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Author Topic: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil  (Read 2657 times)


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Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« on: 09 Jan 2015, 11:35 »

Didn't see a thread on this topic and wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were on the topic.

WARNING, HERE THAR BE SPOILERS. So if you haven't read Templar One and don't want large chunks spoiled for you, abandon thread.


Rhavas wrote a pretty baller analysis of what Caroline's star is and why. A TL;DR doesn't cover enough but lol people are lazy so I'll try.

TL;DR the Dyson Sphere from Templar one was shaped in such a way that it could explain why Caroline's Star cloud thingy got shaped out it did. In addition, it explains sleeper sites in normal wh space, the epicenters mining for helium, iso-5, and wy Sansha are present, but only in a few places. Also seems to explain the Silent Battlefield[/spoiler]

What do you nerds think?
« Last Edit: 09 Jan 2015, 11:38 by Anskek »


  • Egger
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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #1 on: 09 Jan 2015, 12:10 »

Very interesting research and speculation there. 

I agree with a large portion, though wonder if Sleeper-Talocan relations were as benevolent and being contemporaries, or whether the sleepers took Talocan technology they found useful after the Talocan made the mistake of making their bed near Sleeper facilities.

The idea of there being a massive centralised hub (Dyson spheres) for power generation would make sense, the energy demands of capsuleers and the big four are already astronomical and even if there are more advanced power generation methods than solar power (antimatter reactors and so on), kick starting fuel extraction and refining with 'free' energy is a sound economic decision.  The Sleepers have the technology, time and need for a Dyson sphere, especially with the energy requirements outlined in the OP link.  This may address their energy costs much more neatly and in a central, easily maintained manner compared to the distributed, ad hoc energy generation of the big four and capsuleer empires.  Note that the k-space energy need may be orders of magnitude lower than the Sleeper's power needs, and is still massive by any imagined standard. 

Add to the power siphoning sphere an FTL transport method for transmitting energy and material across the Sleeper domain and we have a recipe for some extreme industrial accidents if it is tampered with or neglected.  A cache of iso-5 detonating is going to ruin your day with solar fire.  An iso-5 breach casting wormhole generators into the corona or mantle of the host star while active, is going to be catastrophic, especially when those conduits outside the star may still be jetting a volatile mix of dying sun and iso-5 into the now shattered wormholes. 

Caroline's star may well have been swiss-cheesed by wormholes and ravaged by iso-5 leaks, possibly due to break down of tech, possibly due to Sansha tampering (having stolen the tech) pushing the system too far. The end result is there for all of us to see.

I like this kind of speculative work, and the author nails the spirit of it nicely. 
« Last Edit: 09 Jan 2015, 12:12 by Aelisha »


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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #2 on: 09 Jan 2015, 12:15 »

I think the concern I have is that the Dyson wasn't just a power plant, but where the majority of Sleeper civilization lived. The normal wh space sleeper sites were all just refining storage and research facilities for helium and isogen 5. This being the case, the lay folk of sleeper society had to be elsewhere (ie the Dyson sphere). Would explain the circadian seekers too. The remaining sleepers want to know why they lost their families and to who.


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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #3 on: 09 Jan 2015, 12:22 »

Could definitely be a thing.  Another alternative is that the Seekers are an automated response to intrusion - the state of the previously out-of-phase Sleeper Cache sites indicates they have observed and collected material and information for a long old time. 

better yet, it could be a combination of the two - the automated system grinds on, but the Sleepers themselves have been grievously harmed as you describe, lending a sinister edge to what is usually an almost 'immune response' - possibly switching from deterrent to investigation followed by eradication.  We might finally have something more dangerous than each other to think about; though violence need not be exclusive to existential threats :P


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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #4 on: 09 Jan 2015, 12:25 »

TBH if it was Sansha blasting isogen to kill sleepers that caused all this, Anslo sure as shit wouldn't be shooting the seekers.


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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #5 on: 09 Jan 2015, 12:56 »

I need their glorious advanced tech for my industry :(.  Bit worried we're building weapons based off of tech the lore says we don't fully understand, but consequences are for tomorrow I guess. 

Blast all automatons!


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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #6 on: 09 Jan 2015, 13:03 »

I will unleash bioweapon hell and nuke your suns in the name of our ancient brothers. SAVE THE SLEEPERS. DEATH TO MEATWALKERS.

But seriously this would be neat if it turned into some kind of war where you pick a side for an event. Can you say baller brawl? Hello?

Aedre Lafisques

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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #7 on: 09 Jan 2015, 13:39 »

Please yes, that would be awesome. o.o
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Re: Caroline's Star, Templar One, and Tinfoil
« Reply #8 on: 09 Jan 2015, 21:18 »

The Dyson Sphere as realised in T1 is likely to be within the virtual reality of the Construct. I don't think it actually exists (yet) in 'real' EVE space but it's probably something the sleepers are or have been modelling for a long time.

The way sleeper structures in w-space anoms use thermoelectric/solar converters does remind me more of a Dyson cloud rather than a sphere - I think that's more in keeping with a virtual society too which doesn't require much, if anything, in the way of habitat structures.

I think the black-eyed sleepers from the same passage are either the Jove or Sleepers who have had their bodies/implants salvaged by Empires, factions and capsuleers - for those with EVE Source take a look at the portrait of the Jove male/female in their section of the book and compare with the description in T1. The Jove have been searching for the Sleepers for centuries in order to extract technology from them to both cure the Jovian Disease and extract whatever other advanced tech they can from the Sleeper construct and research archives. It's probably the reason why they gave capsule technology to us in the first place. Wasn't Liandra Burreau trained/educated at a SOCT centre?

I think for the Jove we're the monkeys in a '1000 monkeys at 1000 consoles for 1000 years (equivalent)' scenario. ;)