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as Emperor, Doriam Kor-Azor changed the name of the fourth planet of the Kor-Azor system to Eclipticum and its moons to Black Viperia, Griklaeum, and Kileakum in honor of the champions who won him the throne.

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Author Topic: SDII and godmodding.  (Read 12173 times)


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #15 on: 15 Sep 2010, 06:50 »

god-moding. (ONE D, DAMN YOU.)

This. Oh, so emphatically this.

Alain Colcer

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #16 on: 15 Sep 2010, 08:06 »


I think that you as a capsuleer being part of the trial and/or execution of individuals has some details that cannot be sustained, not saying it is not possible, just that has some odd element to it

You could have done a very similar thing, indicating that you working pñersonally in the investigation and acting on behalf of the SDII or FIO, delivered sustantial evidence to convict and execute the listed individuals under federal law.

However, i despise the general response the thread has received.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #17 on: 15 Sep 2010, 08:23 »

I ran out of character space actually...

Should have said Seriphyn helped recover these individuals...that is certainly 100% plausible, given missions handed out by the FIO (they have an 'Internal Security' division, in fact).

The focus is, however, the fictional quality, not the fact that Seriphyn may or may not have participated in it. The only connection is the person who posted it, but that's a connection enough for most so >_>


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #18 on: 15 Sep 2010, 08:41 »

The  best roleplaying in that thread was from Demented Pilot.

Saxon Hawke

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #19 on: 15 Sep 2010, 09:29 »

Meh - I liked it.

It was the first thread in weeks that I actually felt some compunction to reply to.

In that case, I am the Prince of Harroule. It's all stupid, obviously.
That one is stupid because everyone knows Harroule is a Republic.

Regarding the FIO angle, Soter does have a 9.5 with them. I can use it, in a way, to RP his sourcing, to highlight something that is false.
I'm interested in how other people feel about this statement. Saxon is over a 9 in standings with Fed Navy. And he's over 8 with Senate and approaching 8 with Supreme Court. I've alluded to his connections with these organizations, but never made a direct connection (other than one short story where a Senator visits Saxon at the ILF's cultural center).
I think it's safe to say someone with such a high standing would obviously have connections, but is there a consensus on a safe way to include it in one's RP?


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #20 on: 15 Sep 2010, 09:34 »

I believe that standings of that sort factored into Seri's original decision to leave EM and start his own corp with an affiliation to the Fed.

And while I rarely talk about it publicly (for reasons that should be fairly clear once you see them), I certainly consider Casi's standings to be more or less IC.

Senn Typhos

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #21 on: 15 Sep 2010, 10:08 »

The  best roleplaying in that thread was from Demented Pilot.

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #22 on: 15 Sep 2010, 11:08 »

I'll post something about the definition of god-moding shortly in a separate thread.

I'm considered fairly heretical among RP-ers because I don't even consider PF as leading, if only for the reason that I have neither read all PF, certainly not memorized all the PF I read, don't consider all the PF I read sources that are publicly available, truthful or without room for interpretation.

The fallacy here is that one needs to read and memorize all the PF and accept it as 100% truthful to be able to RP in EVE or risk to be called out as 'a liar' by those who have read and memorized (etc.) some piece of PF.

In this case, Seriphyn's post threads dangerous ground because his interpretation is wide in scope, some distance from his own character, collides with other people's interpretation of the game world and provides few escape hatches.

Hamish Grayson

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #23 on: 15 Sep 2010, 14:06 »

I think what people may have trouble with is that it is something you are saying an NPC organization is doing being presented as fact.

Other people have as much right to say it didn't happen as you do to say it did happen.

It only becomes god-modding, I would think, if people say it didn't happen, and you tell those players that their characters have to believe it did happen because you say so. Really ineffectual god modding, I suppose. If you stick to your character claiming things, well. He can claim whatever he wants, right? Doesn't mean anyone has to believe it is true, or agree.

About as much as Lai Dai Infinity Systems is affliated with Lai Dai, and so on from there...

