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Author Topic: Conversations between the player and the podder.  (Read 10780 times)


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #45 on: 11 Jun 2013, 10:27 »

We NEED a Makkal is best necro(philiac) gif about now...

Thanks btw. I had forgotten this old gem, and it got me in the mood this morning.
If not for Mak, I wouldn't be able to contribute to all these fun threads, so I concur!  Can't wait to be spaceship foes with NECROTRON. :D

So, then...

Me:  Enkil, I've been thinking we should tone it down to facilitate a more approachable inter-personal RP face.
Havo:  But... Why?
Me:  'cause when I'm too lazy to hunt, it'd be nice if you had peeps to talk to?
Havo: ...I talk to lots of "peeps."
Me:  Yeah?  Like who?
Havo:  Aria.
Me:  Once in a blue, with something interesting sure, but I'd hardly call that a social life.
Havo:  ...Targets.
Me:  Ransom demands != conversation.
Havo:  ...fuck you.  No, really, I mean it!  I'm out here trying to grind ISK for Plexes via ransom, wardec extortion and scamming so you don't have to sit through missions, I'm fighting the good fight and freeing teh slaves and shit, and all you wanna do is bust it up with space wierdos and be popular like Jade and Verone and them.  I'm into some SRS FKNG SHITE HERE!
Me:  Yeah, but you don't even care about the slaves and you hate missions as much as I do, even after we T2-fitted the Maelstrom and-
Havo: Enough!  We'll make ONE new friend, but that's IT!
Me: Gate acc!
Havo: On it!

That was us 3 years ago... Will probably not change.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #46 on: 11 Jun 2013, 10:33 »

Me: Okay, time to finish that hauling.
Cia: No.
Me: What do you mean, no?
Cia: I'm not doing any hauling until you finish planning my wedding.
Me: Oh for ... okay, look, I'll plan the wedding while we haul.
Cia: No. Before, or I don't get in the freighter.
Me: But hauling is the perfect time to write stuff up!
Cia: No. You'll get distracted by Facebook. Or turn the TV on again.
Me: I promise I won't!
Cia: You promised you wouldn't last time and I'm still not married!
Me: This time I really, really mean it, I swear. Come on. Just start the hauling and I'll plan the wedding.
Cia: No. I've been waiting months to get married while you've been too busy with work, as if that's as important as the most important day of my life, apart from the birth of my children and meeting Charlie and getting sort of adopted by Amieta and becoming a pod-pilot and -
Me: So really, not the most important day of your life.
Cia: That is not the point! I want a wedding! With interesting local customs! And a dress! And I'm not undocking until you get cracking on the planning!
Me: Please?
Cia: No. I don't want to. And I chipped a nail this morning. And besides, that obelisk makes my bum look big.

Camille: Hey! Let's go to low-sec and pirate somebody!
Me: Are you kidding?
Camille: No! It'll be awesome super fun! And I can smack them in local after with lots and lots of exclamation marks!
Me: Camille, you're not actually a pod-pilot yet!
Camille: So? I'm a super good pilot! I've had all that practice in the simulator, what's it called again?
Me: Sisi.
Camille: Because it's for sissies who are too scared to take their characters into low sec and do some super fun awesome pirating?
Me: No. And I'm not going to risk getting you blown up.
Camille: Why not? It'd be fun!
Me: Because you're not actually a pod-pilot yet and if you get podded I'd have to biomass you!
Camille: Pffft. Just don't and say you did.
Me: Uh ... no. Because then I'd have to explain why someone was auctioning your corpse on the IGS.
Camille: Say it's a fake!
Me: And explain the killmail.
Camille: Say it's a fake!
Me: Nobody would buy that.
Camille: People will buy anything if you say it loud enough. Don't you pay attention to politics?
Me: I am not taking you to low-sec, Camille. Be happy I trained you enough to fly on Sisi.
Camille: Oh, all right, fine. If you won't take me I'll go myself.
Me: You can't go yourself, you're a character in a computer ga - Camille? Camille! Get back here right this instant!

