Been playing League since just after beta, on both servers (didn't realise there was an EU one until after I'd signed up and got my US one to 30
). I do go in phases a little, but people can attest that if I haven't got in at least one match a day, I really
must be busy with uni...
Re: the community... yes. It's full of assholes. Unfortunately, from what I hear, HoN and the original DOTA were far, far worse. I just sort of let it breeze past me. I am getting increasingly dissatisfied with solo queueing, though. Not having anyone to duo with, or a team, is somewhat frustrating, especially when you go on a losing streak.
I'm Basilisk9466 on both US and EUW, if anyone wants to prod me.
Oh, and DOTA2... I'll look at it when it comes out, but if it's anything close to HoN's cliff-like learning curve, I suspect I'll promptly give up on it. League's more casual approach suits me fine.
Oh, and Graelyn: Star Battle is awesome. It's consumed enough of my (admittedly not huge) time playing SC that I still haven't finished my placement matches.