Ummm, should I vote 'not religious,' despite being religious myself?
I think it's pointless to hold this census in the first place. Really, why should the government care about whether you follow a set belief or not? Personally, I find this just pidgeonholes everyone and creates more paperwork for already over-stressed and over-worked departments.
And the idea of being fined for not answering it is absolutely rediculous. Far beyond reproach and whoever decided this should be beaten to death with a copy of the Human Rights charter.
Simpleminded government, go stick your nose where it's needed instead of asking stupid questions.
I'm going to fill it in honestly. I'm a Taoist and a troll to boot, but, if I said that I believed in the church of the interstellar purple love monkey, that may just get those damned census morons off my back. Also the gibbons. Ah, yes. Get them whilst they're young.
Kind of like the tobacco companies, only with fewer numbers. Or perhaps the same numbers.
Although that'll only be according to an inaccurate census done several years ago with idiots just ticking a random box.
If I were an athiest/whatever they like to be called these days, I'd say so.
Why placate a large collective of morons with a mode answer when you can be honest.
Really, I think the entire country should tick the 'no religion' box just to troll the government. That or state 'troll' as your religion. But maybe that's too subtle for the powers that be to understand.
Really, what a gaggle of flea-brained, self-important ignoramus. How much time do they spend preening every morning and saying how great they are, or do they leave it for their mommy? Pffft, obviously they are special. In the shortbus way....
But, I digress; lets feed these fools of diminutive grey matter utter tripe and see how well they snap it up. Maybe it'll be on the news that 90% of the UK now hold no religious beliefs and would stop people being subjected to RE.
It's a pointless subject unless you want to become a theologian, and very few kids probably understand the word, anyway.
One moment...
Sorry, new tunes and that was a heavy bassline... Where was I. Oh yes.
I'd liek to tell the government to go forth and multiply with the first available avian.