Alts 2 through 5 : Are you ever going to finish our storylines?
Me: Uhhh ... remind me who you are again?
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

Laria Raven

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #47 on: 11 Jun 2013, 11:23 »

Me: What are you up to?
Laria: ...
Me: No, really. What's with the sec status?
Laria: I are evil pirate.
Me: No, you only did that because you thought wings would look cute. You're inept, and you... pose...
Laria: La-la-la not listening...look! tin foil's shiny!.... la-la-la

Saede Riordan > Yeah and Leopold is the human pond scum. Laria's alright...ish.


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #48 on: 11 Jun 2013, 13:21 »

I was about to write a conversation between myself and Istvaan, but realized it'd be more efficient to say we'd immediately fuck, then one of us would kill and replace the other.

Steffanie Saissore

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #49 on: 12 Jun 2013, 11:44 »

Steff: So, let's talk about...things.
Me: know, that's never a good way to start.
Steff: *shrug* I was thinking about making some changes to the script.
Me: There isn't one, remember?  You just...kinda happened and we're both figuring things out.
Steff: Oh, there is a script.  Trust me.  There is one and I'm changing it.
Me: Cute...only problem I see is I'm the creator here, not you.
Steff: You made me, but I've been the one filling out the holes and I'd like to make changes to what you had in mind.
Me: Fine.
Steff: First change, I'm not going to be a ditsy party girl.  You're horrible at it anyway.  I do like your notion of knights though, that can stay.
Me: Fine.  Is that all or can you get into your ship now?
Steff: No, not done.  The whole knight thing got me thinking and we're going to go try exploring the tragic figure...idealistic, fragile psyche, and possibly darker emotions mixed in.
Me: No.  Not doing angsty.  I did that when I was in high school.  We are not going to do that.
Steff: Too late, already happened.
Me: *facepalm*
Steff: You know you want to.  Another chance to explore the darker side of the emotional spectrum...oh, but don't worry, we can do happy and positive too.  Think about it.
Me: ... I hate you
Steff: *laughs* How can you hate me?  You made me, right?  Let's do this together.  It'll be fun.
Me: about I just leave you docked here for a while and work on the sebbie?
Steff: What?  You'd abandoned me for that...that...thing?  Hmmph!
Me: She's not a thing and you'll hurt her feelings talking like that.  Chill out, read a book, watch your ship spin...something.  You just need a break

- several minutes later -

Me: What the ****?
Steff: I met this really sweet Caldari woman who invited me over for a drink.
Me:!  Bastion of purity and all of that...wasn't that why you wanted the knighthood?
Steff: I have needs too you know.  Besides, it plays well into my story.  Might even be the catalyst for a 'fall from grace'
Me: *facepalms*
Steff: But it'll be fantastic.  Just think of all the possibilities...the drama...all of it!
Me: You're insane, you know that?  Completely off your rocker.  Bug-**** nuts even.  You need help
Steff: Love me!
Me: Okay, that's it.  We're calling it a night.  See a shrink while I'm'll do us both good.
Steff: You'll be back!

Either this is a clear indication that I'm insane or not drinking enough  ;)
Still, despite the weird stuff that goes on in my head in building Steff, she has actually turned into one of my all-time favorite RP characters.
"And if the music stops, there's only the sound of the rain.  All the hope and glory, all the sacrifice in vain.  And if love remains though everything is lost, we will pay the price, but we will not count the cost."

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #50 on: 12 Jun 2013, 12:00 »

Me: Oh uh, hi. You wanted to talk?

Silas: You know what this is about.

Me: The ship loss last week?

Silas: *nods*

Me: Look, I just wanted to collect a few of those new security tags. Sawny made like 3 billion in 24 hours selling his first batches. Easy money!

Silas:  It was ratting. Vile and demeaning for us to even think about wasting our time doing that. What's worse, we lost a ship.  Embarrassingly. Hot dropped by a bunch of black ops like a fresh out of academy idiot.  Do you want to stay at 95% efficiency where we belong or are you going to continue being pathetic and stupid?

Me: *sulks* No.... I don't wan't to keep being stupid....

Silas: Good. We do not rat. Say it.


Silas: SAY IT.

Me: ... we do not rat.

Silas: Splendid! Matter the second.  I am.... disappointed with your time commitments lately. You've been distracted.  We have big things in the works!

