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Author Topic: Da Intarwebz  (Read 1230 times)


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Da Intarwebz
« on: 20 Feb 2013, 18:20 »

So. Internet.

Can be anything between a source of great amusement and/or entertainment, to a horrible experience waiting to happen and scar you for life. I'd like to have this tread for the appreciation and sharing of the former - you never know what's out there that some of us know about and enjoy, while  others don't. So in short, if you know of something on the great webz that you feel is worth sharing, kindly do. Just also keep in mind the simple art of being civil and of good behavior - let us know what you are linking to and/or sharing and mark any NSFW stuff you may share. Following the rules on these boards regarding what you share may be a good idea as well.

I may as well start.

First off I'll share a few links and short tidbits about a few web-comics I have and am currently/have been enjoying. Not all of them by far, but a few.

Dominic Deegan. - First shared to my by the fine patrons on these very forums (thank you so much btw, you know who you are) and I've enjoyed it from start to finish. It updates Monday trough Friday and will end sometime this year, it's creator have already announced he will create a new web-comic after DD ends.

I know I have not said anything about what the comic is about, I think you should find out yourself, as it only takes a few minutes to read 10-30 pages or so and figure out if you enjoy it enough to read on and bookmark it. This will be the case for all the others I list here as well. *EDIT* Dominic Deegan is now finished so it has the extra-added benefit of being a comic you can read from start to finish without having to wait for an update, and more importantly, it don't suffer from author existence failure and actually properly finish.

Star Power. A new Sci-Fi related comic from the original creator of Dominic Deegan and a co-creator, this promising little work has barely just started, and you can follow it from the very beginning if you wish. It should also be easy to get into it and understand what the story is about given it's rather limited length so far.

Gunnerkrigg Court. A Science-Fantasy comic updating three times a week. In short, IMHO, the stroy, setting, characters and artwork are all stunningly great, combining into a work of art I'm still glad I found completely by accident.

Goblins. A D&D Based comic set in a humorously stereotypical setting, it updates about once or twice a week. Art starts out okay but noticeably improves as it goes on. While greatly entertaining and with great artwork (by today's stripes), it's combat scenes can be down-right brutal and gory by many standards, without being over-the-top as such. The violence is a part of the comic and setting, not an aim in itself.

Flipside. Due to *possible* Rule 6 violations there will be no links. Go to and find it in the middle-area where all the resident comics and stuff is linked. While I've found this comic to be greatly entertaining it is likely not going to appeal to all residents here. The comic is done in a firm but clear manga-style that is bound to turn off several who don't like the medium used. Many others will likely not enjoy the artist's tendency to explore topics you don't see very often such as nudity, homosexuality and other topics that may offend some. Despite this I'd classify the comic as lightly NSFW - while there is a bit of nudity at times and occational sexual themes, there are no actual sex scenes (that I can recall) and as such any mature person of some open mind should be able to handle it, let alone enjoy the comic for what it is. Like Gunnerkriegg Court I've found this one to be very thought-provoking and deep, and greatly entertaining. I'm not completely sure how often it updates, but it's likely 1-3 times a week.

And lastly, I've felt the need to share two dead comics that are not likely to ever see attention again. I'm a little torn on this, as while I am glad myself that I found and read these, I'm also sad that I'm likely to never see them updated ever again. You decide yourself if you want to "read 3 chapters of a great but unfinished book" or never read the book to start with.

AppleGeeks. I loved the setting, the art (as with many, it undergoes art evolution) the characters and the style it was told in. Still miss ya, buddy  :cry:

Fallen. This one is very short, likely won't take you two hours even to read it all. Small case of art evolution in the beginning but it hits on it's prime art form in roughly 2-dozen pages. I deeply enjoyed the story, the setting and while the manner the story was told in was a little annoying in the beginning (it can be somewhat cryptic at times) I got around to figuring it out after a while. This is one of the things I really wish there was more of.

