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Author Topic: Incarna 1.0  (Read 10204 times)

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #75 on: 23 Jun 2011, 16:42 »

Why does Keanu always look like he's still a run down college dropout?

Citizen 31

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #76 on: 23 Jun 2011, 16:43 »

So... yeah.  I'm just gonna leave this here.

lallara zhuul

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #77 on: 26 Jun 2011, 11:58 »

Just realized something...

If the UI will be as useful in CQ as in the rest of Incarna then how can it be used as a RP tool.

There is no way to affect the avatar itself except by standing still and hoping that it fidgets something resembling an emotion, the UI itself when interacting with anything is pretty clunky.


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GoGo Yubari

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #78 on: 26 Jun 2011, 13:48 »

Yeah, not only did we get no emotes, we also got no moods. Quite the lame duck, but then again, these are things that can be added on later when we actually have other people to interact with.

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #79 on: 26 Jun 2011, 13:53 »

I'd be excited about the prospect of emotes and moods if I hadn't suffered through RPing in EQ2 and LOTRO. The combination of static "moods" and scripted emotes is just awful, and most RPers in those games ignore them and do the standard "/me gives so-and-so a wink before delivering a blistering riposte" thing.


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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #80 on: 26 Jun 2011, 13:57 »

I'd rather just have /me frankly. It allows us to continue to focus on detailed characterization.

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #81 on: 26 Jun 2011, 15:42 »

Although one must admit that the moods in lotro cover basically the complete range between a runaway psychopath and a drunk village idiot.

Matariki Rain

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #82 on: 26 Jun 2011, 19:31 »

Although one must admit that the moods in lotro cover basically the complete range between a runaway psychopath and a drunk village idiot.

Running the gamut of emotion from A to B? (pace Dorothy Parker)


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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #83 on: 28 Jun 2011, 00:26 »

I want to be able to smoke and drink as emotes. That's pretty much it.


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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #84 on: 28 Jun 2011, 06:01 »

Quote from: Mathra Hiede on 22 Jun 2011, 20:57

    ... hyper-finished every-detail-perfect level MMO it was back when I started....

When was that, exactly?

Good God, people. I, with my entry point at 2006, remember probes that scanned a disk 1 AU thick. I remember all-but-unstoppable nanophoons, utterly useless logistics ships, and bombers that were maybe useful for swatting the occasional interceptor if the ceptor was standing still!

Now, my history doesn't go all the way back to 2003[...]

Mine does, and I don't remember this mythical period where everything worked as intended or was 'hyper-finished' or ' every detail perfect'  :ugh: Unless that's tongue in cheek - can you still get stuck on stations, inside other ships and fly through planets and suns?  I remember when getting 'stuck' in systems was a fairly regular occurance for me (you log in to blackness and nothing loads) and I'd have to petition with an alt for a GM to teleport me somewhere else.  That sucked.

But that said, I am nostalgic for the days when it was just frigates, cruisers and battleships (and industrials, but I don't care about those) and space was all unknown and new frontier-like, not as overpopulated and anything seemed possible...


edit: while I'm being all nostalgic though, EVE was always very pretty. When I started playing I was ubruptly coming to the end of my patience with Ultima Online - where they'd basically sold out with Second Age making two worlds, a 'safe' one and an 'unsafe' one, when it had previously all been unsafe apart from guarded towns. Then they chucked Garriot, and reshuffled the crafting system to something more marketable (i.e kinda diabloeqsue) and made it 3D in Third Dawn...ooh 3D. Except it looked vastly more horrible than the 2D sprites did originally and decreased performance exponentially. I remember trying to fight ogres with my archer, when you have to kite, and my character spending the next five minutes running on the spot. By then an ogre has obviously clubbed her head in, it's just I didn't see it.

It got to be unplayable for a variety of reasons.

EVE, however, ran just fine and was much prettier. And granted, it's environments are ultimately just backdrops so were less resource demanding, but for someone who was used to jogging on the spot in a fugly world, it was a dramatic improvement.  Back then I was on a 56k connection and had no problems with lag (obv that changed later and my interwebs were upgraded  :P)  So yes, while there was always things wrong with EVE one way or another - balance issues, stability issues, things not quite thought through etc...EVE did look very polished and pretty. So while 'hyper-finished every-detail-perfect' might be a somewhat laughable description currently, as a first impression of the game in 2003 compared to other MMOs at the time it's understandable.
« Last Edit: 28 Jun 2011, 09:27 by Kala »

Senn Typhos

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Re: Incarna 1.0
« Reply #85 on: 28 Jun 2011, 12:47 »

You know what's almost more irritating than CCP's upsetting lack of foresight? The reasoning people have come up with for unsubbing. So for what it's worth, I'm going to explain my position, at least.

I'm not unsubbing to "teach CCP a lesson." I'm not convinced these large-scale protests will actually help, because in the very action that led to the protests, CCP demonstrated they don't trust their community's feedback. I'm not unsubbed on principle, because I don't have any principles tied to EVE that are strong enough. I'm not unsubbed because things were better "way back when," I've only been here for a year.

I'm unsubbed because I ain't gonna spend $15 a month if this game isn't fun.

You know what's not fun? Having a game that ran perfectly well yesterday, slow down to 2FPS the next day. Having the economy of the game that part of your RP depends on, destabilized due to a new currency. Having MTs introduced, pretty much the bane of every MMO.

When I got here, as the bossman can tell you, I was wide-eyed and drooling at how expansive and amazing everything was. I'd escaped my six-year-internment in WoW and found a game that required me to think about my actions, in-game ones and IC ones. The fact that a CCP employee would step into an actor NPC and engage with the RP community was so astounding I nearly went hysterically blind.

Now, it looks like the mentality of the game is changing. CCP's attitude with the Incursions was the first thing that made me say "wuh?" Now I could jump on a soapbox like some people on the EVE forums, but CCP makes way too much money to care what I think. That's not a stab, by the way, if I made $15 off of a million people every month, I wouldn't care what anyone thought, either. CCP is the seller, and I'm the consumer. If their product changes and I don't like the new formula, I'll take my business elsewhere, and they'll probably keep making money.

I unsubbed because I only care about whether or not my various hobbies are fun. When they stop being fun, they stop being hobbies. If things change in a manner that makes me think the game will be fun for me again, I'll probably resub that day.

TL;DR: I don't care about protesting. I don't care about whether past iterations of EVE were better or worse. I don't care what CCP's motivations were in this patch. And I don't care if the rest of the community thinks I need to "HTFU" or that my unsubbing will make the game a better place.

I don't care. I'm BORED with the current iteration of EVE. And when I'm bored, I go find something else to do.
An important reminder for Placid RPers

One day they woke me up
So I could live forever
It's such a shame the same
Will never happen to you
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