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Author Topic: Lurking in channels  (Read 7046 times)


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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #45 on: 11 Jun 2013, 00:46 »

While this is the policy I generally subscribe to it also opens up other questions. For example, in those physical locations do you fly to the system they're actually located in? If not, why?

When Makkal went to visit Silas I literally jumped through the various null/low gates, docked in station, and sat there for six hours.


Because Makkal could have gotten popped on the way there or the way back. Because someone could have run a locator agent on her at that time. Because someone she knew could have come into local and seen her.

Skipping that danger by sitting in IRED station is - wait for it - cheating.

There are times when I've done 'for fun' RPs and not been in those actual systems, but I am rather dedicated to keeping my RP as based in space as I can. I'm far from perfect and I understand others feel differently, but it's important for me as a player.

« Last Edit: 11 Jun 2013, 00:52 by Makkal »
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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #46 on: 11 Jun 2013, 01:42 »

I do a similar thing - visit physical locations physically. Ofc, BB practically never bothers to visit any of these places and only hang out in various com channels, bun when he dies it kind of becomes a big deal. Last time was a visit to a character's home, basically, and going /me arrives in the flesh when that home is in Republic Space and I'm sitting in a different Nation's station is kind of lame. Thus going to physical locations become an event in itself - I can't be in any two such places at once and NEED to know where they are to actually go there.

I feel it adds to the immersion and the fun of actually doing the visit. People can see me in the station or in the nearest station if the location is on a planet - taking a shuttle down the orbital elevator etc. from the closest location where his ship can be found.

So I too subscribe to the lurk in coms ok lurk in physical places not ok policy.


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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #47 on: 11 Jun 2013, 01:53 »

And almost a year later, this thread was reactivated  ;) ;)

Lasa lurks in a few channels. Not cause I'm trying to be like crazy or anything, but because I know friends of mine hang out there. If I feel like RPing, I'll join them so it's convenient for me.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #48 on: 11 Jun 2013, 06:29 »

I can eventually cope with coming ingame in flesh in physical stations, but as soon as it becomes some physical place like Mercy's Keep which is located "somewhere" on Athra, I won't, there is obviously no capsuleer station in the Athra mountains.

And I am sorry that my lurking disturb you, I really admire your dedication for it not to happen, but I personally can't do otherwise. It is already sufficiently hard to find RP somewhere else than on Summit (hasn't happened for weeks/months for me, even if i'm pretty casually online).

So if everyone starts to leave the channel everytime he or she is finished here, we sure are not going to meet in there a lot. If everyone did that I would just connect to a channel "randomly" like "ohh which channel will I visit today ? I-RED lounge, I have not been there for ages !... But... wait ? Channel empty ? Doh. Let's try another one."

And so on. What is the point eventually ? Better to lurk on them all, save a lot of trouble since eventually the result is pretty much the same.

Except for real ingame physical places ofc.

Ché Biko

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #49 on: 11 Jun 2013, 07:57 »

If someone new joins a club or bar, and there are six people there not responding, does that have more of a negative impact than if the channel was empty?
I prefer them without lurkers, but I don't mind them as much as long as they don't use lurking for gaining OOC knowledge or suddenly "have been there all the time" when they hear/see something they were not supposed to hear/see.

Personally, I don't lurk unless I'm nearby and would notice some stuff going on (for example, when Ché is in his room in The Bunny Lounge, I would leave the main channel open in case someone knocks on the door or something), Ché sent someone there to check things out, or I just want to read the MOTD (for info like where the location is, how to get there, etc.).

I fly to physical locations as much as I can, but sometimes I handwave and "leave my iNeocom on a station while I Interbus", mostly when there's not a location specified or it's planetside, or when he goes to his homeworld (when I log off anyway). For this reason, about the only thing outside of high-sec Ché visited was one of the Seyllin conferences.

In comms channels like The Summit, lurking is fine. You don't even have to do "/me connects".
« Last Edit: 11 Jun 2013, 08:01 by Ché Biko »

Louella Dougans

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #50 on: 29 Jun 2013, 04:09 »

I like to limit my OOC knowledge. Lurking fucks with that. I also get tired of people IC knowing something they've only witnessed OOC.

Seen this coming up again recently. Places like Anslo's beach resort thingumy. Bunch of people log in, stay there all day, never say a word, so... they're clearly farming chatlogs, for IC information. Use it to try and discredit people.

No reasonable way to know anything IC. Installing surveillance devices = lol. That's godmodding, especially if it's not even your channel.

