is this seriously about getting credit?
come on dude don't be like that, you already posted something like this on my thread
here (ty for trying to 1up me on my idea btw)
go back to the first page & find the 11th reply by Havo
((idk how to qoute a qoute in qoute))
he said he suggested making the sub forums because of a RP scene building
not because of me, because of you,skyhound,yun,adamance etc etc
what Anslo said im not exactly sure but he was around when i 1st started RPing in summit
i was & still am (as far as i know) the 1st Duster MAIN to RP in a EVE community
none taken btw
No, this was an attempt at taking a joke. I know you're more known, I'm just horrible at jokes.