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Author Topic: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion  (Read 4647 times)


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Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« on: 28 Feb 2011, 08:42 »

CCP did it for a third time, the second being with Apocrypha...a lot more subtle this time...(and likely in preparation for Abraxas' Immersion project)


Champions of liberty and defenders of the downtrodden, the Gallente play host to the only true democracy of New Eden. Some of the most progressive leaders, scientists, and businessmen of the era have emerged from its diverse peoples. A pioneer of artificial intelligence, the Federation relies heavily on drones and other automated systems. This is not to detract from the skill of their pilots, though: the Gallente Federation is known for producing some of the best and bravest the universe has to offer.

Champions of liberty and fierce guardians of the human spirit, the Gallente Federation is the only true democracy in New Eden. Some of the most progressive leaders, scientists, and businessmen of the era have emerged from its diverse peoples. Pioneers of artificial intelligence, the Federation once relied almost entirely on drone fleets to defend its beliefs and borders. But the limitations of this technology and the lack of a human element—both in terms of a military strategy, and as a means of spreading influence— eventually reached a critical point. Today, Gallentean starships are manned by some of the bravest men and women of New Eden.

- "Defenders of the downtrodden" replaces "Fierce guardians of the human spirit"...removing any possible metaphysical aspect to Gallente ideology?
- From "pioneers" of AI to "a pioneer"
- Change of "relying entirely on drone fleets" to still doing so, along with "automated systems".
- Removed reference of "critical point" (ie. loss of Caldari Prime). Grounds fiction without reference to past events?


Once a thriving tribal civilization, the Minmatar were enslaved by the Amarr Empire for more than 700 years until a massive rebellion freed most, but not all, of those held in servitude. The Minmatar people today are resilient, ingenious, and hard-working. Many of them believe that democracy, though it served them well for a long time, can never restore what was taken from them so long ago. For this reason they have formed a government truly reflective of their tribal roots. They will forever resent the Amarrians, and yearn for the days before the Empire's accursed ships ever reached their home skies.

Of the four major races of New Eden, none has endured more turmoil than the Minmatar. Once a thriving tribal civilization, the Minmatar were enslaved by the Amarr Empire for more than 700 years until a massive rebellion freed most, but not all, of those held in servitude. Modeling their recovery after the Federation's success, the Minmatar Republic was born. But despite rising to prominence on the world stage, more than one third of the present-day population remains enslaved. The Minmatar people today are resilient, ingenious, and hard-working. Many of them believe that democracy, though serving them well at first, will never restore what was taken from them so long ago. Instead, they long for a government truly reflective of their tribal culture, and remain deeply attached to their enslaved kindred. They will forever resent the Amarrians, and yearn for the days before their accursed ships ever reached their home skies.

- Removal of "modeling their recovery after the Federation's success", gradual removal of reference to Gallente assistance? Guess Minmatar are so badass they were self-sustaining all along eh? /snark
- Democracy "served them well for a long time" instead of "at first".
- Instead of longing for a government that is truly reflective of their tribal culture, they have formed that government.


No change. Typical.


The Amarr Empire is the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty God-Emperor, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture Amarr adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step to a indentured person's spiritual path toward fully embracing their faith. Despite several setbacks in recent history, the Empire remains arguably the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden.

The Amarrians rule a vast Empire, the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty Empress, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of Minmatar slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step on a spiritual path towards fully embracing their faith. As a result, the Empire remains the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden, despite several setbacks in recent history.

- Broad foundation of slave labor without reference to Minmatar, ie. Ealurians et al (in case you Minnie RPers forgot)
- Use of the term "indentured person"


Ethnic Gallente

Gallenteans value freedom and individual liberty above all else. Founders of the only true democracy in New Eden, they have created an ethnically diverse, culturally rich, progressive society that encourages enterprise and initiative in its citizens. While slow to anger and occasionally indecisive, they are also capable of harnessing enormous military and economic resolve when truly tested.

Descendants of ancient settlers on the planet Gallente Prime in the Luminaire System, Gallenteans value freedom and individual liberty above all else. Founders of the only true democracy of New Eden, they have created an ethnically diverse, culturally rich, progressive society that encourages enterprise and initiative in its citizens. While slow to anger and occasionally indecisive, they are also capable of harnessing enormous military and economic resolve when tested—either by the charismatic leadership of a national icon, or by the searing injustice inflicted by a national enemy.

