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The last time someone attacked the Jovians, it was the Amarr, at Vak'atioth, and the Amarr fleet was crushed?

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Author Topic: IC Rogue Drones?  (Read 18600 times)

Cmdr Baxter

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #90 on: 16 Apr 2011, 22:28 »

..... I swear, if people don't stop calling them ROUGE DRONES on the IGS, I'm going to reactivate Celeste and have her sue a major cosmetics conglomerate on the behalf of the people of the cluster.

Something must be done about makeup applicator robots running amok!

This reminds me of the forums for NationStates (online Nation simulator that I still play).


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #91 on: 17 Apr 2011, 07:10 »

Ah, I had no idea there was a ship size limit - I guess our nanocurses can be annoying ;f

Boma Airaken

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #92 on: 17 Apr 2011, 17:37 »

Bah. Just muffed up communications Istvaan. Should have had everyone in the loop at all times instead of me talking to you, then me talking to 41, blah blah blah.

Nobody is butthurt about it and I am sure we will pick it up again soon.


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #93 on: 18 Apr 2011, 07:14 »

hope so boma... we got payback to be had :P lol

GoGo Yubari

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #94 on: 18 Apr 2011, 07:20 »

Rouge drones are overpowdered.


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #95 on: 26 May 2011, 00:24 »

Alright. Where have I been, whats happened, where did the RP go.

EDIT: To say this first after reading (ignore the comment later on having not read thread) - Boma, sorry things didn't work out. I was trying to please current members at the time and still keep it RP directed. That did not seem to work.
To others who tried to contact me: I apologize if I missed anything. I take personal responsibility for anyone who feels poorly about this.

As you have all noticed, RP centric action is building up with Intaki. I've purged the blood-lust side of things for the most part...I do get asked for random roams etc/war-decs/the likes...but simply put, we are not an active corporation in that respect. It was a mistake to take that direction.

The war with Boma, and Istvaan leaving, was not the demise of the corp...the demise of the corp's activity, was failure at combat. The more elite players were frustrated that we were not going in and paving away. That they were logging in and no one else was on... if you look at my description, I stated that the drone incursions are events. That this is an alt-corp. With the intent of: No one is on except for the days we have RP events...if your on then, and your alone, you play by yourself. So all our active players moved on and the drones seemed to have demised. That is all...not saying everyone who made their main here is a bad person, simply that the corp wasn't right for them in many cases.

After this drop, I intended to restart the corp in a more RP centric goal. Drop the war-ism and go for "have fun, make stories, role-play." We began doing this fairly well with Intaki - with dramatically reduced numbers at this time...compared to IRED and other groups who are "main RP toon" corps - most our people can't always show up...for all 3 events I've had different people with me usually. Its just bad luck...

Speaking of luck, my father had heart failure and nearly died. He is now a cyborg with an implant that can connect to the internet. This multi-week traumatic event of whether he may live or die, really f'd over my interest in EVE. Now I'm facing financial problems IRL as well. Which means our activity asides bi-weekly Intaki events, dropped dramatically.

I will be working on rebuilding the corporation into a more RP centric group and maybe more active beyond twice a month.

I have not read this thread but I have seen some comments on people disliking the overall idea....well okay thats your opinion.

As for Istvaan and others? Istvaan is an awesome guy and I consider him a friend OOCly and an ally ICly... simply meeting him was a great experience, and flying with him a few times was awesome. If he does decide to not return or even loses interest, I'm okay with this. I'd love for him to stick around, but I'm not here to mooch off his fame or ISK or skill points. Same for anyone else in my corp or friends list.

I'm here to have fun, and I expect those in my corp to be there for the same reason.

Also I am typing this while in my I did not bother with grammar or spelling....

Sorry if I've stepped on toes or if I've offended people or what-not... but its what it is. I look forward to a bright future of fun times in Intaki.
« Last Edit: 26 May 2011, 00:31 by Joseph »

Rodj Blake

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #96 on: 26 May 2011, 03:41 »

Rouge drones are overpowdered.


I wish that I could makeup jokes like that.

« Last Edit: 26 May 2011, 08:20 by Rodj Blake »


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #97 on: 26 May 2011, 07:21 »

Joseph, RL >>>> EVE. You don't have any reason to apologize for the situation as you describe re: your father.

As for rebuilding: look, new groups take a while to find their footing. That's part of the process, just like with a new startup business. I look forward to seeing what comes out of this, particularly now that it's a little less focused on pure PVP.

Sinjin Mokk

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #98 on: 26 May 2011, 10:04 »


While I think the players are doing a decent job of it, I have to say I'm not a big fan of this storyline.

EVE doesn’t have any alien races. I think the reason for this, is that it's difficult to truly portray something that is actually alien. The drones represent a truly non-human alien culture. Consider how quickly computer technology advances in the present day. Then consider how much faster it would be with an artificial intelligence. Even though the drones have been around for a relatively short time (compared to the humans that created them) they are on a much faster evolutionary track.

Infiltrating humans, even capsuleers would be a step backward. They don't need humans. The devil is in the details too. Why use bipedal locomotion when other methods like wheels or treads is so much more efficient? Why uses a needlessly complex and weak biological entity when you can manufacture something better? Why rely on the input of one sentience when every drone everywhere shares the totality of its experience in real-time. Why be a capsuleer when you can fly in space yourself without the needs of a starship?

