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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #30 on: 16 Sep 2010, 10:13 »

Because when I RP the actions of other NPCs, other NPCs includes your crew and your family.   Are you hapy with me deciding what your crew has been up to?

Yes I am, as long as it is consistent with my image of what my crew has been up to. If you describe that one of my crew is actually a spy of your own, and I like your story, I would completely go along with it.

Are the people guarding PIE complexes yours to act with, are they shared by the directorate, can all PIE members have these guards parade around. What if the PIE honorary guards described by one PIE member don't look at all as you imagined them? Conflict right there. Distance and ownership are part of the Godmoding equation, but certainly not the only parts.

The only exception that I can think of is using the actions of NPCs to explain something in general terms that has actually happened.

Can I decide for a slave of mine, a former slave of mine? If you read my other thread, you see that distance is a determining factor. The more tenious the relation between the NPC and yourself, the more dangerous it is. I can post an interview between an ex-slave of mine and an interviewer I hired without problem. The distance is not that far. However, as soon as the slave tells he is now in your employ, I breach the line of ownership, and even though the distance would normally be close enough, it isn't once the NPC is in your sphere of influence.

In general, you should only be going around making original descriptions of things that your character could directly control, or which can be reasonably inferred from existing canon.

This reasonable inference thing is a difficult issue, since reasonable inferences are different for everyone. I reasonably inferred that the Amarr Empire would have laws dealing with slaves, Lallara inferred that concerning slaves it was basically 'anything goes' for example. Both are reasonable but conflicting inferences. My character doesn't control NPCs, nor does he control clothes and equipment, but still I as a player are allowed to control them to a certain extent, moderated by the dimension I said. If I make my clothes up from a ultra-rare material (according to say PF) then it would likely not be accepted.

I'm reasonably certain that in Eve the technology exists to leap over tall buildings, especially on low-grav worlds.   The key thing here is: does it go against the spirit or the letter of the PF?

I completely agree. That is why I said, you must look at more than just if you character can 'control' it, or restrict things to your character only. Not everyone has read all PF, and certainly not everyone agrees on the spirit of PF. Hence you must look at it more broadly, there is no scientific litmus test that can tell you of you are godmoding or not. There is no clear barrier. It is fluent.

If you say that your character fought against the Elder Fleet, then you're also saying that the Elder Fleet fought against you.   In other words, you're trying to determine the actions of NPCs.

I can say I shot at the Elders, I can say I shot at you, I can say I shot at one of my slaves, I can say I shot at some Sansha ships. Only the last one can be verified by in-game mechanics, the rest needs to be accepted by other players. Acceptance of my imaginings depends on the dimensions I mentioned in ym other post. Shooting you is a bad idea (ownership), shooting Elders (scope and RL sensibilities) is also not a good idea, shooting an unnamed slave of my own: very likely no problem.

I would also have no problem with freedom fighters descending to a planet, shooting some guards and escaping with the slaves, as long as the raid involved a handful of deaths (scope), and didn't escape with my own slaves without agreeing with me (ownership) and didn't employ an instant cure for vitoc addiction (game logic and sensibility).

Seriphyn's problem in his post is primarly one of scope (high impact political executions), one of distance (executred NPCs have little relation to his character) and a conflict in game world interpretation and ownership (some Gallente players thinking that faction would never do that).

Coupled with these issues, I would have suggested to first drop some rumors he heard from one of his contacts of traitors being scheduled for executions (baby steps, someone told me!), and determine the reaction of his (player) peers. Then, depending on their reaction, coordinate the final post with them, perhaps turning it into a rumor he heard about the execution or that he got it from a blurry tape given to him.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #31 on: 16 Sep 2010, 15:46 »

[mod]Please keep the FAQ in mind when commenting. That's true at all times, but especially in this thread. The answer to "So I can't disagree with anyone's RP?" may be of particular interest. That's not directed at any one person, but please tread carefully.[/mod]


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #32 on: 16 Sep 2010, 16:18 »

The rule I attempt to follow when god-moding (e.g. Professional Misjudgments) is 'try to let as few people as possible know about it'.

It's worked for me for years.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #33 on: 17 Sep 2010, 13:37 »

I thought the thread was very well-written, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  The Federation is a bit outside of my RP sphere of knowledge, so I can't comment on how well it jives with current Federation politics.

Might have been less of an issues if it was only your corporation and character going vigilante with the executions, and would have kept the same spirit of the thread perhaps. 

I certainly like the idea though, but its a thin line when you make life/death decisions for large NPC groups.