Unlike some other corporations we don't claim any real special recognition or input from Lai Dai.   We're more like Lai Dai groupees than anything.  And to be honest I've always had problems with us claiming as much of a connection as we do.  I felt the same way about CAIN claiming to have any special privliages from the Caldari Navy that any other corporation with high standings with them couldn't also get.
« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2010, 14:14 by Hamish Grayson »


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #24 on: 15 Sep 2010, 16:07 »

That one is stupid because everyone knows Harroule is a Republic.

It's a ceremonial title. Like the Prince of Wales.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #25 on: 15 Sep 2010, 23:17 »

Still, if you think someone is taking excessive liberties with the PF, taking liberties of your own to say "NUH-UH" IC and in public is a ridiculously excessive scorched-earth way to deal with it.


I for one really liked it.

Until the usual situations arose.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Arvo Katsuya

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #26 on: 16 Sep 2010, 00:37 »

I worked it into my roleplay... and actually, I wonder if CCP was anticipating someone was going to create a sort of event Seriphyn created. Could have happened from any of the four factions, as the whole event is litterally at some level, a witch hunt.

In any case, it fills in the blanks.

Rodj Blake

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #27 on: 16 Sep 2010, 02:39 »

You can determine the actions of your own character.

You can to a certain (though lesser) extent determine the actions of your character's crew or family.

Anything else and you're getting into the realms of godmoding.


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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #28 on: 16 Sep 2010, 06:52 »

You can determine the actions of your own character.

You can to a certain (though lesser) extent determine the actions of your character's crew or family.

Anything else and you're getting into the realms of godmoding.

Why can you determine actions of your crew and family and not other NPCs?

Why a restriction to actions only? Is it never Godmoding to describe things? Or can you describe just your own clothes and those of your servants?

What about you describing that you are wearing an indestructable armored suit? How about your actions making you leap tall buildings in a single bound. Godmoding y/n?

In fact, if I say my character fought against the Elder invasion fleet, it is highly likely I will be accused of Godmoding even though I am only describing my actions, and those actions are well inside the realm of game and world logic. However no player will believe I did fight that fleet because they know OOC that it is not be possible because there wasn't an actual in-game battle of the Elders and the Amarr fleet, even though there is no way to prove or disprove my claim.

Obviously, there is a lot more to Godmoding than just what you mentioned, any time you make an interpretation that is not directly verifiable through indepedent in-game mechanics you are Godmoding. If you are called out for 'making stuff up' depends on a lot of other things and I gave examples of this in the other thread.

Rodj Blake

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Re: SDII and godmodding.
« Reply #29 on: 16 Sep 2010, 07:51 »

You can determine the actions of your own character.

You can to a certain (though lesser) extent determine the actions of your character's crew or family.

Anything else and you're getting into the realms of godmoding.

Why can you determine actions of your crew and family and not other NPCs?

Because when I RP the actions of other NPCs, other NPCs includes your crew and your family.   Are you hapy with me deciding what your crew has been up to?

The only exception that I can think of is using the actions of NPCs to explain something in general terms that has actually happened.

It's essentially a question of distance, as per your own thread on this subject.  The closer the NPCs are to you, then the less likely it is to be godmoding.  Family and crew are pretty darned close to you.

Why a restriction to actions only? Is it never Godmoding to describe things? Or can you describe just your own clothes and those of your servants?

In general, you should only be going around making original descriptions of things that your character could directly control, or which can be reasonably inferred from existing canon.

What about you describing that you are wearing an indestructable armored suit? How about your actions making you leap tall buildings in a single bound. Godmoding y/n?

I'm reasonably certain that in Eve the technology exists to leap over tall buildings, especially on low-grav worlds.   The key thing here is: does it go against the spirit or the letter of the PF?

In fact, if I say my character fought against the Elder invasion fleet, it is highly likely I will be accused of Godmoding even though I am only describing my actions, and those actions are well inside the realm of game and world logic. However no player will believe I did fight that fleet because they know OOC that it is not be possible because there wasn't an actual in-game battle of the Elders and the Amarr fleet, even though there is no way to prove or disprove my claim.

If you say that your character fought against the Elder Fleet, then you're also saying that the Elder Fleet fought against you.   In other words, you're trying to determine the actions of NPCs.

« Last Edit: 16 Sep 2010, 08:00 by Rodj Blake »
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