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Author Topic: Hello  (Read 1911 times)

Svenjabi Xiang

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« on: 04 Mar 2011, 23:03 »

Good day,

For those that know me already from within Eve, hi!

For those that don't, hi also!  and an introduction.  I have no idea how to make these things interesting really, but one is probably due anyway, interesting or no.  So you unlucky sods get to read it, or click on, as you desire.

I've been playing Eve off and on since 2006, most of that time with the Star Fraction.  I have spent minor amounts of time elsewhere in what I consider to be my "walk-about" periods but mostly, I consider SF my Eve-home and have become rather attached to it and the guys that made/make it up over the years.  Most of the people that will know me from in-game will know me as a rather brash forum poster on SF's forums.  Typically, if you haven't been in SF, you probably don't know me as I try to keep in the shadows.

Away from the game, I'm a 43 year old network engineer that is in the process of retirement due to medical reasons.  I'm also a seperately-disabled former Marine grunt.  I tend to be a bit gruff when I speak.  Formally divorced once.  Practically divorced twice.  Currently happily attached.  I live in the deep south US (y'all *is* a proper conjuction, thank you very much).  I have one son, one grandson, and two granddaughters.  I've lived in, passed through, worked in or spit on nearly every state west of the Mississippi, and quite a few east of it.  I've never been to Europe, though I used to entertain a daydream of going to Scotland someday.  I have seen a small amount of the Pacific Rim curtesy of the Uncle Sam tour package.

I smoke too much.  Don't drink at all much anymore.  Drive a tiny car (who enjoys paying money to oil companies after all) and train dogs as a hobby (currently 4 onhand).  I live in the sticks, and when I say in the sticks, it's because that's what my neighbors consist of typically.  I subscribe to the theory of coming into town once a month to buy 10 lbs of flour, 5 of sugar, 2 lbs of coffee and 50 lb sack of dog food.  I do not own a mule though most people that actually do know me in 3-d probably would say that I wouldn't be out of place with one.

If I have a failing in Eve, with this community at least, it's that I tend to figure that my concept is RP is pretty thin.  It's difficult to think of Sven as a seperate individual from myself, beyond the simplistic notions that in reality I'm sitting at a computer desk playing a game.  I appreciate the others that do that and in my time with SF, have tried to foster a community that's RP-positive for those that want to play their game this way.

Anyway, that's a brief snapshot of me both inside and outside of the game.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: 05 Mar 2011, 03:24 »


Hello, Fractionite.

*aims gun* What knee-cap would you like to replace when I let you in here, hmm?


HI new(ish) dude! o/ One would think someone who's been in EVE and SF as long as you would show up here sooner. No matter, your here now :3

Sooner or later the pushers will be here. I'd say you either start shooting them or deciding what you want from them. They got quite the collection to peddle, I'll give them that.

Other than that the chocolate cookies have been replaced. Again. And the other flavors have been replaced too, so they should all be edible. They are over that way *points*

Coffee, beer, tea and/or other liquids may or may not be available to ya too, look around.

Amarrians offering candy.. hmm... used to be a danger but not anymore.

*mmmmh, candy*

Beyond that you should be fine, I don't think I missed a thing. Settle down, get to know folks, enjoy your time. If stalking the shadows of forums is your thing you came to a good place to stalk, I think.

Akrasjel Lanate

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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: 05 Mar 2011, 04:41 »


Milo Caman

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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: 05 Mar 2011, 06:08 »


Coffee spiked with Drop?


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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: 05 Mar 2011, 13:56 »

The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.

Senn Typhos

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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: 05 Mar 2011, 22:57 »

An important reminder for Placid RPers

One day they woke me up
So I could live forever
It's such a shame the same
Will never happen to you


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Re: Hello
« Reply #6 on: 06 Mar 2011, 01:02 »


Svenjabi Xiang

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Re: Hello
« Reply #7 on: 06 Mar 2011, 10:13 »

Thanks for the welcome.

Coffee w/ Drop

No, though the coffee is true.  The character is indifferent to the typical mix of drugs and vice in the capsuleer community.  As for writing style (if such was your reference), while I have it within my control to wax the complexity and character of my sentence in the pursuit of what might otherwise be construed as a simple topic but instead is merely the textual relic of a grander passing consciousness (as befitting a long-term SF member), most times I tend to be rather abrupt.


/RP on
I suppose whichever kneecap might bring you closer to understanding how much your surface violence underscores your essential independant and transcendant state as a capsuleer; allowing you to make the mental evolutionary leap that your physical condition already expresses.  Knees clone to their original state.  Minds change forever.  I do suppose that you won't mind if I'm aiming between your eyes while we have this discussion though, will you?
/RP off
« Last Edit: 06 Mar 2011, 10:30 by Svenjabi Xiang »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #8 on: 07 Mar 2011, 09:32 »

/RP on
I suppose whichever kneecap might bring you closer to understanding how much your surface violence underscores your essential independant and transcendant state as a capsuleer; allowing you to make the mental evolutionary leap that your physical condition already expresses.  Knees clone to their original state.  Minds change forever.  I do suppose that you won't mind if I'm aiming between your eyes while we have this discussion though, will you?
/RP off

I like this guy already. Blood's said all I was too lazy and indisposed to say previously. Mmmm, big words. But yah.
Oh, to forum stalking. I charge a rate to become my stalker, if you don't pay, you'll have some rather burly winged monkeys knocking on your door carrying large clubs.
[edit]Your name confuses me. Are you Baltic or Asian? o_O
do { aLittleDance(); make(aLittleLove&); cin.get(down); } while(tonight);
Quote from: Raynman37
Go down to the end, take a left at etc and you should see usr right there in front of you.

Svenjabi Xiang

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Re: Hello
« Reply #9 on: 07 Mar 2011, 11:14 »

Baltic or Asian?

Heinz.  The name itself was one of my attempts to wrap my mind around what "lore" is granted to a new user at character inception back in 2006.  When I started Eve (by the time I got through watching the opening video) and with what little I cared to look up, I had a few facts at hand.  First, that the occupants of Eve are of Terran decent, that the currency is named the same as the present-day Icelandic currency and that Eve looked and sounded like Homeworld I.  Two of three of these bounded the thought process of this name.

Since the decendants of present Terra Firma are the occupants of New Eden, I wanted a name that would be a blend of Islamic and Chinese-inspired language groups as well as a generalized reference to N. European names.  

And thus it is.


I'm afraid that I'm culturally opposed to taxes.  I like monkeys though.  and new shoes are nice /eyes yours.

« Last Edit: 07 Mar 2011, 11:18 by Svenjabi Xiang »

Alain Colcer

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Re: Hello
« Reply #10 on: 07 Mar 2011, 12:25 »

Hi Sven, welcome to Backstage.

Good to see you still around  ;)

Punx Evangeline

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Re: Hello
« Reply #11 on: 09 Mar 2011, 15:15 »

Sven! Hooray!  :D