Secondly I'll present two different things more, one being a fan-parody and another being a fan-made animation. The fan-parody is called "Hellsing Ultimate Abridged" and there are 3 episodes so far, 1, 2 and 3. While you don't have to have previously seen Hellsing Ultimate (or even like Anime, in my opinion) it likely helps on the humor as you will recall what is ACTUALLY being said in the scenes utilized. Otherwise the humor should be simple, straight-forward and somewhat crude or refined, depending. Amusing all the same. May or may not be NSFW depending on how loud you play it and/or how loud you laugh out loud.

The fan-made animation is called "The Trials of Draigo" - simply go to YouTube and do a search for that exact name minus the "" and you should be fine. I'd link you, but I'm sure it violates the board rules even if I'd link the censored version not the uncensored one. No it is not a porn-flick or anything in that vein, but the humor can be considered crude and overly direct and immature by some. Hell, the creator(s) themselves describe their work as " immature cartoon made by immature little boys inspired by Erasmus and his abundant talent." So there you have it. I enjoyed it greatly, you might too. Might.

That is all for now. I'm eager to see what/if you people deign to share anything great with the rest of us, anything you can think of, really.
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2013, 02:39 by BloodBird »


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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #1 on: 20 Feb 2013, 19:05 »

Scandinavia and the World continues to be one of my favorite webcomics. Personifications primarily featuring the scandinavian countries and their sterotypes and how they interact with each other and the rest of the world, often poking fun at certain national habits, politics, culture and history.

"EoM is an anagram of emo for a reason, dude."


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #2 on: 02 Jun 2013, 02:41 »

Updated and bumped.

Topic is still relevant as far as I can tell. Lay it on us folks, do you know of anything awesome on the internet worth sharing?

Ché Biko

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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #3 on: 02 Jun 2013, 09:50 »

The Inspirational Meanderings Of Gary Lachance
Gary Lachance. He's a bit unconventional, but in a good way, in my opinion. I don't agree with everything he writes, but he makes me think, cry and smile simultaniously, and I respect him so much that I started on The Caveman Power Diet after he wrote it changed his life. He reminds me of Tyler Durden.
Gary Lachance is a the 39th most famous filmmaker from Vancouver, Canada. Gary never goes anywhere without at least one boombox. He knows how to start a party anywhere (see Decentralized Dance Party). He likes to jump off of very high things and almost die. The closer he thinks he came to dying, the more fun he has had. Despite the disregard for his life, he practices the Caveman Diet. He is simultaneously the most worried, cautious, and dutiful, and reckless and irresponsible person in the world. Gary often ends a night bleeding from the ears and usually has three to four trauma injuries at any given moment. Gary carried 100 pounds of video equipment around the world, never having any of it out of sight for 3 months. Gary took two years of his life to tour the world with HORSE the band and then stand and edit the footage. Gary doesn’t sit at his computer, he put it on top of piles of books and cinder blocks so he can stand in front of it (for good posture). Then he jumped off a roof and landed on concrete directly on his back to have fun.

I became interested in Gary's meanderings after seeing his Earth Tour, a 10.5 hour "modern day Heart of Darkness", and I became really interested after learning about the Decentralized Dance Party.


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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #4 on: 03 Jun 2013, 02:11 »

This picture


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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #5 on: 03 Jun 2013, 02:14 »

I went online once. It was terrible!

Also Oglaf. NSFW web comic.
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  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #6 on: 03 Jun 2013, 07:27 »

I went online once. It was terrible!

Also Oglaf. NSFW web comic.

Your read oglaf, but don't want to read Dominic Deegan. The irony is... quite strong. :lol:


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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #7 on: 03 Jun 2013, 07:35 »

I went online once. It was terrible!

Also Oglaf. NSFW web comic.

Your read oglaf, but don't want to read Dominic Deegan. The irony is... quite strong. :lol:
Dominick Deegan is pretty bad. Oglaf is clever as hell.


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #8 on: 03 Jun 2013, 07:37 »

Your trolling needs refining.


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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #9 on: 03 Jun 2013, 09:02 »

I went online once. It was terrible!

Also Oglaf. NSFW web comic.
Your read oglaf, but don't want to read Dominic Deegan. The irony is... quite strong. :lol:
How is that ironic?
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Re: Da Intarwebz
« Reply #10 on: 03 Jun 2013, 12:57 »

Maybe this?  ;)