I'd love to have King Khanid give Silas a medal and have the Royal Khanid Navy endorse our security work in the Kingdom but it would be stretching it quite a bit.  I think you can rely on standings a bit to have an NPC group support your actions but it's a very thin rope there to pull on too hard.



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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #34 on: 17 Sep 2010, 14:13 »

Okay, so I had a crazy idea and typed up a follow up to Seri's post and had it all ready to submit and then backed out at the last minute. Why?

Well it was pretty much a hijack and as God-modding as anything else we've been talking about the last few days.

I didn't want it to go to waste, however, and so I threw it onto my blog (Which is Saxon's in-character and publicly available musings so feel free to mine for RP hooks).

If anyone wants to see it you can find it at:

Also: Boma, I was the one who reported your post as OOC. Sorry.

Boma Airaken

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #35 on: 17 Sep 2010, 19:34 »

Okay, so I had a crazy idea and typed up a follow up to Seri's post and had it all ready to submit and then backed out at the last minute. Why?

Well it was pretty much a hijack and as God-modding as anything else we've been talking about the last few days.

I didn't want it to go to waste, however, and so I threw it onto my blog (Which is Saxon's in-character and publicly available musings so feel free to mine for RP hooks).

If anyone wants to see it you can find it at:

Also: Boma, I was the one who reported your post as OOC. Sorry.

Totaly acceptable as I was completely shithoused and it WAS indeed OOC ;)


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #36 on: 05 Oct 2010, 18:49 »

Okay, so my post DID get condemned to the catacombs. Should have known waiting for Niki's response and replying with the constructive bit after that would be a bad move.

Anyhow, for those who wish to see it it's here, along with Niki's reply:

When I mailed Seri and Niki in-game asking them to read and post in reply to this I did get Niki's reply saying she had. At that time however RL slapped me and I never got around to answering fast enough. I'll do that now however. As before, I'll try (harder this time) to remain somewhat cool about it all.

First off, Niki's reply.

Frankly, while I won't comment on your talk with Seri about this (I were not there after all) him saying that an infiltration is unlikely and opting for an all-out assault is by far the most likely scenario. Why?


The Angel Cartel want to infiltrate the SDII's station holding Myxx's family. It's an SDII station, it's supposed to be secret thus safe, and it's location is a very secure secret. Firstly to get this intel is hard enough, upon doing so however the likelihood that the SDII will NOT realize there has been a breach of security is extremely unlikely. More likely is that the station and possibly any and all other locations compromised are set to high alert and added security arrives. At that point actually going in quietly will be next to impossible. Best option now would be an all-out assault, gunning your way in.

Let's assume however that the location is known and you do in fact manage to keep this fact from your opponents. You sneak a team in. Let's further assume that you do manage to get this team past all the SDII operatives guarding the station, and that none raises questions as to why that suitcase of yours is shielded from scanning. And that none inspects it by hand. And that none raises questions to why you bring 250 marines to a station with 50-70 SDII operatives at max, and why they are actually cleared in.

The moment fighting begun all cover would be blown. Whatever HQ section the station have would likely instantly close and lock any and all blast-doors securing the station, notify their space-born security and call in back-up. You will have to fight the defenders and any and all possible automated defenses, and make holes in walls and doors to move around and get out. This requires even more heavy gear that you also somehow got past customs. Or you will have to have some reason why the SDII should trust someone among 250 new FDU soldiers into their HQ section where they can off the operators and assume control of the station's security. Also you have to have a reason for why these 250 people disperse to all sections of said station, I don't think “adding security” will do much good – they were after all quite secure already. Finally, assuming you do manage to make it to Myxx's folks, dump the now armed nuke and start to work your way back, every guy you bring is one more possible casualty. Getting 250 people in and even more out with no losses is still extremely unlikely. And then, you will have to get past the ships outside.

Two reasons say they will be ready for you – the station is either attacked and notify them of this, or the station goes silent and don't respond to hails. Something is wrong, and that new ship that recently arrived fall under suspicion. For this reason too an assault is the most likely option – after all you will likely have to fight your way clear of the station with your cargo secure anyway.

So, let's imagine:

The Angel Cartel want to infiltrate the SDII's station holding Myxx's family. It's an SDII station, it's supposed to be secret thus safe, and it's location is a very secure secret. Firstly to get this intel is hard enough, upon doing so however the likelihood that the SDII will NOT realize there has been a breach of security is extremely unlikely. More likely is that the station and possibly any and all other locations compromised are set to high alert and added security arrives. At this point an assault on one location is practically the only logical option.

