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Author Topic: What's too far..  (Read 7036 times)


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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #15 on: 20 Oct 2010, 20:01 »

It's kinda hard to decide if this is "too far" because you can't really tell if the Anonymous person is joking. He could be a simple tool who thinks "lol child rape = height of comedy" or he could be the next Dash Prik, plotting his next internet dick-cruise to toddlertown.

All I know is, if I found someone in Eve that was playing Sim Pedo, I'd alert the cops. Then I'd exterminate them. Not sure which would come first.

lallara zhuul

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #16 on: 21 Oct 2010, 01:09 »

The thing about EVE is that there you can use your freedom of choice pretty much to your hearts content.

All choices have consequences, in this thread there has been pointed out several for making a choice of making an RP Pedo alt for lulz.

I won't stop somebody from shooting themselves in the foot, because that shit is funny.

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Shalee Lianne

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #17 on: 21 Oct 2010, 12:44 »

I just don't understand why anyone would want to delve into that.

Yes, EVE is a dark place, and that is part of it's appeal, but at the same time you have to have some kind of limit, I think.

When you roleplay, you typically go inside the mind of your character, you have to understand them on such a personal level to rp them well, their motivations for what they do etc.  I just can't imagine going into the mind of a child rapist.  There's nothing 'lols' about it, it's just such a sick and twisted thing that I can't imagine anyone really wanting to portray that.



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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #18 on: 21 Oct 2010, 13:03 »

I just don't understand why anyone would want to delve into that.

Possibly, because what really does it for them is the reactions of people.

I've met people in game who do whatever they can to get reactions out of other people. Especially if those reactions are tears or "Ewwww"

In their game, there is no "too far". But they're not playing the same game we are.

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Julianus Soter

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #19 on: 21 Oct 2010, 13:59 »

For instance, blooding minors. You know, taking little children, and draining them of blood, to prove political points. Where do you draw the line? Is sexual assault worse than slowly making a 6 year old girl die from bleeding?

Generally, there are f-ed up RP positions to have in Eve online. Many of the people currently talking in this forum play characters that have these positions. Pirates that blow the smitherines out of everyone they see. Killing men women and children for political purposes. Allegedly hanging people by the neck until dead with no trial, otherwise known as lynching.

Yes, raping children is evil, detestable, and worthy of persecution in character and out of character. But so is everything else I've listed.

Where's the moral threshold? As ghost hunter said, where is the moral event horizon? At what point can we say, because of in-character actions, we can judge the out of character personality of the player in question?


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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #20 on: 21 Oct 2010, 14:34 »

As far as I'm concerned, there is no moral threshold. You can RP whatever you want, and I will judge those IC actions by Goshien's standards. OOC, I'll judge your OOC actions by my own standards. This two don't mix with me.

Granted, if you're that evil IC or even just annoying Goshien is going to block you. If you're that evil/annoying OOC, then I'm going to block you. I treat the internet different then I do life, and liberal use of the block button will stop anyone offending you.


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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #21 on: 21 Oct 2010, 14:40 »

Possibly, because what really does it for them is the reactions of people.

I've met people in game who do whatever they can to get reactions out of other people. Especially if those reactions are tears or "Ewwww"

I had this issue before. I belonged for a time to Suddenly Ninjas, and for the most part I find them to be a great group of guys, including some who have moved on to Misfit Toys and other organizations.

But I've found that schadenfreude isn't much of a motivator for me. Sure, I'll laugh when somebody screams that they're going to petition me for salvaging "their" wrecks, but I don't like actively trying to get them to "cry".

This is a far cry from the sort of RP about which the thread started, of course, and I daresay that just about every Ninja I ever knew would react the same as just about everyone in this thread has. But the idea of "for the lulz" obviously strikes different people in different ways.

Matariki Rain

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #22 on: 21 Oct 2010, 14:55 »

In context, the person who proposed the character concept seems to be aiming for RP griefing: getting the maximum OOC shock-offence value and IC awkwardness from a character proposition. It's EVE: you get jerks. One of the reasons for the development of RP walled-gardens/gated communities is to have some level of screening for jerks in the areas where you RP most often.

That said, I happen to think a character who did like partners very young could potentially provide an interesting exploration of some parts of the human psyche and the EVE "world". I boggle slightly that -- in a milieu that includes slavery and quite as much killing as EVE does -- there seem to be some people saying that sex with particularly young partners would be unacceptable everywhere. While I could wish that were the case, I expect that there would actually be -- at least -- slavery, specialised personal services, and specialised sex tourism to meet this market.