Me: I know I know, but hey come on; Work, social life, getting married? Buying a house? I'm fucking swamped ok? Just... gimme a little break here we'll get to every thing I promise.

Silas: Oh I'm not upset, it's quite alright.

Me: Really? You're the best! I know you'd understand.

Silas: Oh I understand perfectly.  We won't be needing you any more.  Guards?  Take him away.  On the rack he goes!

Me: *What?! No! Wait! *scuffles*  Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!


Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #51 on: 12 Jun 2013, 12:18 »

Me: You're a twisted bitch, y'know.
Reppy: Uh huh.  Join the club, you made me into this.
Me: Oh, it wasn't a criticism.  What's next on the agenda?
Reppy: I'm bored.  Let's go find someone to cheat on Morwen with.
Me:'re lucky I'm the one playing you.  You'd blow all of your covers so rapidly otherwise.
Reppy: Covers are boooooooring.
Ashley: Just be glad that only one of us is like that.
Me: ...Masque, dear, Reppy's the simplest of the entire bunch to play.  I still don't understand you, and I made you.
Reppy: That reminds me.  When are you going to bring Mortis back, you lazy bastard?
Me: Gotta dash.

I get on well with my characters, despite the shit I put them through.  It's just slightly combative >>

Ché Biko

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #52 on: 12 Jun 2013, 16:47 »

Secret Spy-to-be Toon: 8) Hey, is it time for me to finally start infiltrating some alliances, or is Ché still hogging up all your EVE-time?
Me: :| Ché is pretty much more than enough to fill my time with, so no, no infiltrating yet. And it doesn't look like that will change any time soon.
 8)Oh. So I'm still just enjoying the lazy playboy life of an inactive capsuleer enjoying his fortune? Fine by me.
 :) Good. Just go easy on the drugs, okay? Oh, and I love you for being an easy character with no progression at all.
 8)And I ... appreciate that you throw some of the CCP gifts my way.
 :) You're welcome, I gotta fuel that playboy lifestyle in some way.

Andreus Ixiris

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #53 on: 14 Jun 2013, 08:00 »

Andreus: No, nominally it was a really excellent idea.
Andrew: I'm glad you think so.
Andreus: But there's a problem.
Andrew: There always is with you.
Andreus: You don't have to justify it, because as a person playing a subscription-based video game, you always have the excuse of "I pay fifteen dollars-"
Andrew: Pounds.
Andreus: "Fifteen pounds a month. Bitch step off, I can have fun however I want."
Andrew: It's definitely a convenient justification.
Andreus: What I'm saying is that I now have to explain to them why I left Mixed Metaphor to join a notionally Caldari organisation that still happened to be in the State Protectorate at the time.
Andrew: Well that's not my problem.
Andreus: Given that as a player character I'm literally an extension of you, technically it is.
Andrew: Yeah but no-one's asked.
Andreus: That one guy asked.
Andrew: Yeah but fuck that guy.
Andreus: OK, say someone we care about asks.
Andrew: You were bored of factional warfare and wanted to hang out with a larger corporation full of friends. That's essentially the same reason I made the decision.
Andreus: I guess that's as reasonable a justification as any.
Andrew: Hey, I mean, look on the bright side.
Andreus: Which would be...?
Andrew: It's not going to be as hard to explain to them as it's going to be to explain your seven-day bout of complete inactivity when I go to Anthrocon.
Andreus: Oh you son of a bitch


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #54 on: 14 Jun 2013, 10:54 »

Kala: When are we going flying again?
Kala: But I'm boooored. I've been planetside for almost 10 months now.
Keiran: Cry me a river, at least you don't have to do exams. Anyway, :things: are in motion. Summer is Coming.
Kala: Yaaay!
Keiran: But only if you stop crying and get your political views sorted. We're not doing any flying until we've worked out who deserves shooting the most.
Kala: Whooo Guns!
Keiran: *sigh*

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Ava Starfire

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #55 on: 17 Jun 2013, 05:10 »

