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Author Topic: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP  (Read 5708 times)

Cmdr Baxter

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #30 on: 10 Mar 2011, 14:44 »

The Caldari State, similarly, is very much bound to its own culture too. I don't feel they would be accepting of foreigners, and again, I'm likely going to shot down for this, saying they are a "closed society" .....
I don't have nearly the level of RP expertise that you do, Seriphyn, but I've been brushing up on my Caldari over the last few days and have gotten this impression as well. Svetlana Scarlet's Foundations of the Caldari hits on a similar conclusion; obviously it's not PF but the conclusions mirror yours closely.

I think that the catch, though, is in implementation in RP. No offense to the Amarr players but that faction has a reputation of "elitist," or at least it did a few years back (I'm not sure how much it's changed since then; my interaction with Amarr players is minimal these days). Similarly I'm not about to become the total douche on the IGS and to my mixed-ethnicity corporation.

I haven't started to carve out a personality yet for Baxter, but I probably need to start moving in that direction. This is going to make it challenging. (Not that I'm complaining.)


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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #31 on: 10 Mar 2011, 18:00 »

The Caldari State, similarly, is very much bound to its own culture too. I don't feel they would be accepting of foreigners, and again, I'm likely going to shot down for this, saying they are a "closed society" .....
I don't have nearly the level of RP expertise that you do, Seriphyn, but I've been brushing up on my Caldari over the last few days and have gotten this impression as well. Svetlana Scarlet's Foundations of the Caldari hits on a similar conclusion; obviously it's not PF but the conclusions mirror yours closely.
The catch is that ethnicity is not the immediate criteria for being a foreigner in the State.  In my opinion it is possible to be of any ethnicity, but the immigrant will strive to reduce their dissimilarities as much as possible.  There will of course be those who jump to conclusions based on how someone looks, but that can back fire if the "foreigner" is backed up by a Caldari who clearly knows them.

For example, Dex Nederland might defend Vieve Tisserand against accusations that Vieve is a foreigner by someone from SuVee.  Dex knows that Lai Dai has made Vieve an employee-citizen and that she is thus part of his "in-group," the SuVee member is not and might actually be called -jagii by Dex & Vieve if a conservation is about the workings of Lai Dai vs State politics.

Mitara Newelle

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #32 on: 10 Mar 2011, 22:20 »

For example: I really like the though that Amarr are not prone to coarse language and lots of curse words (let alone those involving God). So whenever someone does curse, Merdaneth often remarks upon it (and references it as not properly Amarrian). I hope that by acting this way, I am actually helping create the image among capsuleers that Amarrian's think poorly of cursing. I also believe that doing so is way more effective than waving obscure CCP lore about.
* Mitara Newelle high-fives Merd!

RE: Race
I love the way Lae and Silas RP their race views, very in your face, very raw.  Mitty definitely looks down on the other races, but is reluctant to make *too* big a deal of it because of her own bloodline and background. 

I'm all for less PC RP though, we all don't have to get along, and honestly it's a lot more fun when we don't :D

RE: Religion
When I first started RPing Mitty, she was inwardly religious, probably as most Amarrians would be, ie: it's not consciously thought about, it just happens naturally.  Over the years she's become outwardly religious, most in part because of her perception that many Amarrian capsuleer  have fallen away from Faith and she is determined not to let that happen to herself and those around her.

IRL I am not a religious person, so admittedly I'm playing it 'as I see it' to a bit of an extreme.
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Raphael Saint

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #33 on: 10 Mar 2011, 23:03 »

"PC" is an idea so far removed from Raphael's mind that I'm not even sure he knows what it means.


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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #34 on: 11 Mar 2011, 01:48 »

I've always believed from the evidence of PF - and my own preference of how to play them - that the Caldari are xenophobic, not racist. It's relatively difficult to be classify it as racism when you have three different bloodlines, each with their own distinctive features, all classified as Caldari. The Achurans are obviously considered as such, with the freedom to peddle their own beliefs and ideas around Caldari society (as revealed by their reaction to the new "star" we had for a while - read the news article about Achuran traditions prospering in the corporate world).

So I think that what the Caldari worry about is outside cultures, not races. I imagine that in most Caldari corporations and neighborhoods, a 3rd generation resident of Matari descent who has assimilated would be considered more Caldari than a Deteis who moved in after being born and raised in the Federation.

