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as Emperor, Doriam Kor-Azor changed the name of the fourth planet of the Kor-Azor system to Eclipticum and its moons to Black Viperia, Griklaeum, and Kileakum in honor of the champions who won him the throne.

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Author Topic: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?  (Read 6542 times)

John Revenent

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #15 on: 11 Jan 2011, 17:42 »

I'm trying to get out of RP but people keep dragging me back in.   The Assembly is a good place. 

No you don't I need more Caldari RPers to converse with..  :bash:  :cry:

Also FreeIntaki has RP in it sometimes.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #16 on: 11 Jan 2011, 18:22 »

Surprised no one has mentioned The Broken Piano by now. It's a good little neutral place, with some Minmatar elements.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #17 on: 11 Jan 2011, 18:52 »

Surprised no one has mentioned The Broken Piano by now. It's a good little neutral place, with some Minmatar elements.

It's in the middle of GW though, so a pain to get to, and they occasionally let Amarrians in...
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

Vincent Pryce

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #18 on: 11 Jan 2011, 19:26 »

Surprised no one has mentioned The Broken Piano by now. It's a good little neutral place, with some Minmatar elements.

It's in the middle of GW though, so a pain to get to, and they occasionally let Amarrians in...

Use the Interbus dude.

It's open for all regardless of race,creed or political alignment - or lack there of.


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #19 on: 11 Jan 2011, 19:37 »

I'm trying to get out of RP but people keep dragging me back in.   The Assembly is a good place. 

No you don't I need more Caldari RPers to converse with..  :bash:  :cry:
It is a relatively small group of loyalist.  And active loyalist even smaller!


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #20 on: 11 Jan 2011, 20:08 »

Surprised no one has mentioned The Broken Piano by now. It's a good little neutral place, with some Minmatar elements.

It's in the middle of GW though, so a pain to get to, and they occasionally let Amarrians in...

Use the Interbus dude.

That brings to mind an interesting question. I don't think I've used "The Interbus" for nearly 6 months, and the only place I regularly used it for was The Last Gate. I feel a little virtuous when I actually fly the four jumps to do coffee with someone in Rens, or all the way to Illuin to see the museum.

Does anyone else see value in the  "being where you say you are" thing?

Has there been any hints at all about whether you're going to have to fly to where someone else is to have a face-to-face in "Incarnations in stations"?

It's open for all regardless of race,creed or political alignment - or lack there of.

Yes, exactly. So if you have people you'd rather avoid, then you might want to try somewhere else.

Which is a shame really, since I quite like Esna OOC.

Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #21 on: 11 Jan 2011, 23:32 »

Ulphus, I'm with you. I tried the holopresence thing once several years ago, but I didn't enjoy it very much and never did it again. And I just don't use the Interbus trick -- it feels like cheating when I do it. (Not that I particularly care when others do it, if that makes sense.)


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #22 on: 12 Jan 2011, 05:09 »

I use the Interbus trick all the time. There's just not enough time to both get things done in space and move around for docked RP all the time. Hence why I like actual FTL communication RP, Holoprojection and Interbus for when you're halfway across the cluster and the RP's happening right now, you know?

Still... if I go anywhere in person, I dock up so I won't both be in-space and in a 'physical' location.

Isobel Mitar

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #23 on: 12 Jan 2011, 06:18 »

Does anyone else see value in the  "being where you say you are" thing?
I try to generally have my character be where she is. It feels "more real" to me that way.

However, I have sometimes used holoing and interbus, and do not usually mind the people I RP with doing so. The few times I've done interbus, I have kept my character docked.

I also like FTL communication RP. I find IC convos and channels are not only more flexible - doing other stuff simultaneously is not a problem - but also more forgiving of all kinds of RL interruptions. In particular, a connection glitch is an awesome reason that works just as well IC as OOC. :)


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #24 on: 13 Jan 2011, 03:20 »

I never heard anyone mentioning travelling by Interbus. Does interbus have a interconnected cyno network reaching all of 0.0 for instant travel anywhere? Would see odd.

I prefer to treat all channels as what they are, channels. Perhaps with holo images, but then again, when holo's start drinking wine and commenting on the tast, it gets a bit odd.

Especially as some of those who physically present themselves at place X, I often see in space in location Y patrolling, PvP-ing or doing something else. It seems rather obvious they are not physically present there at all.

