Did anyone ever tell your police and prosecutors that they're basically teaching your population not to cooperate with them? <,< I mean, that's basic psychology, there. If cooperation is punished and non-cooperation rewarded... Ohmy. I better don't think about that any further.
Let me just say this way of handling things doesn't seem like and example of 'best practice' to me.
Bear in mind that we've still got a strong thread of moralistic, macho aggression in our culture.
Criminals are bad people and deserve to suffer. If they're getting raped in prison, the rest of us will just make jokes about it because that's just one more thing they should have thought of before they went out and committed crimes.
We'll have none of this namby-pamby Scandinavian-style criminal-coddling, 'cause it obviously doesn't work. No, don't show us your stupid
facts; your system obviously doesn't work because it's obvious that it can't work because it's obviously wrong.
No, your recidivism statistics can't possibly be a fraction of ours, and it's irrelevant anyway because it's
wrong to treat criminals like human beings. Don't you know these people did bad things?
We're not listening! Lalalalalalalalalalala....
(Why yes, I got into criminal defense because I'm a sociopath or anarchist and want to help the bad guys. Why do you ask?)