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That Black Nova Corporation (BNC) and others still retain some offices in the Jovian Empire when it was opened during EVE's starter years?

Author Topic: Re: "urdoinitrong"  (Read 581 times)


  • Demigod
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Re: "urdoinitrong"
« on: 08 Jul 2012, 18:37 »

Someone comes along and "ruins" your RP? Well thats just tough, and thats EVE. Being an RPer should not seperate us from what is fundamentally EVE, a nasty universe, filled with assholes, pretty fundamental principle, which should be obvious. Just RP that you werent successful and move on. Or ragequit.

Point being, if your RP is "ruined" then its no use sulking and raging. This silly idea that when someone kills someone elses RP plans (intentionally or otherwise) they're "ruining" RP is nonsense and contrary to the game of EVE and makes the RP community as a whole look like hissy control freaks who are sore losers.

In my experience only very few people are assholes. Some people might act like assholes towards others because they think it will gain them something (like recognition from their peers).

In fact using 'the universe is full of assholes' and 'that's EVE' to me feels like someone trying to justify his own assholish behaviour and not making an actual argument, which isn't helped by using labels like 'sulking, raging, hissy control freaks and sore losers'.

What I like about the sandbox is that it gives you the freedom to act in a way that other people might find offensive without some central authority trying to prevent it. That fact that you can act as an asshole absolutely doesn't mean acting like that is either a desired or acceptable behaviour. It merely means that we're policing the rules of conduct based on debate and mutual respect, and not with guns, prison sentences or ban hammers.

Charming. But all I read was a longer way of saying "I disagree" and "You're an asshole" ironically topped with "You're not actually making an argument". I advise you not to skim read posts and maybe think a little and maybe query before pronnouncing scentence so quickly.

Now, for the actual meat and potatoes, all I'm doing is paraphrasing CCP who have reffered to EVE's players as "Intelligent Assholes". But that on its own is hardly enough. So lets actually compare EVE to oter MMO's. In other MMO's "asshole" behavior is often punished, things like corp thefts are nothing like they are in EVE. In EVE things like the Ubiqua Seraph heist are not only looked upon as monumental, but worth aspiring to. As another thread pointed out, recruiters in EVE can be rediculously meticulous with their security checks. On top of that, observe the Hulkageddon series or the Goonswarm ice mining fiasco.

All of this is just the surface, and the point is thus: The EVE universe, both in fiction and gameplay is deliberately set as lawless and unfriendly, especially for capsuleers. But we as the RP community seem to have blocked out both gameplay and sometimes fiction in order to accomodate the fear of looking bad OOC.

And next time you want to call someone an asshole, please, just spit it out.

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