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Author Topic: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer  (Read 2038 times)


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DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« on: 27 Oct 2012, 08:15 »

Found here

I find the "PC Master Race" elitism highly amusing, talking about "console kiddies" and whatnot. Which is weird because, last I checked, the average age of a gamer was way into adulthood. I think people are making a massive misappropiation of DUST's's comments from console-oriented Gamespot about it...

"yeah i thought this was gonna be awesome its just confusing, really confusing"
"Tried the beta, EXTREMELY COMPLICATED. You have to fend for yourself in terms of EVERYTHING!"
"I played the Beta of 514 for 4 days didn't not understand the game at all. most complicated FPS I've ever played. it's like BF3 + MAG + INFO Over Load = Dust 514"
"the reason  why they  didn't like it is because they probably don't understand it and it is far to complicated for them they probably wont it to be like those crappy cod games"
"Wow so complicated,but it think this is the games pro and also its con."
"Looks like you have to go through a 100 pages guide like eve in order to get this playing.Thanks but no"

That aside, looking forward to it. I think the reason it's not coming to PC initially is so that you have two completely different markets having to rely on one another. It is said EVE is a social experiment, mm?
« Last Edit: 27 Oct 2012, 08:16 by Seriphyn »


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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2012, 09:19 »

I love it. I seriously hope this kicks off massively and net's CCP loads of cold, hard ISK for Hilmar to bathe in. I will not be getting it anytime soon (unless it one day hits PC, but that's about as likely to my mind as the whole Halo-series getting re-worked and released to PC as well) but I'd love to have the feature integrated into EVE, especially the FW arena. Now all we got to hope for is that it manages to become 'balanced' between factions and a functional, stable part of the war-front.

As for all the 'too complicated, will not play' folks, CoD-heaven is that way ->

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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2012, 09:34 »

my mind as the whole Halo-series getting re-worked and released to PC as well
I recall at least 1 & 2 making it on to PC.

Silly CoDers

Between the nuances in Battlefield and Ghost Recon, I am at a loss for the ph34r about being able to make weapon, equipment, and vehicle choices.  Perhaps it rest in the idea that when you lose your equipment is also gone.  Perhaps that is something that can be adjusted a bit - if your squad, platoon, whatever wins, you not only recover your own hardware but the hardware of others (hold the field, loot the wrecks!)

I think it is essentially the difference between someone coming from WoW (or a WoW-clone) and playing Eve.

Our universe is harsh, punishes the unintelligent, and even the mighty can be brought low when they mess up.  It is the addition of loss which makes it complicated.

Lyn Farel

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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2012, 11:36 »

I don't get either what a lot of eve players (and now dusties as well) find so awesome in always reminding everyone how complicated their game is and how it is brilliant. Oh well, actually I get why, but whatever.

Actually in terms of gamedesign, it is not. Complicated gameplay for the sake of being complicated = bad gameplay. Complex/deep/rich is something widely different. Something complex can definitly be very easy or simple to understand. When you design a device, you may design it to perform very complex tasks, but you damn best make sure that it is safe and easy to use. That's the same for video games.

The main issue with CCP is that their games are both, complex, deep and rich, as well as complicated as hell because they suck at ergonomics. It sometimes feel like if they were actually designing awful interfaces, obscure gameplay to grasp, just to be sure that only the worthy dedicated player can play it and have fun with it.


Also, looks quite cool. And I love that anti starship beam canon at the end.
« Last Edit: 27 Oct 2012, 11:41 by Lyn Farel »

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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #4 on: 28 Oct 2012, 08:43 »

Hold on, back up...

... did they just say something about rogue drones? Or am I hearing what I want to hear?
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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #5 on: 28 Oct 2012, 08:46 »

Hold on, back up...

... did they just say something about rogue drones? Or am I hearing what I want to hear?
Watch footage at 2:26.
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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #6 on: 28 Oct 2012, 12:30 »

Rogue drones are the PvE content, yes.

Your squad can go deal with a ground infestation. Those things are huge, too (7-10 meters tall).

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #7 on: 28 Oct 2012, 14:26 »

Hold on, back up...

... did they just say something about rogue drones? Or am I hearing what I want to hear?

I didn't do it.


Or did I ??



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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #8 on: 28 Oct 2012, 23:22 »

my mind as the whole Halo-series getting re-worked and released to PC as well
I recall at least 1 & 2 making it on to PC.

They did, I own both. But this is like owning 2 out of soon-to-be 4 books. I want to know what happens next, and Bungie don't seem to happy about making their fans on PC happy.

Especially considering they 're-made' Halo CE for the console; I'd love to buy a copy of every Halo-game for the PC, possibly re-mastered versions. I'd pay cold, hard cash in an instant.

@topic however, I agree with your assessment; the inclusion of loss does complicate matters a bit, but not by much, and it adds another level of enjoyment to the game; starving your enemies for resources, forcing them to come up with meaningful strategies that maximize their lower availability of gear, and introducing actual loss to players who die; that combat gear you were using was just wasted as you die without getting much done - your opponent now collecting it and possibly using it yourself.

This enhance the entertainment level, creating the FPS version of the harsh EVE Online universe that the rest of us know. I find it hard to respect, then, claims that the game will be bad or crappy or inferior because of the harsher penalties for failure, and the greater rewards for success.

Not everyone will want that however, and for all the super-casuals, there will always be CoD and that kind of game. So again - I hope the door won't him them on their way out.

lallara zhuul

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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #9 on: 29 Oct 2012, 02:52 »

I think the 'loss of equipment' is pretty much on the same level as it is/was in Counter-Strike.

If you can pick up enemy equipment, it becomes pretty meaningless.
(Go sneak up on a sniper with ubersnipercannon and gank him with a toothbrush and take his gear.)

The vehicles are another animal altogether, it seemed that they served their purpose and would be fun in the game... if it would not be congested, of course in a advertisement vidya there has to be all the peoples in the one small area shooting each other like Rambo, but if the real game is like that...

I think it will take out of the enjoyment of the game.

That is why the vehicles in the Battlefield series are integrated into the whole thing relatively painlessly, you can avoid them quite easily if you want, but if they're pretty much constantly in the same space as the foot soldiers... I would not like it.

Guess it comes down to level design.

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Re: DUST 514 Way of the Mercenary trailer
« Reply #10 on: 29 Oct 2012, 02:59 »

[NDA]You cannot pick up enemy gear... However you may get some 'loot' in the form of random salvage at the end of a match[NDA]

Vehicle costs are being balanced as I am told, but I have no hard figures or metrics to cite 'how'.  Rest assured, when your crap goes up in smoke, it stays smoked unless you are immediately revived. 