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Egonics inc. makes a headset called an Egone that broadcasts music directly into a wearer's brain?

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Author Topic: Facts and speculation regarding Sansha's Nation and their intentions (spoilers)  (Read 31271 times)

Ghost Hunter

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Nation knows things™ about cloning and using stored brain patterns, (as seen in the pro-nation branch of the Amarr epic arc).

This suggests to me, that crew losses are trivial to Nation, because they are all synthetic people. And are replaced as easily as ships are.

Which then leads on to asking what it is that they are after? New genes and talents and personalities for their resource pool? After 100 years, are Nations stored personalities in need of fresh input to mould Nation into an entity for the modern age?

I doubt genetics is a factor with a faction like the Blood Raider Covenant as one of its 'close allies'. Samples of DNA from all across the cluster would not be hard to purchase from them.

Different personalities for fresh perspective might be a valid approach. I do not consider it likely, since the Nation seems to permit colonies near and in its space that have free thought for a while. A sort of human farming technique for thinking patterns, as it were.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation


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What happened to the idea that at least some of those taken were being 'combined' or 'distilled' to form capsuleers?
Did it become unpopular or is it thought to only apply to a minority?

Ghost Hunter

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What happened to the idea that at least some of those taken were being 'combined' or 'distilled' to form capsuleers?
Did it become unpopular or is it thought to only apply to a minority?

That is largely what was talked about in the case of Slave Heavenbound02, who was the merger between a mother and her child.

To the extent of my knowledge no other Slave commander is created in the same fashion, although there might be normal True Slaves of that kind we don't see.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation

lallara zhuul

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The brain thingie is interesting.

There is a book by a woman and its called a Stroke of Insight, where she describes her experience as she suffers a stroke where she loses the use of the whole left side of her brain (the 'logical', thinking side.)
After a while she did get back her full faculties but while she was functioning with just the right side of the brain she was in a constant state of bliss and wonder.
With such manipulation the True Slaves would not be 'mindless drones' they could be people living their lives blissfully happy in whatever they do, from the most menial task to the most horrifying one. With a few snips in the brain their 'bliss' could be manipulated in a such way that it would not express itself in a disrupting manner.

Making the Naqam Happychip™ the reason that being a True Slave would actually be something to strive for in a person that is living in the lower classes of the EVE societies.

After taking out ground forces during an invasion the Sansha send out a cloud of nanites that block the use of the left side of the brain, leaving the streets full of people with no concept of time (just living in the moment) who would happily follow anyone anywhere.

Naqam Happychip™ = Utopia chip from Syndicate games.
EDIT:Linky to a TED talk by the woman (who happens to be a scientist.)
« Last Edit: 14 Nov 2010, 16:30 by lallara zhuul »

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Making the Naqam Happychip™ the reason that being a True Slave would actually be something to strive for in a person that is living in the lower classes of the EVE societies.

After taking out ground forces during an invasion the Sansha send out a cloud of nanites that block the use of the left side of the brain, leaving the streets full of people with no concept of time (just living in the moment) who would happily follow anyone anywhere.
Adds new meaning to the term "class warfare".  Even if they end up being nothing more than drones, the propaganda message of liberation from a universe that cares nothing for them and can never bring them happiness would be potent in the right audience.  Then once you've got 'em, melt 'em down for biomass or do whatever Sanshas will do.


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The brain thingie is interesting.

There is a book by a woman and its called a Stroke of Insight, where she describes her experience as she suffers a stroke where she loses the use of the whole left side of her brain (the 'logical', thinking side.)
After a while she did get back her full faculties but while she was functioning with just the right side of the brain she was in a constant state of bliss and wonder.
So... constant bliss and wonder, and all I have to do is damage the left half of my brain?

*looks at icepick*

After taking out ground forces during an invasion the Sansha send out a cloud of nanites that block the use of the left side of the brain, leaving the streets full of people with no concept of time (just living in the moment) who would happily follow anyone anywhere.
Who needs nanites when you have the Book of Emptiness.
« Last Edit: 14 Nov 2010, 07:27 by hellgremlin »

Saede Riordan

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The brain thingie is interesting.

There is a book by a woman and its called a Stroke of Insight, where she describes her experience as she suffers a stroke where she loses the use of the whole left side of her brain (the 'logical', thinking side.)
After a while she did get back her full faculties but while she was functioning with just the right side of the brain she was in a constant state of bliss and wonder.
So... constant bliss and wonder, and all I have to do is damage the left half of my brain?

*looks at icepick*

After taking out ground forces during an invasion the Sansha send out a cloud of nanites that block the use of the left side of the brain, leaving the streets full of people with no concept of time (just living in the moment) who would happily follow anyone anywhere.
Who needs nanites when you have the Book of Emptiness.