Also, removes RP from the community as a whole, in several ways:

1. Dissuades people from RPing, because of being spied on.

2. Eliminates gossip as an RP mechanism. No point in saying "hey, did you know that X and Y were at Z place?" with some slight embellishments, when someone who was chatlog farming shoots that down immediately with "No, that's not what happened", as if they were there, and would know.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #51 on: 29 Jun 2013, 04:22 »

I like to limit my OOC knowledge. Lurking fucks with that. I also get tired of people IC knowing something they've only witnessed OOC.

Seen this coming up again recently. Places like Anslo's beach resort thingumy. Bunch of people log in, stay there all day, never say a word, so... they're clearly farming chatlogs, for IC information. Use it to try and discredit people.

I am not even on this channel, but since I do it on a lot of others, I guess I am farming chatlogs and using that for IC information.  :roll:

As I said above, better to lurk in every channel rather than poping up in one randomly because "one feels that way ICly", and then seeing that since everybody do the same - coming in a channel only when their character goes there - then nobody is here of course. So, jumping to another channel to try one's luck again, until having done all the channels. That's the same result eventually.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #52 on: 29 Jun 2013, 04:45 »

I like to limit my OOC knowledge. Lurking fucks with that. I also get tired of people IC knowing something they've only witnessed OOC.

Seen this coming up again recently. Places like Anslo's beach resort thingumy. Bunch of people log in, stay there all day, never say a word, so... they're clearly farming chatlogs, for IC information. Use it to try and discredit people.

I am not even on this channel, but since I do it on a lot of others, I guess I am farming chatlogs and using that for IC information.  :roll:

Do you log in just after downtime, then leave your client running until downtime next day ? Do you do this days on end, without ever commenting just once in the channel ? No ? then it's not farming chatlogs.

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #53 on: 29 Jun 2013, 06:35 »

I like to limit my OOC knowledge. Lurking fucks with that. I also get tired of people IC knowing something they've only witnessed OOC.

Seen this coming up again recently. Places like Anslo's beach resort thingumy. Bunch of people log in, stay there all day, never say a word, so... they're clearly farming chatlogs, for IC information. Use it to try and discredit people.

I am not even on this channel, but since I do it on a lot of others, I guess I am farming chatlogs and using that for IC information.  :roll:

Do you log in just after downtime, then leave your client running until downtime next day ? Do you do this days on end, without ever commenting just once in the channel ? No ? then it's not farming chatlogs.

I sometimes do that and I honestly couldnt give a fuck about farming logs for IC reasons the only reason I do it is because OOC I'm interested in what people who I will never interact with are doing  :ugh:

Lyn Farel

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #54 on: 29 Jun 2013, 06:37 »

A lot of people often leave their client running and stay afk for incredible long periods of time as far as I know. To say that they do that exactly to farm chatlogs...

Not to say that it never happens and that nobody ever does that, of course, I would even be pretty surprised that it never occurs, but I am not sure that lurking in channels and staying logged on has for primary purpose to farm chatlogs...

Louella Dougans

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #55 on: 29 Jun 2013, 07:44 »

Well, why not ask about things in The Summit ? e.g. if no-one's at "the last gate" one time, then you can talk in "the summit", and someone else would say "oh, well, this one time stuff happened", and then arrangements can be made to meet at the last gate at some other time. And peopel say "it's a date!". Or not.

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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #56 on: 29 Jun 2013, 07:56 »

A lot of people often leave their client running and stay afk for incredible long periods of time as far as I know. To say that they do that exactly to farm chatlogs...

Not to say that it never happens and that nobody ever does that, of course, I would even be pretty surprised that it never occurs, but I am not sure that lurking in channels and staying logged on has for primary purpose to farm chatlogs...

I stay logged in for a couple reasons:

1. Chatlog gathering. Never know what you might stumble upon as you're going through old information, or, especially as a moderator in a few channels, what sort of messes might occur while you're away that it would be really nice to just have the logs of. I understand some people might frown on this, but it honestly seems perfectly legitimate to me. I lurk in some channels that have absolutely no connection to the RP community, and have nothing to do with my character. Why? Because people are fascinating to watch.

2. I notice and get to problems quicker and have less stuff dropped on my head at once on login if I just keep EVE running even while doing other things. Sitting in the tower with EVE going, minimized, doesn't really impair my ability to use my computer for most other things.
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Re: Lurking in channels
« Reply #57 on: 29 Jun 2013, 12:51 »

I generally stay logged into channels which are "Public" because I or others I like to interact with frequent the channel, but if its a private or semi-private space like someone's house or chapel or what have you (for example, Skadi's Hall), I close out of the channel when my character leaves.

I generally only look at chatlogs if I have to moderate a channel or if I remember a conversation I had with someone and want to bring it up again. I'm sure there are people who prowl through chatlogs, but honestly that sounds like an incredibly time-consuming task which is not really worth the effort IMO.
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