Now, Seri said (according to you, Niki) that you should “march thousands of troops through it and kill off tens of thousands of civilians” - I do not agree to the numbers (though this might be your angry exaggeration speaking) but this scenario is not very unlikely. No matter how awesome the Cartel's soldiers are the SDII prefer quality over quantity and it is their home-turf, their facility and their security with only they know how many secure doors, automated sentry-points, security Androids popping out of walls with automatic weapons, their hangers possibly filled with mechanized hardware loaded with anti-infantry weaponry and so on – fighting them will not be easy no matter how you look at it and to assault this you have to be prepared, and casualties are a given. The only question is how many.

On the topic of civilians, there being any of them in the station depends on how the SDII operate. We know for a fact (from epic mission arcs or COSMOS missions, I recall not witch) that the RSS keep the families of their operative in safe locations in their own dead-space locations, because the last thing anyone dealing with organized criminals like the Angels want, is to have a call from some guy with a gun to his daughter's head. Ergo the SDII likely operative on very similar terms regarding their family. We do not know yet (atl I don't) where the SDII keep their families or if they share location with any holding/interrogation facilities. If they do, or some do, it's not to far-fetched that the SDII have some civilian populations in their stations. These are the people that Myxx and you have sworn to mass-murder, along with the rest of the Federation's people.

Killing civilians is something you have said you'd do and something the Angel Cartel do on a daily basis (And likely something the SDII do whenever they 'need' to, as well), so if you don't like the idea of your men gunning down women and children then sorry, you picked the wrong faction to join.

So, let's say there are civilians on the station. If so that's another reason the SDII would fiercely oppose any infiltration or invasion – their families are quite literally on the line, another reason your infiltration would likely fail if you tried it. Another reason, I bet, why Seri said it might be the best option – it sure is a considerably more realistic one.

Moving on... you need to assault this place, right? It's very hard, but nothing is impossible. Let's try this:

Your new masters in Curse agree that Myxx's family must be extracted – a capsuleer is a very nice asset and to have her impeded from doing anything because her family is held by the Federals is not good. They grant you a large strike force and a good number of ships to deal with this – we all know the Angels have no lack of ship-based hardware. None at all.

You acquire the intel on where the exact station holding Myxx's folks are, and move in to deal with it as soon as you can. If you don't, the SDII will likely find out that you know and have time to act on the intel: locking down the station and possibly calling in the Federal navy or atl a huge division of their own forces to defend it, making any assault extremely hard and costly, far more so than striking instantly. Of course, if you wait they might evacuate the civilians, if any – along with Myxx's family.

So the assault is underway. Let's say you use secret gates in Serpentis-secured dead-space pockets to navigate this force from outside the Federation's space and to the system in question – from there you instantly and without warning land them all on the security perimeter and assault the Black Eagle's dark-colored ships patrolling. You force your way to the station before reinforcements arrive (or possibly while they do) and assault the station directly, possibly while still fighting in space so that you waste no time. You manage to breach the outer defenses and land several ships filled with soldiers and hardware, these assault the defenders and the station's automated security and clear the landing area.

Now the ugly melée starts; blowing open and invading through any sealed doors and possibly vented-to-space hallways, gunning down any defenders holding the lines and defending the access points, popping any tanks or mechanized units in your way. After slowly gunning your way to the apartment areas, any civilians not in shelters are caught in the cross-fire along with any other troops holding the area. After moving your way in to the location of Myxx's family you might find them where they are supposed to be, perhaps moved further away, possibly to evacuate them. If this happen you have to fight your way to them or conquer the main security hub and assume control over, then disabling, the stations security.

Perhaps at this point you manage to cancel all locked doors and such, to more easily overwhelm any security left and open any shelters any civilians are hiding in. At that point said civilian's are likely shoot, or if you have time dragged off as slaves – they are after all the families of your enemies and might make very fine servants, or fetch good money either as hostages in turn (ooh, the lovely irony) to be ransomed back, or slaves to be auctioned off.

Maybe you will find Myxx's family in the station then, or perhaps they had time to be shipped off in an SDII transport, possibly along with more civilians – in this case you will have to stop all transports trying to leave. Those taken who did not have your family (if any) might make good slaves too.

With your family in hand, the defenders dead and dying, the families the same or in your custody, you may deploy your nuke to blow up the station after you leave. The Angel's retreat with their cargo and the remaining soldiers and ships not blown up yet, and make it back to Curse through the Serpentis' gate network.