- Removal of "descendants" reference; acknowledgement of assimilated immigrants according to ancestral description?
- Capable of harnessing resolve only when TRULY tested. Apparently, losing Caldari Prime and much of their frontier wasn't a true test (despite the promise of 'incredibly angry retaliation' regarding the former, ah well)


The Intaki are one of the largest ethnicities of the Federation. Exceedingly gifted communicators, they are prominent among the Federal bureaucracy. Though mostly assimilated into Gallente culture, they still cling to their own identities and beliefs, most notably their unusual theories regarding death and rebirth. These theories give them a unique outlook on life and the living, and many attribute the Intaki's stoic nature to this philosophy.

Joining the Federation immediately after its founding, the Intaki remain one of the largest ethnicities of the nation. Exceedingly gifted communicators, the Intaki are today very prominent among the Federal bureaucracy. Though Gallentean culture has permeated their society to some extent, they still cling to their cultural identities and beliefs, most notably their unusual theories regarding the human life cycle—in particular, death and rebirth. These theories give them a unique outlook on life and the living, and many attribute the Intaki's stoic nature to this philosophy.

- Removal of the controversial remark about joining the Federation "immediately after its founding", whereas all previous remarks referred to them as founding members. Perhaps a retcon that is was the Gallente that originally founded it singlehandedly?
- "Prominent" amongst the Federal bureaucracy, not "very prominent"
- Culture is "mostly assimilated" not "permeated somewhat". More boring "Gallente is a softer version of Amarr" stuff eh? I liked the multiculturalism


The nation of Jin-Mei is the latest addition to the Federation. They took to the stars comparatively late, as it took generations for them to transform their rigorous caste system enough for qualified people not to be excluded through class-based discrimination. Despite being at odds with the libertarian cluture of the Gallente, the caste system has not been completely eliminated, nor is it likely to be further discouraged by the Federal government due its cultural implications.

Original inhabitants of the Lirsautton System, the nation of Jin-Mei is the latest addition to the Federation, voluntarily joining just before the Gallente made contact with the Amarr Empire. The Jin-Mei took to the stars comparatively late, as it took generations for them to transform their rigorous caste system. Before this change, many qualified individuals were excluded from consideration for purely class-based reasons. Despite being at odds with the libertarian culture of the Gallente, the caste system has not been completely eliminated, nor is it likely to be further discouraged by the Federation government due to its cultural implications.

- Removal of "original inhabitants", similar to the removal of reference to the ethnic Gallente. Perhaps concept of diaspora is being pushed?
- Removal of "voluntarily joining"
- Removal of a timeline reference to their ascension


No change!


Again, no change!


OK, we get it. You love the Caldari, CCP...


Widely respected as some of the cluster's most innovative thinkers, the Sebiestor are an ingenious people with a natural fondness for engineering. For the last millenium they have pioneered advances in applied sciences, despite laboring under chronic material shortages. Masters of deriving solutions from impossible circumstances, Sebiestor engineers believe they can build anything, with anything, out of anything.

Widely respected as being among the most innovative thinkers of the cluster, the Sebiestor are an ingenious people with a natural fondness for engineering. For the last millennium, they have been pioneering advances in applied sciences despite laboring under chronic material shortages. Sebiestor engineers believe they can build anything, with anything, out of anything. Veritable masters of deriving solutions from impossible circumstances, they are most commonly found working in shipyards, assembly lines, terraforming projects, outpost construction, and aboard starships.

- Removal of where they can be most commonly found


A martial, strong-willed people, the Brutor hold their tribal heritage close to their hearts, and are renowned for living regimented, disciplined lives. Despite presenting a tough, no-nonsense exterior, they are deeply introspective, aware of even the smallest details at all times. Immersed in ancient martial traditions that begin at childhood, they are physically robust individuals and intimidating to face in the flesh.

A martial, strong-willed people, the Brutor hold their tribal heritage close to their hearts. Strong advocates of transforming the Republic into a tribal-based government, they would love nothing more than for all seven of the Minmatar tribes to reunite as one nation. The Brutor are renowned for living regimented, disciplined lives. Despite presenting a tough, no-nonsense exterior, they are deeply introspective and "in the moment", aware of even the smallest detail. Immersed in ancient martial traditions that begin at childhood, they are physically robust individuals and intimidating to face in the flesh.

- Well, they've transformed the Republic into a tribal-based government, and have reunited all seven tribes, hooray!