This also fits in with the Caldari meritocratic and capitalistic ideals. Race is something you are - how well you do your job doesn't change the color of your skin. But culture is something you choose, and as your acceptance of Caldari culture would be seen as gesture of willingness to live within the rules of society and to do your part (although I imagine that "do your part" means something quite different to a Caldari than to us), your refusal to assimilate would also be seen as a refusal to be a productive member of society.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #35 on: 11 Mar 2011, 12:35 »

Agree completely, well said. My caldari-fu is weak but I get this impression quite a bit.

I've always believed from the evidence of PF - and my own preference of how to play them - that the Caldari are xenophobic, not racist. It's relatively difficult to be classify it as racism when you have three different bloodlines, each with their own distinctive features, all classified as Caldari. The Achurans are obviously considered as such, with the freedom to peddle their own beliefs and ideas around Caldari society (as revealed by their reaction to the new "star" we had for a while - read the news article about Achuran traditions prospering in the corporate world).

So I think that what the Caldari worry about is outside cultures, not races. I imagine that in most Caldari corporations and neighborhoods, a 3rd generation resident of Matari descent who has assimilated would be considered more Caldari than a Deteis who moved in after being born and raised in the Federation.

This also fits in with the Caldari meritocratic and capitalistic ideals. Race is something you are - how well you do your job doesn't change the color of your skin. But culture is something you choose, and as your acceptance of Caldari culture would be seen as gesture of willingness to live within the rules of society and to do your part (although I imagine that "do your part" means something quite different to a Caldari than to us), your refusal to assimilate would also be seen as a refusal to be a productive member of society.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #36 on: 11 Mar 2011, 20:06 »

My characters are always politically correct. It's people with different political views who are in need of correction.  :P
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Ember Vykos

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #37 on: 11 Mar 2011, 21:46 »

Ive always seen the 4 Empires in this light:

Amarr - Very much an elitist society. If you are above someone on the social ladder then you let them know it, and anyone that isn't Amarr isn't even on the ladder to begin with. They would most likely keep their own religious practices private and just use the scriptures as a way of controlling those that they have subjugated.

Minmatar - Refined savages and fiercely independent. While I believe they are grateful for the Gallente Federations help, I believe they also resent the fact that they needed such help in the first place, and now that they are able they would much rather handle things on their own. As far as members of other races helping them I think that while they are pragmatic enough to not turn them away I don't think they would view them as being a Republic loyalist in the same way they view themselves as Republic loyalists.

Gallente - I really don't know much about the Gals tbh, but I've always thought of them as being Team Gallente: EVE Police. If they see something that they view as wrong, unjust, or cruel then they're up in arms about it. I missed the executions of Enturrier ( if I could get a linky it would be appreciated, all I found on a Google search was the SoE reaction new thingy), but I would imagine that if the Amarr, Caldari, or perhaps even the Minmatar held a similar execution they would most likely condemn it.

Caldari - Pretty much what Vik said. I think they are paranoid of other cultures and perhaps even a bit xenophobic of them as well, but they have their reasons for it. They went to war to keep from being assimilated into a larger culture, and paid a heavy price so I would say that they are definitely on guard to keep something like that from happening again. I don't think they are racist, and actually I think they would be very open to other races that want to integrate into Caldari society as long as they put forth the effort to "toe the line" and contribute to society.


Forgot to mention that while capsuleers can change their views on a whim they also grew up in the society they came from. So even if they sever ties and go their own way you cant just negate a lifetime of learning by saying "Fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you I'm out."
« Last Edit: 11 Mar 2011, 21:51 by Ember Vykos »

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Boma Airaken

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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #38 on: 14 Mar 2011, 05:27 »

While I am sure my opinion is easily the least welcome here on this subject, I say all bets should be off.

I, and many other people, do not sign up for a diversion in order to be bound by the bullshit rules imposed on me by the reality of my situation.

I also don't agree with any sort of mandated sensitivity towards others. For any reason. And especially if people freely give up personal information that could result in offense.


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Re: Avoiding political correctness in EVE RP
« Reply #39 on: 14 Mar 2011, 08:58 »

IMO, "political correctness" is, in the majority cases, code for "politeness" used by individuals who believe that the subject of discussion merits rudeness.

Note, capsuleers will frequently be rude to each other IC. Given that we shoot antimatter and Volkswagens at each other, that's to be expected.

OOC is another matter -- at least on this site.
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