Bars and all are cool, just a bit hard on my suspension of disbelief at times.


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #25 on: 13 Jan 2011, 06:08 »

We could count the scope of Interbus's network, at least 13 jumps from the HQ in Ourapheh.

It is noteworthy that with the highway gates to Yulai, the amount of systems in range might have been considerably higher than it is today. (Ourapheh is next to Yulai.)

They have agents in the following systems:
Akes (14 jumps from Ourapheh), Alachene (8 j), Altrinur (13 j), Anher (10 j), Aporulie (5 j), Arifsdald (11 j), Auner (13 j), Aunsou (10 j), Bahromab (13 j), Bille (8 j), BWO-UU (Jove, unreachable), Ethernity (4 j), Floseswin (11 j), FR-RCH (Jove, unreachable), Grispire (10 j), Haatomo (9 j), Heorah (6 j), Jakanerva (15 j), Jarizza (17 j), Lasleinur (12 j), L-TPN0 (Jove, unreachable)), Lower Debyl (14 j), Mabnen (15 j), Mastakomon (18 j), Maturat (14 j), Narai (15 j), Osvestmunnur (17 j), Otitoh (18 j), Remoriu (15 j), RF-GGF (Syndicate, 11 j), Tollus (16 j), Uchoshi (19 j), Uotila (13 j), Vaajaita (13 j) and W6H6-K (Jove, unreachable).

The agent furthermost from Ourapheh is in Uchoshi, if we ignore the agents in the Jove Directorate.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #26 on: 13 Jan 2011, 07:54 »

Does anyone else see value in the  "being where you say you are" thing?
I do. It poses limits, but exactly because it poses limits, it makes the world feel "more real" to me. When it takes me close to an hour to fly to a place on the other side of the universe, just "interbusing" there feels like... somehow taking away from the vastness of the world, diminishing it. And it seems to blur the difference between a "comms frequency" and "a real place", making the "real" places feel less real.

I do most of my RP over FTL comms, chatting with people while I say haul minerals or camp gates. Doing it that way makes me feel more like I am Elsebeth who hauls minerals or camps gates, and passes time by talking about more or less important things to various contacts. The occasions where I have say RPed being at an IC bar while I have been actually running a mineral haul job have made both the bar and the mineral hauling feel half-hearted.

Don't know if this makes any sense to anyone.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #27 on: 13 Jan 2011, 08:08 »

Just to add on a sidenote. Ulphus mentioned that the "open to everyone" can be not just an invitation, but also a reason to not go somewhere. That's another place where I feel that restricting my RP a bit adds to its feeling real. It's not just that it is realistic that Else would not hang around in bars with pirates and slavers, it's also that when not everything happens in the sight of everyone regardless of faction etc, the world feels "bigger". There's stuff happening all around that Else is not part of; the world is alive regardless of my RP.

It also makes it easier to incorporate non-RPers to my RP, mentally; when the assumption is not that all pilots go to the same pubs etc, there's no reason to wonder about the fact that I never see the pirates I shoot in space in such venues: the places they frequent simply aren't the same as I do.

Downside, obviously, is that I don't get to RP with everyone who'd probably bring me quality RP if I did. But I strongly prefer it this way.


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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #28 on: 13 Jan 2011, 08:18 »

I definitely have to agree with the 'open to everybody' view, there. I just don't see it as widening RP or creating any kind of feel to the world. You'd think that with the vastness of New Eden, there'd be less neutral places and more places tailored to your character's tastes. More Minnie places, more Fed, State, Empire places, Outlaw only places and so on and so forth... Places where you can feel at home without running into what you dislike or are enemies with.

When most places are neutral and 'open to everybody' it diminishes that feeling of vastness. That's another one of the reasons why I restrict Miz's barhopping or RP channels to less neutral places. Well, that and because IC Miz quite simply wouldn't be rubbing shoulders with slavers of various factions, Empire supporters and so on, no matter how 'neutral' the place is.

Hamish Grayson

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Re: So, where is the RP nowadays, anyways?
« Reply #29 on: 13 Jan 2011, 08:31 »

Especially as some of those who physically present themselves at place X, I often see in space in location Y patrolling, PvP-ing or doing something else. It seems rather obvious they are not physically present there at all.

Or you travel to Goinard IV Moon five Impro factory and find you are the only guest at the station even though there are half a dozen people active in The Last Gate.
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