Look at some popular fiction. In the "new" BSG, we see the Cylons have made themselves in human form. Illogical until you realize it's a part of a shared destiny they have with the human race. Almost categorically in SF, things like the drones are given some kind of human emotional need to make the plot move along. But there should be zero need for this. Early Star Trek Borg or Dr. Who Daleks gave us a little hint, but machine intelligence should be so alien that communication would be nearly impossible. And the drones should have no need to interact with humanity except when humans stray too close to their expansion. Humans are like weeds in their garden.

I see the Drones in the same light as the Jove and the Sleepers. These should be the NPCs that are totally within the purview of the GMs. Going back to the D&D analogy, you can play elves and humans and dwarves, but there should be races that you can’t play. Races that are way more powerful, way more dangerous and very willing to treat you like ants on the doorstep. Things like dragons. Drones, Sleepers, Jove and the like should be our dragons. When we start putting a human face on them, we make them less powerful and less scary.

And the Drones should always be scary.


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #99 on: 26 May 2011, 10:28 »

Sinjin, how do you feel about the PF regarding "integrated" humans, like the scientists and whatnot that have been "assimilated"?


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #100 on: 26 May 2011, 15:40 »

I've always seen rogue drones as a pest than anything more serious or scary, but the points are valid when presented that way, Sinjin. But who's to say that Entity, or any other rogue drones played by players, isn't a branch of rogue drone evolution that's doomed to fail anyways? Not everyone who RPs sets out to win EVE, and I sort of view Entity as a snowball of AI errors (Sorry 42!)

I also enjoy fucking with things we know very little about in the name of fun.

EDIT: I realize it's full of holes and all, but my advice to any EVE player is to do what you find the most fun for your fifteen bucks a month regardless of what other dickholes tell you.  [cartman]What-evah! I do what I want![/cartman]
« Last Edit: 26 May 2011, 15:56 by Crucifire »

Ammentio Oinkelmar

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #101 on: 26 May 2011, 17:35 »

I'll try to do some hand waving around some of Sinjin's points:

"AI is a crapshoot" trope: In EVE the drones have basically two functions: mining and combat. Maybe the units which are met or acted out by the players are just expendable drone miners optimized for producing exotic alloys, and not so much for battle.

Why would the drones care about people? I would say that when humans have been building up stuff for thousands of years, it would be just economically sensible to try to utilize the existing infrastructure rather than to build it all up again from scratch. We see this also in RL. The "weed in the garden", "Orphyx got unhappy", and "secret agenda of the sleepers" - explanations also sound plausible to me.

Why drones don't feel like a truly superior non-human culture? When the purpose of a conversation is to try to deliver a message, it is helpful to use concepts and language that are familiar to the recipient. Also, when the communication is done with a human language, the outcome will most likely also sound human because that's just how our languages are designed.

Putting a human face on a pirate faction makes it less scary: I agree that drone characters can be played in a way that makes them feel less powerful and scary. Still, I've personally never felt like the pirate factions were extremely dangerous b/c everyone has been destroying their puny ships from the day one. For many pilots the only really frightening pirate faction encounters have been offered by the role-player loyalists, and it's not obvious why it wouldn't work the same way with the drones.

Sinjin Mokk

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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #102 on: 29 May 2011, 00:47 »

Sinjin, how do you feel about the PF regarding "integrated" humans, like the scientists and whatnot that have been "assimilated"?

I'd think the Drones would be more interested in downloading the data from a scientist's computer network than assimilating a scientist.

Why would the Drones care about people? I think they wouldn't, not a jot. Yes, it makes sense to use something that's already built, but I think the Drones would be very dispassionate about it. No greed, no ambition, no hidden agendas. Biological life and the things they make would be to them no more important than collecting hydrogen from a gas giant. It's all different tyoes of raw materials.

Why drones don't feel like a truly superior non-human culture? I think CCP has been ignoring the potential of the Drones as a villain. The Jove are the uber-powerful race. The Sleepers are the dark, enigmatic mystery from beyond. The Sansha are the dangers of abused technology leading to a loss of humanity (figuratively and literally).

Where do the drones fit in? In small amounts, yes, they're a pest. In large amounts, they should be a force of nature. CCP should portray them something like a viral outbreak. Sometimes you get a moderately bad flu season. sometimes you get a pandemic. So mostly they exisist on the fringes, but every once in a while there could be an "outbreak." What happens when the Drones go from being a pest out in an asteroid belt and start stripping an occupied space station full of thousands of people?

I guess the reason I'm not a fan of PC drones is that I don't see the drones as having a human face. I think they're better for not having a human face. Again, not that the players are doing a bad job, I just prefer the Drones as being a faceless, inexorable terror.


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #103 on: 29 May 2011, 15:14 »

I just prefer the Drones as being a faceless, inexorable terror.

But I am faceless.

Also, Drones do and have interacted with humans on a level you seem to dislike. See Empyrean Age - Official CCP content. The primary motivation for my going with drones instead of any other faction.


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Re: IC Rogue Drones?
« Reply #104 on: 29 May 2011, 16:31 »

I'd think the Drones would be more interested in downloading the data from a scientist's computer network than assimilating a scientist.

You might think so, but PF examples exist. So it seems to provide a suitable platform for those that wish to RP this sort of thing.

After all: it's a big cluster.
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