Amanda: Why do I log in?
Ava: Because you need to help me save the Minmatar and all that, remember?
Amanda: Yeah. But to do that, you'd need to undock.
Ava: You know, every time you get in a mood, I get in a mood. What gives?
Amanda: I dunno.
Ava: Well, snap out of it! Stop making me suffer because you're having a glum day!
Amanda: What if you're the one having the glum day and I am just suffering cause of you?
Ava: ...
Amanda: Well, you pretty much ARE me, you know? I mean, in-game?
Ava: Yeah. I know, you bitch. You quit smoking and made me quit too!
Amanda: That isnt what I meant...
Ava: And you're not dealing real well with approaching the big four-oh, so neither am I.
Amanda: Hey! Damn it!
Ava: And you're still single, never had any kids, all that...
Amanda: I'm so gonna biomass you...
Ava: The hell you are! I'm your favorite toon!
Kyllsa: You so sure about that, Ava? *waves*
Amanda: *smug* Now, do what I tell you! Go orbit that damn plex button and bitch about how we never have any RP with anyone!
Ava: *grumbles* fine...
Kyllsa: *popcorn*

Ava Starfire

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #56 on: 17 Jun 2013, 05:16 »

Kala: When are we going flying again?
Kala: But I'm boooored. I've been planetside for almost 10 months now.
Keiran: Cry me a river, at least you don't have to do exams. Anyway, :things: are in motion. Summer is Coming.
Kala: Yaaay!
Keiran: But only if you stop crying and get your political views sorted. We're not doing any flying until we've worked out who deserves shooting the most.
Kala: Whooo Guns!
Keiran: *sigh*



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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #57 on: 17 Jun 2013, 14:19 »

Right now?

Grid: So...
Me: So...
Grid: It's come to this.
Me: Yep.
Grid: So, see you around I guess?
Me: Yep. Try to enjoy your break. Try and use it as a chance to grow up and find some friends.
Grid: Bit hard to find friends when you're in self-imposed exile
Me: Point taken. At least you can learn to lay off the popcorn.
Grid: Hey man, I like that popcorn.
Me: Me too. But it's a bit too much of a lampshading device when you keep bringing it out all the time.
Grid: Dude, I wear a lampshade for a hat.
Me: Well you're going to have to take that off as well. When break time is over, you're going to become a real character.
Grid: Naw man, that sounds like real work! I don't want to do any work. And neither do you, admit it!
Me: *Piercing stare*
Grid: *sigh* Fine. Whatever. Just don't go all toaster on me, ok?

Ché Biko

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #58 on: 05 Feb 2014, 18:07 »

Ché:  :D Hey.
Me: :| Hmm?
:D Guess what.
 :| What?
My fucking name is going to be on a monument in your world. I am better than you.  :P :lol:
-_- Fuck you.

Elmund Egivand

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #59 on: 05 Feb 2014, 20:21 »

In Space:
Me        : *Check D-Scan*
Elmund : Tristan on D-Scan. 15 degrees scan indicate location Minmatar Small Compound this direction.
Me        : *Check Local*
Elmund : Bringing up local entities list. Possibly war target <insert name here>, Corporation <insert name here>, infomorph age <insert character age here>
Me        : *Thinks about possible fits matched with character age and employment history*
Elmund : Probability of fit <shield/armour>: <insert probability estimate>
Me        : *Weighing risk/reward*
Elmund : We can take it.
Me        : *Looks at weapon module*
Elmund : Switching rockets to <Javelin Mjolnir/Rage Nova>, initiating warp, overheating Medium Ancillary Shield Boosters.
Me        : *Hits warp button*
Elmund : Time to earn our keep! Engaging!

In station:
Me        : *Checks wallet*
Elmund : We are in the red again. Where's that balance book? Oh, here we go. Expenditures on the missus has increased. Probably low supply in market causing a price hike.
Me        : *Considers downgrading Breacher fit*
Elmund : Not an option! Never not pamper the missus! This is impolite to the lady!
Me        : Looks up PI, industrial sheet, etc etc etc
Elmund : We will increase the roster of manufactured rigs! Checking demand for rigs!

When looking up agent list:
Elmund : Disengage right now!
Me        : But we need monies!
Elmund : Do that again and I will load you into a rocket pod.
Me        : Hah! Try it!
Elmund : You filthy bastard! May you have a spaceship crash on you one day!
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2014, 20:25 by Elmund Egivand »
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