this rant is that there is a lot of unspoken assumptions about pod-pilots social situation, or character roles, which affects what seems reasonable. If we talked about it a bit more, maybe we'd understand the reasons for the disagreements. Sure, then we could argue about which level pod-pilots in general work at, but maybe we could also agree that different pod-pilots might operate at different levels and have different behaviours be reasonable for their positions? Or maybe different parts of the cluster are at different levels of conflict and likewise, different behaviours are reasonable or not.

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Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

Jev North

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #17 on: 23 Mar 2011, 16:51 »

Ulphus efficiently nailed down what's been ghosting through the back of my head for a while now. Kudos.

Matariki Rain

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #18 on: 23 Mar 2011, 17:22 »

Ulphus efficiently nailed down what's been ghosting through the back of my head for a while now. Kudos.

Ulf's good like that. :)


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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #19 on: 23 Mar 2011, 17:49 »

Ulphus, I already had a great deal of respect for you, but your analysis there just escalated my opinion several notches.

As frequently happens in life, the answer is less a question of right and wrong but understanding and accepting that some folks will view things differently than you do.

Revan Neferis

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #20 on: 24 Mar 2011, 06:11 »

It depends entirely of how you role play your character too. Some personalities will be more understanding than others in a certain edgy situation.
My policy is to keep my channels on invite mode only and I haven't noticed any negative consequences of such setting, much to the contrary, interesting capsuleers who wants to interact with Revan and the scope of role play I offer find no issues on finding their way into the guest list.
IC banning is completely normal too although it rarely happens when you have interesting personalities at play.
I only set people that I see no profit at all to my enjoyment ooc or the development of my character blocked by default and that's completely reasonable to any owner of a channel, it's your setting, your rules and so far it matches completely with ic perspective too. 
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Saede Riordan

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #21 on: 24 Mar 2011, 22:45 »

I try not to ban people OOCly unless they cause issues OOCly, because I feel like it hurts the venue, and hurts the RP possibilities of it. Sure, someone might be barred from entering IC, but isn't it more fun to physically throw them out and RP them getting denied access then to just block them from access to the channel?
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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #22 on: 24 Mar 2011, 22:52 »

I try not to ban people OOCly unless they cause issues OOCly, because I feel like it hurts the venue, and hurts the RP possibilities of it. Sure, someone might be barred from entering IC, but isn't it more fun to physically throw them out and RP them getting denied access then to just block them from access to the channel?

One of the problems that arises with channels in EVE, though, is that the channel owner or moderators might not be there 23.5/7. A character who might get physically kicked and barred through RP when the channel mods are there might on another occasion get free access because the channel mods are asleep.

Ideally, of course, players wouldn't take advantage of such circumstances to get around their character being persona non grata, but I can certainly understand using ban lists to avoid the possibility.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #23 on: 25 Mar 2011, 06:20 »

Muting the IC banned character can be a solution I suppose (if it is possible to mute for an unlimited amount of time).

Saede Riordan

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Re: Banning from IC channels for IC reasons
« Reply #24 on: 25 Mar 2011, 06:35 »

I try not to ban people OOCly unless they cause issues OOCly, because I feel like it hurts the venue, and hurts the RP possibilities of it. Sure, someone might be barred from entering IC, but isn't it more fun to physically throw them out and RP them getting denied access then to just block them from access to the channel?

One of the problems that arises with channels in EVE, though, is that the channel owner or moderators might not be there 23.5/7. A character who might get physically kicked and barred through RP when the channel mods are there might on another occasion get free access because the channel mods are asleep.

Ideally, of course, players wouldn't take advantage of such circumstances to get around their character being persona non grata, but I can certainly understand using ban lists to avoid the possibility.

which makes it all the more fun, imo
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