Hamish, do you think that would suggest practical corporations - perhaps SuVee and CBD in particular supporting more people coming in from outside the State (or even that they might be more willing to take in people who have left other corporations) as a source of cheaper labor? (Bucking the traditional isolationist tendencies in the State.) Perhaps even the two cooperating, since CBD is in import-export and SuVee is in the land (and probably labor) intensive fields (mining, ag, consumer manufacturing, etc). I mean, they are both more diverse than that, but those are given as *major* areas of focus.
I agree with what you said about the 'criminal' angle, to a large degree. Maybe not even rivals, so much as law enforcement being an obstacle to properly doing business.
Also NOH is the one where the criminal part is explicitly mentioned, SuVee is just considered 'ruthless', which may or may not mean that there is systematic law breaking.