Congratulations, your job is done.


this is what you did not do. This is one of the things you might have done. Simply ignored the option of trying to do anything might well have been viable, waiting for the SDII to release Myxx's folks on their own. If after quite some time (say, 3 weeks, a month?) they still had not, you would in a manner have been justified in attacking, even. After all, Seri would have lied and the SDII would have kept your family. By the time you struck others might have shared in, for instance; what if there were other capsuleers on this station? A member of the EL-G helping to organize the defense, for instance? Working out a scenario with them over some time could have been loads of fun for all of you. If you had gone with the option of attacking and say, taken slaves of their families, another reason to escalate the situation would have presented itself. The fun would have gone on.

Basically Niki, I'm angry with you for not only denying anyone else who might have wanted in on this golden chance the enjoyment, but also for god-moding it into absurdity - something that has hurt your reputation, IMHO – and for going for the cheap-shot of simply claiming that “Seri and his ilk are evil and suck, we are good and rule” in very simple terms.

If you get a chance to co-opt a RP story with anyone else again, I hope this does not repeat.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #37 on: 05 Oct 2010, 19:16 »

fair enough, and yes, to be honest, most of what Seri said was decent, but after 5 hours of arguing with him (and arguing with him is not like discussing something with say you, you put things in much more reasonable terms and make Seri's requests make sense) anyway, after five hours, it took all my strength not to throw my computer through a wall, I was pissed off, kneejerk reaction takes over.

So yeah, I apologize to Seri for sorta jumping the shark on things, and damaging what could have been a good RP. But thats the thing, it wasn't a good RP. It wasn't fun, I wasn't enjoying it, I wanted the entire thing over and done with so I didn't have to deal with Seri any more.

It was stupid and uncalled for and childish etc etc. I admit it, I am at fault. Not only am I at fault for what I did, but I am at fault for trying to RP out something complex with someone I never really liked.
oh well. Live and learn.
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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #38 on: 05 Oct 2010, 19:34 »

There is always another time, hopefully you might enjoy it then.

Also, if you want stuff worked out with someone you don't absolutely like working with, you might consider just leaving it alone or getting a 3rd party intermediary to act as buffer for the two sides.

If you want something worked out with seriphyn again - or anyone else for that matter - and want a 3rd part opinion you might ask me. I'd enjoy helping you work out a co-opted scenario, I think.

At least if not I'll try to be civilized enouh to inform you of this and pulling out or whatever.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #39 on: 06 Oct 2010, 02:03 »

What disturbs me is all player organizations are Loyalists to their main factions they are loyal to only, we're Capsuleers... When Blood Inquisition does things we don't say we where ordered to by the Blood Raiders or they hold our prisoners etc.  or they supply us with elite shock troops to do planetary raids,  we have our own bases and such.

We've done about 10 events in our days with Aurora actors, most not even announced on Galnet or shown on Eve news. But what i'm getting at is, Unless we really did it with the faction we are loyal to,  we stay away from saying Blood Raiders support this or helped us with that etc. and think all Loyalist / Capsuleer organizations should do the same.

Think this whole player plot line, involved the npc factions to much for my liking.

Julianus Soter

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #40 on: 06 Oct 2010, 07:07 »

What disturbs me is all player organizations are Loyalists to their main factions they are loyal to only, we're Capsuleers... When Blood Inquisition does things we don't say we where ordered to by the Blood Raiders or they hold our prisoners etc.  or they supply us with elite shock troops to do planetary raids,  we have our own bases and such.

We've done about 10 events in our days with Aurora actors, most not even announced on Galnet or shown on Eve news. But what i'm getting at is, Unless we really did it with the faction we are loyal to,  we stay away from saying Blood Raiders support this or helped us with that etc. and think all Loyalist / Capsuleer organizations should do the same.

Think this whole player plot line, involved the npc factions to much for my liking.

That's my thought about all of this. Unless the faction in question is explicitly involved via actors of some kind, then you can't involve them. And why would you? Capsuleers are capable of doing plenty of faction-like things themselves. The main problem is: do you want to own up to the consequences, and take responsibility for it?


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #41 on: 06 Oct 2010, 07:27 »

Eh, at no point did I ever think it was an argument. But hey, don't have to like me, I'm used to that now lol /emo

See, now the interesting thing about RPing a member of an NPC faction...if you claim you are "Federation Navy", well, unless your corp says so, you are most obviously not. SDII is a bit different. There is absolutely no way both IC or OOC you can prove or disprove Seri maybe being a Black Eagle. Even if CCP came out with an FIO character and said "No, Seriphyn is not a member of the FIO", that is still not proof, as no intelligence agency discloses details of their agents. The same applies to anyone wishing to RP an undercover agent. (or you could be like Vieve, and just not tell anyone about it).

In a more general sense, I point to the chronicle Her Painted Selves.

