This young adult drama produced by the Nugoeihuvi Corporation follows the adventures of a group of young cadet pilots in the Caldari Navy as they struggle with the pressures of adolescence in a rigid military environment. The main character, "Foxfire", shows great natural ability but has difficulty conforming to the disciplines of the service. Her loyal off-sider, "Signal", is the model cadet and often gets her out of trouble, but in the most recent season was revealed to harbor a secret and forbidden passion for another male cadet, "Diamond", who is intellectually brilliant but in constant danger of failing the physical requirements for cadets. Other ongoing characters include "Storm", who constantly struggles to live up to the expectations of her famous Admiral mother, falling pregnant after her flight instructor coerces her into a sexual relationship with the offer to change her failing grades to passes; "Red", who fought parental pressure to join the Navy and now seeks a substitute family in his fellow cadets; and "Breaker", a competent cadet with a dark, as-yet-only-hinted-at, secret .
Popular within and without the State, 'Hot Shots' combines often-controversial themes with positive life-lessons for teens. Caldari reviews have described it as 'an illustration of the importance of our virtues and the dangers that follow abandoning them' while Gallente holocritics say it 'shows the stark reality of the oppressive Caldari system.'