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Author Topic: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer  (Read 3420 times)


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #15 on: 20 Mar 2012, 19:17 »

Welcome, and though I have little to offer you on your quest for EVEnjoyment, I wish you well on it!
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #16 on: 01 Apr 2012, 21:28 »

No, i didn't meant it like, that i want corp, that demands work X hours. It should more about: "you work a lot, you get bigger paycheck" or "you are slow, you get money for lunch". I think that aspect of getting paycheck is sort of important. Because it creates contact with others. It's not like you do all things by self. It's more about dividing of work. Someone is mining, someone is refining, someone is looking for a buyer and someone hauls it. I am kind a lazy and hate numbers, so it's very hard for me to look for best buyer of the stuff. So when i salvage something i just sell it for the price that is shown to me and that's instant sell.

I think i could enjoy doing Explorer job. Probing for the sites, especially magnetometric or radar and maybe some complexes, explore them and salvage from there what i can. However i don't like fighting much. It could be more enjoyable job if i had some fighters with me who could do the "dirty" job and i could than just salvage/analyze/hack what's around. I am currently training for the Cheetah so i can go to 0.0 systems for the sites to hunt, but again i would need other people with me do the fight. That is what's currently on my mind i would like to do somehow and if that would be under wings of some RP corp that is using salvaged stuff to build things, i could be probably happy and work just for the paycheck.

Well, even though I'm not in an RP corp "per se", us folks in KAIRS (esp. me) would appreciate some of the flavor RPers bring to a corp, and we'd also be a good, no great venue to take your exploration work to the next level, namely living by your probes in the vast unknowns of wormhole space.  You'll have good folks to fly with on regular basis, and won't have to worry too hard about ISKies either ;)  Recruitment thread linkeh (includes skill/... requirements, if you don't meet these already, don't worry too hard, there's nothing particularly onerous to train there):


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #17 on: 02 Apr 2012, 00:38 »

Well, thank you for your offer, but i will pass on this. I don't like this forcing to what i need to train. It sound more like you want there exact same players with exact same skills, which seems to me kind a boring. Power of team should be in diversity, not that everyone can do everything. I had developed my own skill path and i want to stay on it for now.


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #18 on: 05 Apr 2012, 18:58 »

Well, thank you for your offer, but i will pass on this. I don't like this forcing to what i need to train. It sound more like you want there exact same players with exact same skills, which seems to me kind a boring. Power of team should be in diversity, not that everyone can do everything. I had developed my own skill path and i want to stay on it for now.
You're pretty free to develop what you want beyond those minimum requirements, and there is a level of latitude built into our minimums as well; however, there are certain things that pilots in our corporation absolutely must have in order to operate in our fleets.

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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #19 on: 05 Apr 2012, 19:51 »

Welcome to EvE, enjoy the rollercoaster  8)

anyways, most honest and simple suggestion i can give is: join Eve University, it will give you a really important starting point for all, isk, pvp, industry, whatever, people there do the teaching for fun and social aspects.

larger and more complex answer:

pick a racial set of ships (minmatar, amarr, gallente, caldari), any one of them but just one, and work their associated skills and attributes

do all tutorials (seriously, the starting isk they give is pretty good)

do the circle agents

do the newbie epic arc (blood stained stars) make sure you a destroyer to start and near the end you should be able to afford a cruiser.

then you can ask yourself, do i want to become "friendly" with an empire faction? at the expense of being hated by the others? or i just want to roam all the universe at my leisure?.

at this point your choice, which is just mildly important, but not critical, will play at how you make your money and with your money play the game the way you like  ;)

isk to asplode in ships
isk to take over the market
isk to bribe people into doing nasty things
isk to declare war against others, griefing them to the ground
isk to fund your industry and research operations
isk to make crazy RP plots and storylines

the fun part is the journey and how you do it


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #20 on: 06 Apr 2012, 00:29 »

That's very good summary :) Thank you. However my current path got in the hole, literally :) I am not there alone of course, my friend has the friend, who is running small operation in C3 WH. So i decided to settle in and get some experience from this kind of life. I kind a love it, but problem is, that my char is too young to be able do some serious sleeper fighting, so i am sitting there most of the time without ability to do anything.

I was thinking about EVE University, but problem is that i don't want to leave the WH now. I thought i would make alternate account for the purpose of learning in the EUNI, but they forbid that and want the main char. So i need to make it hard way :)

I am not definitely going on the path of bad guy. I don't have the stomach for that, i am only good at playing lawful characters :)


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #21 on: 06 Apr 2012, 00:38 »

You can still scan out sites and mark them for your corp even if your to 'young' to fight the sleepers directly yet. (Hint; you are not to 'young' but your skills determine what ships/mods and so on and this makes it more or less challenging to do so depending.)

There is no "bad guy/good guy" things to do in-game from a player's perspective, (With the exception of targeted, intentional griefing and harassment, ofc.) but there are those things that get you a sec-status hit in-game and so on. If you like free movement in high-sec, you may wish to stay clear of those for now. Still don't mean you can't, say, join a pirate corp and probe out targets for them, so long as you don't shoot them yourself ;)

There is honestly so many options available... you will be fine.


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Re: Soniver Rozaklis ... lost capsuleer
« Reply #22 on: 07 Apr 2012, 05:28 »

Well it's not that easy with that probing in the hole. I am there like a guest and not the part of corp. On my arrival the POS destroyed two ships of mine. Now it's not shooting anymore, but i don't have access to the hangar to switch for the Probe ship on my own. Guess that CCP didn't actually expected someone as the guest with access to facilities :)

About that good/bad...yeah it's about the point of view and for me that's everything beyond some established law, even if that law is wrong, but for me it's better to be part of majority than minority.

I am currently training for the covert ops, which takes some time and i don't want to waste it on training some fighting skills i am unable to use effectively. I am bad tactician and worst fighter :)
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