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Author Topic: Facts and speculation regarding Sansha's Nation and their intentions (spoilers)  (Read 31259 times)


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New chronicle Uplifted sheds significant light on this all.


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Okay, so does the chronicle put paid to the planetary defenses theory? To wit:

With synchronized releases of focused electromagnetic blasts, they smoothly wiped all defensive structures and communications satellites from orbit.



  • Kuru Khai
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Mostly. Unless there are counter-measures possible for the few incursions which are known about ahead of time.


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Standing by for the IGS posts about inventing counter-measures and deploying them ...
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Standing by for the IGS posts about inventing counter-measures and deploying them ...

I'll let someone put this one up on the IGS but seeing how Navy ships,scanners and electronics are affected while Capsuleer ones are not the suggestion would be to see where the difference lies and just upgrade the Navy ships.

I also suggest a Farraday cage against the EMP.
Quote from: Ciarente the beatific, patron saint of moderators big and small
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A Faraday cage for the whole planet? Or for specific satellites and installations? The former is impossible, the other has the nasty side effect of preventing communications.


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I'd say Farraday cages for ground installations and having hardened landlines for communication would do the trick Casiella.
Would help with ground defenses not being disabled.

That's just a suggestion that I thought of from the top of my head.
My main question still remains:
Why aren't capsuleer ships affected by all these pulses and whatnot that are disabling whole planets and Navy ships ?
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Louella Dougans

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would have thought the ships would be pretty hardened in teh first place, being A: space technology, thus routinely exposed to !SPACE WIGGLY DUST!, and also being B: military space technology, where such things may be used as weapons for this exact purpose.


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Why aren't capsuleer ships affected by all these pulses and whatnot that are disabling whole planets and Navy ships ?

Linked to Magical Jovian Tech in the pod


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Faraday cages prevent the passing of electronic fields. That means that inbound/outbound communications are also a no-go.

So, sure, you might test some captured Sansha equipment in there, but if you put a Faraday cage around your C2 infrastructure, you're screwed.


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Faraday cages prevent the passing of electronic fields. That means that inbound/outbound communications are also a no-go.

So, sure, you might test some captured Sansha equipment in there, but if you put a Faraday cage around your C2 infrastructure, you're screwed.

And one of the biggest practical weaknesses is power cables and aerials. Nuclear weapon generated  EMP will travel down them with peak voltages sufficient to melt cables.
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

Kaito Haakkainen

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Quote from: Uplifted
In the blink of an eye, the gravitational force of a star was generated over just a few short kilometers, compressing the fabric of space-time into a temporary singularity.
Quote from: Uplifted
They walked out into the green tinted glare of wide-angle tractor beams, which lifted them off the ground by the thousands.
Quote from: Uplifted
The massive carrier was shrouded in a layer of projected energy shielding so thick that one could barely see the heavy armor plates beneath.
Quote from: Uplifted
Instead, its supplemental capacitors spun to life, sizzling with an overabundance of power as relay switches connected them directly to the built-in shield emitters. The field created was far more powerful than a normal shield but highly unstable. That was the point.
A tremendous blast of energy spread out in a spherical pattern, physically pushing ships away with the crushing force of charged gravitons.


Quote from: Yan Jung Technology
The Yan Jung nation possessed advanced gravitronic technology and force field theories.


Ghost Hunter

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As the wormhole generator was apparently confirmed as Nation design and origin, I imagine any ancient-race speculation towards the Sansha isss largely inert.

Man do I feel embarrassed about that mail I sent to kuvakei.

Edit: To clarify, with the exception of the tractor beams (which have I have never seen used anywhere other than in-game in the PF) all that the chronicle describes is simply contemporary technology everyone uses with fancy words.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Man do I feel embarrassed about that mail I sent to kuvakei.
Yes. Well, at least you didn't ask Sansha to "show us your tits" as some of my corpmates elected.

Amann Karris

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Quote from: Uplifted
In the blink of an eye, the gravitational force of a star was generated over just a few short kilometers, compressing the fabric of space-time into a temporary singularity.
In short, a wormhole.  Or point defect. ;)
Quote from: Uplifted
They walked out into the green tinted glare of wide-angle tractor beams, which lifted them off the ground by the thousands.
Tractor beams are used on ships.  It's not a stretch to imagine it being used to lift other things off the ground.
Quote from: Uplifted
The massive carrier was shrouded in a layer of projected energy shielding so thick that one could barely see the heavy armor plates beneath.
Shield boosters.
Quote from: Uplifted
Instead, its supplemental capacitors spun to life, sizzling with an overabundance of power as relay switches connected them directly to the built-in shield emitters. The field created was far more powerful than a normal shield but highly unstable. That was the point.
A tremendous blast of energy spread out in a spherical pattern, physically pushing ships away with the crushing force of charged gravitons.
"Smart" Bombs (a misnomer if I've ever heard one; how the hell is an AOE weapon Smart!?) are used on the carriers.  Though, the part about smaller ships dying is... over-exaggerated.  My Rifter survived Nation smart bombs without taking much damage, and I was orbiting pretty close.


Quote from: Yan Jung Technology
The Yan Jung nation possessed advanced gravitronic technology and force field theories.
Yes, well... that goes without saying, doesn't it?  I'd wager that much of the technology capsuleers has is based on older tech in one way or another.  I'd say Sansha's Nation, with it's overabundance of processing power, would be quite capable of developing the technology with the pieces lying around, and the brains of those who have studied them closely.

Though, I think people miss the big one:

Before the victims below could understand what was happening, the nanites had already passed through the outer layer of skin, navigated the bloodstream, and attached themselves to the base of their spinal cords. When enough of the insidious little things had amassed in a single person, they begin to emit rhythmic electrical pulses ― not enough to disrupt higher brain functions, but more than enough to overpower the simple neural pathways below the neck. People screamed and shouted, struggled in vain, and cried pitifully for help, but their bodies wouldn’t respond.
or more importantly:

They walked out into the green tinted glare of wide-angle tractor beams, which lifted them off the ground by the thousands. Their bodies tumbled slowly, out of control, up into the waiting dropships.

From another chronicle, dealing with wormholes...

Victor raised an eyebrow. The Sansha were always a prime surveillance and acquisition interest for Imperial intelligence. Their advances in cybernetic technology provided the live realization for the kinds of medical experiments that Amarrian scientists could only dream of. The Sansha have long known that they were being watched, and that errant ships had been captured and dissected by Victor's own men from time to time. He wondered if the Empire would be blamed for the destruction of one of their worlds.
My guess is that, like many other of Kuvakei's plans, he's a normal guy; he's going for the head and not the body.


Or, Nation does indeed want your brain.  Also, no; this does not say that there are no Citizens in Nation.  Quite the opposite in fact.  Hence Ghost's earlier statement.
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