I thought they didn't get that? I don't know, I never read Black Mountain, but I thought that Hona and her bunch ended up with it.
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Julianus Soter

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The Book of Emptiness was a Jovian device. Since the beginning of the attacks, it appears that the Sansha had been able to take control of a Jovian station, in their capital system. It's possible they acquired some variant of the device before the attacks began.

Interesting thought though. If we ran into Yulai Crus Cerebri's and the like, what about the people taken from the station in J23532 or whatever it was? will we run into them at some point?


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Mulling it over, I think Sansha RPers will have to put up with being the "lol mindless zombies" faction, even if there is more to it than that, the same way Gallente RPers have always had to put up with being the "lol whores and french" faction, even if it's more about "utopian" motifs like crystalline cities and all that jazz.

Louella Dougans

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Which then leads on to asking what it is that they are after?
I doubt genetics is a factor with a faction like the Blood Raider Covenant as one of its 'close allies'. Samples of DNA from all across the cluster would not be hard to purchase from them.
Different personalities for fresh perspective might be a valid approach. I do not consider it likely, since the Nation seems to permit colonies near and in its space that have free thought for a while. A sort of human farming technique for thinking patterns, as it were.

Hmm, good points. Still, question remains, I think.

What is it that Sansha Kuvakei wants?
Ships are replaceable, crews are replaceable, genetics + personalities easily come by. Nation doesn't fit conventional material wealth motivations.

So, what do they want?

I think, maybe, that that question is no closer to being answered than it was before these events started.

Ghost Hunter

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Which then leads on to asking what it is that they are after?
I doubt genetics is a factor with a faction like the Blood Raider Covenant as one of its 'close allies'. Samples of DNA from all across the cluster would not be hard to purchase from them.
Different personalities for fresh perspective might be a valid approach. I do not consider it likely, since the Nation seems to permit colonies near and in its space that have free thought for a while. A sort of human farming technique for thinking patterns, as it were.

Hmm, good points. Still, question remains, I think.

What is it that Sansha Kuvakei wants?
Ships are replaceable, crews are replaceable, genetics + personalities easily come by. Nation doesn't fit conventional material wealth motivations.

So, what do they want?

I think, maybe, that that question is no closer to being answered than it was before these events started.

That may or may not be the case, but I have generally made it our top policy to contain all information we receive that is of any type of sensitivity. Perhaps the developers expected us to release or leak key segments of it at a time into the public, perhaps not. The policy won't change unless I am told to otherwise.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation

Random Lost Soul

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Hmm, good points. Still, question remains, I think.

What is it that Sansha Kuvakei wants?
Ships are replaceable, crews are replaceable, genetics + personalities easily come by. Nation doesn't fit conventional material wealth motivations.

So, what do they want?

I think, maybe, that that question is no closer to being answered than it was before these events started.
Or perhaps you are over-thinking the entire situation.  What if it's as simple as revenge against the "fools" who could not see his vision?

"But Capsuleers weren't around when Nation was destroyed!"

Ah, but the Empires were.  Capsuleers fight their wars, do their dirty work.  Capsuleers are the pawns of the Empires, the pets of CONCORD.  No matter how fractious and divided, Capsuleers still provide services to the Empires and CONCORD still holds sway over them.

Destroy the Capsuleers, and not only are the Empires hobbled, but CONCORD loses it's primary mandate.  Would the Empires put aside their differences after years of war?  Probably not.  So, take out the claws and teeth (Capsuleers in this case), and the Empires are at the mercy of Nation.

It's rather simple really.  What does Nation want?  Probably not the right question.  What does Kuvakei want?  To get Capsuleers out of the way so he can take revenge on the closed-minded.

The "Heirs to a Mistake" are Capsuleers, the mistake was destroying Nation, not by said Capsuleers, but by the Empires that birthed them.  Hence the "Heir" part.  Extending that analogy, what exactly gave birth to that mistake?  Individual freedoms taken to extremes, and not seeing the potential for working together.  Which Capsuleers continue to make.

I mean honestly, you don't think Kuvakei is mad because the Jove gave them the capsule do you?  :bear:

Aria Jenneth

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Something that occurs to me (and no, I most likely won't be the one to do it):

If no one has already done this, it would be really helpful for someone to put together a database of all the bits of flavor text for all the various faction sites. Some of them don't have much material, but some seem to contain tantalizing bits of knowledge-- and the only people who can be nearly guaranteed not to find those are the people who refuse to attack that particular faction!

Consequently, the loyalists of a given faction often know the least about it.

Anybody know of such a database or feel like starting one?


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That would probably make sense at the Lorebook.

Isobel Mitar

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We are painfully aware that those who go into the dropships willingly may very well be a small minority. We have utilized the lack of information in this regard in order to further our moral image, however.

I'd agree with the above.

I feel the liberty pill news arc was likely intended to give us a view on how the people in general view the abductions. I also feel Sansha propaganda about people joining them willingly is perfectly appropriate, and something that fits nicely into the story. :)

Links to liberty pill news arc, for those interested:
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