Originally nomads in Matar's vast and inhospitable desert regions, the Vherokior are among the most diverse individuals of the Republic. They can be found in professions ranging from doctors to mystics, scholars to merchants. Their quiet work ethic and widespread family clans allow them unlimited social mobility in the Republic, with access to both the best and worst that society has to offer.

Originally nomads in Matar's vast and inhospitable desert regions, the Vherokior are among the most diverse individuals of the Republic. They can be found in professions ranging from doctors to mystics, scholars to merchants. Their quiet work ethic and widespread family clans allow them unlimited social mobility in the Republic, with access to both the best and worst that society has to offer. While politically underrepresented in the Republic, the Vherokior are more than capable of influencing policy, and have no qualms with using that influence to benefit a relative or associate. The practice is common in the private sector as well, where Vherokior clan-run businesses thrive by avoiding the bureaucratic red tape of official channels.

- Complete removal of reference being "underrepresented". Happy Minmatar Republic, isn't it? Firstly, they never really did receive help from the Federation...and now, every tribe is happily equal, hooray! /cynic

True Amarr

True Amarrians are proud and superlicious, with a great sense of tradition and ancestry. They are considered arrogant and tyrannical by most others. The Empire's defeat at the hands of the mysterious Jovians, and the Minmatar uprising that followed, left an indelible mark on Amarrian culture. This double failure, a turning point in their history, has shaped an entire generation of policy and philosophy amongst the imperial elite.

True Amarrians – direct descendants of an ethnic group that conquered all the civilizations of its home world – are proud and supercilious, with a great sense of tradition and ancestry. They are considered arrogant and tyrannical by most others. The Empire's defeat at the hands of the mysterious Jovians, and the Minmatar uprising that followed, left an indelible mark on Amarrian culture. This double failure, a turning point in their history, has shaped an entire generation of policy and philosophy among the imperial elite.

- Removal of "direct descendants" reference. Not sure why.


With the exception of the Khanid, the Ni-Kunni were assimilated into Amarr society far more easily than the majority of Amarrian conquests. Conquered more than 1000 years ago by the Amarr Empire, they are not generally considered "enslaved" anymore. Most of the Ni-Kunni are tradesmen and artisans - occupations traditionally eschewed by true Amarrians, but still considered a vital part of their society.

With the exception of the Khanid, the Ni-Kunni were assimilated into Amarr society far more easily than the majority of Amarrian conquests. Conquered more than 1000 years ago by the Amarr Empire, only a small minority would still be considered “enslaved” by the rest of New Eden. Their home planet of Mishi IV in the Aridia Region is an inhospitable place, dry and desolate. The Ni-Kunni attribute their innate resilience and strength to the challenge of merely surviving in this harsh environment. Most Ni-Kunnis are tradesmen and artisans - occupations traditionally eschewed by Amarrians, but still a vital part of their society.

- Change of "small minority being enslaved" to "not generally considered enslaved" with no size reference.
- Removal of the reference to their homeworld - is there any other reference to this, other than the Evelopedia page? (which will get updated by CCP no doubt). Perhaps retcon of them having a homeworld, who knows.
- Removal of personality traits associated with homeworld


Swept up by the Amarr's message of faith during the original Reclaiming, the Khanid were for centuries exalted members of Amarr society, until a bitter feud between the Empire and a Khanid heir forced a secession which led to the creation of the independent Khanid Kingdom. The Khanid have since come back into the fold, bringing an infusion of cultural and technological knowledge into their ancestral Empire.

Among the oldest of the bloodlines to be assimilated by the Amarr, the Khanid people have endured the political turmoil of their leaders with great dignity and calm. Originally fellow settlers alongside the Amarrians on the planet Athra — known today as Amarr Prime — the Khanids were swept up by the nation of Amarr and the powerful message of their faith during the height of the original Reclaiming. For centuries they were exalted members of Amarr society, until a bitter feud between the Empire and an Amarrian heir representing the Khanid forced an outright secession of the bloodline's majority, and the subsequent creation of the independent Khanid Kingdom. Today, a large Khanid population remains in Amarr, loyal to the faith and royalty of the Empire. Many of them yearn for the day when the two kingdoms reunite. They may not have that much longer to wait.

- Significant rewrite
- Removal of "original settlers" (similar to Gallente reference of "ancient settlers" being removed)
- Rewrote on account of the Khanid Kingdom gaining a Privy Council seat, instead of waiting for reunification.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #1 on: 28 Feb 2011, 10:35 »

Very nice comparison you've done here! Thanks for your work on this.

