The Standing Place
A neutral gathering place for those seeking guidance and insight into Matari religion and its customs
Channel Description:
Entering the Virtual space, the user finds themself in a largish hexagonal room roughly 15 meters across with angled vaulted ceilings angling up to the centre of the roof. Broad exposed timbers engraved with vherokior scripts support the ceiling, and a hole in the centre lets smoke escape into the darkness. The floor is dark rich hardwoods, layed in as to spiral out from the centre of the space, where a large metal bowl is inset into the floor. In the bowl, A fire burns, sending long flickering shadows throughout the room and smoke curling up through the hole in the roof and out into the cold night air.
The walls are rough, hewn stone, with large thick windows set into each face of the hexagon. outside the walls, snow falls softly on a moutainous landscape, with dark, partly cloudy, partly starry skies overhead.
Thick soft rugs cover portions of the floor, along with blankets to curl up under and cushions tossed haphazardly around to sit on.
In each window hangs a collection of dreamcatchers, windchimes, glass shards, spirit beads, hanging totems, and other matari religious materials, twinkling in the firelight. Incense, candles, carved stones and figures, and small totems line the bottm of the windowsills. A small low table in one corner provides a supply of hot drinks. This place feels deep, old and spiritual, it feels safe.
OOC Note: This is a VR Space. However, users will be unable to manipulate the envirnment beyond their own appearence. Weapons will not function. Channel Moderators are Ava Starfire, and Nikita Alterana.