He'd showed them the setup when he first came into the deal, explaining that while some people would undoubtedly guess his identity, it shouldn't be publicly acknowledged by anyone on the team. The capsuleer had offered an unknown addition to the funds the Federation had earmarked for Gerets' operation, enough to secure him a watcher's position in the press circus that surrounded the couple. He wasn't shy about his support, though its scope was unrevealed, but this effort wasn't supposed to be about him.

"Let me tell you something," he said. "The people who organized this, as far as they're concerned, Gerets is no hero. He's a terribly unlucky everyman, chosen to be a poster boy of what the enemy did to our people and handed a little bone to chew on as a thanks. Before I came into this deal, the plan was to stagger the release of regrowth money so much and thrust it behind such masses of red tape that you'd effectively have been serfs of the government in perpetuity. I brought in ten times what they'd set aside for you, and even that amount is less than I can make in a day. You owe them nothing, nor me, nor anyone else.

In addition, think about the militias. All the ranks for capsuleers are the commissioned ranks. What about the non-commissioned ranks? These are most likely the crewmen and staff, in fact, a news article mentioned Soldiers enlisted in the State Protectorate are reportedly giving vent to their views by using photographs of the three CEOs on their firing ranges, making it likely that player capsuleers are the officers and commanders of these enlisted troops. Sure the ranks mean nothing mechanically, but in terms of fluff?
« Last Edit: 06 Oct 2010, 18:11 by Seriphyn »


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #42 on: 06 Oct 2010, 09:53 »

The same applies to anyone wishing to RP an undercover agent. (or you could be like Vieve, and just not tell everyone about it).

Fixed that for you.

And speaking from atop that particular soapbox of mine, why was all of this splashed across the IGS in the first place?  The story arc only involved two or three parties, and I couldn't see many open hooks for others to become involved in it.1

1Disclaimer: while I generally prefer letting people (including me) hang themselves with their own IC ropes, at Seri's request, I backed away from an opportunity to do so.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #43 on: 06 Oct 2010, 11:16 »

I can't speak to the specific situations above, both because I don't know anything about them and because my opinion wouldn't really matter. However, I've personally always found that the clandestine ops RP stuff works best when nobody really knows about it. (I will henceforth refer to this as "the Vieve approach".)

As an example, while very few folks over time picked up on it, Casiella has long been heavily involved with the RSS. I'd mention it to one degree or another in the brief bits of fiction on my EVE blog, but in-game and in RP it's not something I broadcast. That would defeat the purpose of clandestine and covert operations in the first place.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #44 on: 06 Oct 2010, 12:46 »

See, now the interesting thing about RPing a member of an NPC faction...if you claim you are "Federation Navy", well, unless your corp says so, you are most obviously not. SDII is a bit different. There is absolutely no way both IC or OOC you can prove or disprove Seri maybe being a capsuleer. Even if CCP came out with an FIO character and said "No, Seriphyn is not a member of the FIO", that is still not proof,

Well, same can be said about anyone, I could say I'm the husband of Dracrila Merlone , a lvl4 BR agent and Commander belt rat npc, Or that I'm her right hand man, but all in all I don't think its good RP to involve NPC factions/characters so closely as Capsuleers and Loyalists...  On other hand We "BL-IN" in fact "did" an event with Aurora actors in space back in 2005. who played Dracrila Merlone, If i quoted events that took place or referenced things that came to be from our interactions or happened as a result of that event even months/year later, like how she inspired me to have courage and be so loyal to my beliefs , then theres nothing wrong with that per say...

Respectful RP: Some may view the Blood Raiders as a peacefull organizations that are relentlessly attacked by others, an evil organization but they are so twisted they think they are the "good guyS" and everything they do evil is actually good, murder = compassion etc , so If i made a player event saying Blood Raiders know their ruthless killers and love bathing in children's blood at night, it might game break others views/rp. so I wouldnt view it as good RP choice.

In closing, Each Capsuleer/Loyalist organization has their own infrastructure like a npc corp, our own planetary bases (PI), starbases (pos's), and trained troops / combat squads that we can imagine up.  When you start involving the NPC faction too closely in your plots/events as a capsuleer you can break others enjoyment of how they interact/view that faction. Its up to you how you RP, but I'd try to be respectfull to others,  RP allows us limitless choices in our plots/interactions...

Edit: So yes, we seperate ourselves from saying we "are" Sani Sabik
                  We in fact are a "sect" who follow its scripture and teachings.
                  Our interpretations of Sani Sabik may vary from others. just as RL religions

                  We don't play as Blood Raider officers/Operatives etc.
                  We are loyalists to the Blood Raider Covenant. but seperate
« Last Edit: 06 Oct 2010, 14:54 by Sabbott »
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