However, I think I disagree with some of your conclusions. For example, I think the reference to testing the resolve of the Gallente does refer to the recent events. I don't read it as saying that they haven't been tested yet, but rather that they have finally shown what they can do when they are tested.

Also, I'm not sure what drives the cynicism about the Minmatar. As the old Republic has evolved into the Tribal Republic, the Vherokior certainly could have gained influence and no longer feel quite so 'underrepresented'. I see the changes on balance here reflecting that the Minmatar government has changed, rather than just letting things completely hang. Hopefully the new update project will continue that theme.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #2 on: 28 Feb 2011, 10:42 »

My cynicism derives not directly from the actual information presented, but the fact CCP are messing around with PF again and not being 'set' on something. Removal of Jin-Mei civil war reference, and so on.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #3 on: 28 Feb 2011, 10:51 »

Looking at it again, it seems like they've generally slimmed down the descriptions a bit, though not across the board. Perhaps they just want to even things out and will reuse some of the material in the updates? At least, I'd hope so.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #4 on: 28 Feb 2011, 13:16 »

I like that the Amarr call their leaders God-Emperor now. I like that a lot.

It's easy to get pissed off about changes, but a mammoth storyline like this does require streamlining. I admit, I'm probably behind a LOT of the various inconsistencies, as I wrote some chrons for CCP essentially blind and unaware if I was breaking PF.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #5 on: 28 Feb 2011, 19:05 »

Seri, I don't mean to be contentious, but I've seen you claim before that CCP changing things about the Caldari while ignoring other factions was proof of preference. Now you are claiming that their inaction in regards to the Caldari is preferential. An outside observer might wonder if this set of standards is somewhat odd.

I think that a more useful viewpoint would be to assume that CCP doesn't prefer any of the factions.

Or, you could convert to the truth: that CCP hates Caldari and Amarr players and inflicted TonyG on us, a viewpoint with many adherents.  :twisted:


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #6 on: 28 Feb 2011, 19:06 »

Vikarion, one quibble: CCP's infliction of TonyG on us proves that they hate us all. :P

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #7 on: 01 Mar 2011, 03:05 »

ack, double post  :oops:
« Last Edit: 01 Mar 2011, 04:03 by Laerise [PIE] »

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #8 on: 01 Mar 2011, 04:03 »


The Amarr Empire is the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty God-Emperor, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture Amarr adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step to a indentured person's spiritual path toward fully embracing their faith. Despite several setbacks in recent history, the Empire remains arguably the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden.

The Amarrians rule a vast Empire, the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty Empress, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of Minmatar slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step on a spiritual path towards fully embracing their faith. As a result, the Empire remains the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden, despite several setbacks in recent history.

(Almighty) God-Emperor, eh?  :roll:


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #9 on: 01 Mar 2011, 06:31 »

Hey, hey, I liked your complaint about silly WH40K stuff.

S'long as they make the GalFed similar to utopian anime in terms of aesthetic and visual style :3

Vik - as for "CCP bias /o\", it's likely because the focus of the Caldari State in terms of fiction is less the people and bloodlines, but the corporations and large units as such.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #10 on: 01 Mar 2011, 06:48 »

The God-Emperor part appeared earlier on some text in the client, too, but was nerfed soon after. Apparently someone in the content department has a fixation on the matter.

And oh, the True Amarr, in ingame terms, are not only Amarr any more, but assumably also other settlers of Athra (Udorians confirmed).

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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #11 on: 01 Mar 2011, 16:03 »

I wonder if they're going to retcon the Mad Emperor out of the Amarr canon completely.

Since if all Emperors are God-Emperors, the guy wasn't insane.

Fucking CCP.

They really love the concept of the invincible psychic zombie bitch queen and want to turn her into some kind of... yeah... direct 40k ripoff.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #12 on: 01 Mar 2011, 16:24 »

Um, I think they're saying that the Amarrians regard the Emperor as divine in his own right, much as has occurred in many historical empires (Rome, anyone?). That's not to say that they actually ARE divine.

Except in TEA, where... yeah. Ugh.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #13 on: 01 Mar 2011, 20:13 »

Quote from: Seriphyn

Yay - my Warhamemr 40k Army with Amarr Symbols is PF now!.


And Yes I do have said Army.  The Entire 2nd Company is painted and Usable in Tournys.


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Re: Racial/bloodline PF changes with Incursion
« Reply #14 on: 01 Mar 2011, 20:14 »

WH40k? And here I was thinking of Dune.
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