That said, because of a bunch of real-world concerns and a preference for avoiding jerkish behaviour, I wouldn't really expect to see this explored in public RP channels. And I'm okay with that.

(Here's another take on this theme: imagine a Matari clan where you're considered an adult as soon as you have your voluval mark; the voluval ceremony is done quite young; and there are some older people who really enjoy helping induct the new adults into the world of sex, in ways ranging from the cheerfully enthusiastic to the downright creepy. Now navigate that as a young person; as a slightly older person who went through it and has a younger sibling about to go through it; as a tribal elder; as the Republic school inspector who checks on Republic-funded tribal schools and the wellbeing of the students.)


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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #23 on: 22 Oct 2010, 16:12 »

Not many of us have had direct rl contact with slavery or ritual murder, but lots of us have kids or younger siblings or nieces/nephews. So it makes sense for pedos to be more of a taboo to us.

Then again, I have personally witnessed real life slavery firsthand, but despite my character being an Amarrian abolitionist, I'm not honestly sure if it has actually affected his point of view on the subject. It very well may have, but the main reason I joined U'K initially was simply because I had friends there.

Boma Airaken

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #24 on: 24 Oct 2010, 18:04 »

The human mind is a disgusting thing to possess. The fact that someone who is playing EVE Online (and manages to roleplay as well) decides that his experience would be more "realistic" or "unique" by pretending that he is a pedophile, or constant rapist, is:

A. Such a troll.
B. Requires psychiatric assistance immediately.

I know, I know: "Oh but you are taking away the creativity and freedom of someone contributing to the RP!" Oh, please. This is internet spaceships mixed with war, diplomacy, market trading, exploring and politics. No one in the real world would advertise that they are a sick fuck.

Literally nothing more than this needs to be said.

Saede Riordan

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #25 on: 24 Oct 2010, 20:46 »

I'm going to go out on a branch a wee bit here and claim that it, like all other things, has its place in RP.
That said, that place is not and will never be "for the lulz." As an act of moral blackness to really drive home how utterly horrible and irredeemable that character is, it works. Its a 'slap you in the face' shock value type action. Doing it to try to be funny is a hilariously bad idea, because its not funny. Rape and pedophilia are not amusing things to be played around with, I find it bad enough how much rape RP there is, serious things need to be taken seriously. If done so, they have their place, if not, don't do it.
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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #26 on: 24 Oct 2010, 23:37 »

Although, we need to lock this. There's not exactly anything to debate or come to conclusions about, seeing as the OP's quote is from a troll who wanted this to exactly happen.

Good point. In the context of the OP, this sort of RP is obviously wrong.

But when I look at RP that crosses ethical boundaries from a broader spectrum, the response becomes less obvious to me. Not just because "RP is RP," but also because the act of RPing a character who crosses these boundaries doesn't necessarily mean an endorsement of his/her actions. The first example of this that came to my mind was Judge Holden from Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, if any of you have read it. The judge is certainly the smartest, best-educated, and most omni-talented of Glanton's merry little band of troglodyte Indian killers, and he never fails to amaze/manipulate/save the gang. He spouts philosophy, scripture, and all sorts of sciences. If it weren't for his antisocial mindset, pedophilia, and complete lack of moral center, he might actually be redeemable. But he isn't, and from the way he's presented, he can't possibly be construed any other way. His worse acts--pedophilia included--also happen without explicit description.

I see no problem with RPing a Judge Holden, ALTHOUGH RPing out more despicable acts, even in private, isn't something I endorse.
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Saede Riordan

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #27 on: 24 Oct 2010, 23:39 »

I see no problem with RPing a Judge Holden, ALTHOUGH RPing out more despicable acts, even in private, isn't something I endorse.

this basically.
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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #28 on: 24 Oct 2010, 23:55 »

[mod]Cleaned up the thread somewhat. I realize this is a sensitive topic, but please try to keep a little perspective.[/mod]

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Re: What's too far..
« Reply #29 on: 25 Oct 2010, 05:38 »

I'm going to go out on a branch a wee bit here and claim that it, like all other things, has its place in RP.

I disagree.

For similar reasons as I mentioned in another thread. About prostitutes.

I think it creates, sustains and encourages the atmosphere of "lolrp", "RP'ers are all weirdos", "RP is for fags".
Provides the tar to paint every Rper with.

So, no.

Besides which, that is a thing to RP at people with, not to RP with them. There is a difference, a big one, in roleplaying with someone, and roleplaying at them.

Roleplaying should be fun, and I do not get this idea some people have where they appear to be under some mental anguish, so that their character is "realistic" or something, and inflict that on people they roleplay with.
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